Customizing an Amazon Q web experience - Amazon Q Business

Customizing an Amazon Q web experience

If you're using IAM Identity Center to manage user access to your application, you can customize the Amazon Q web experience that you created for your end users in the AWS console. You do this after you create and enhance an Amazon Q application. When you customize your web experience, you can personalize it by changing its title and subtitle adding a welcome message, and displaying sample prompts.


You can't run any chat queries from the web experience customize mode.

You can customize a web experience by using either the AWS Management Console or the Amazon Q API. If you use the API, customizing your Amazon Q can involve a combination of the following API operations:

If you use the console to create your Amazon Q application, a web experience is created automatically and connected to your chosen data source. You can customize and deploy that web experience on the customize web experience console page.

Before you can customize a web experience, make sure that you complete creating your application.

Customize web experience

The following tabs provide a procedure for customizing a web experience on the AWS Management Console and code examples for the AWS CLI.


To customize an Amazon Q web experience

  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q console at

  2. Complete the steps to create your Amazon Q application.

  3. Complete the steps to selecting an Amazon Q retriever, connecting data sources and adding users and groups.

  4. Then, from the Amazon Q application page, select Customize web experience.

  5. In Customize web experience, from the right navigation pane, select Customize web experience.

  6. In Customize web experience, enter the following information for your web experience:

    • Title – A title for your web experience. End users see this title on their web experience page.

    • Subtitle - optional – A subtitle for your web experience to highlight other information for your end users. This subtitle is visible to your end users on their web experience page.

    • Welcome message – Provide an optional welcome message for your end users. We recommend mentioning data sources and application capabilities.

    • Display sample prompts – Provide a list of sample prompts on the end user's conversation start screen.

  7. Choose Save.

  8. To exit the web experience customize and return to the Amazon Q console control panel to deploy your application, select Sign out from the left pane.


To create and customize a web experience

aws qbusiness create-web-experience \ --application-id application-id \ --role-arn roleArn \ --title optional-title \ --subtitle optional-subtitle \ --welcome-message optional-welcome-message \ --sample-prompts-control-mode ENABLED