Troubleshooting your Amazon Q BusinessDrupal connector - Amazon Q Business

Troubleshooting your Amazon Q BusinessDrupal connector

The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Drupal connector and suggested troubleshooting actions.

Error code Error message Suggested resolution
DPL-5001 Invalid userName or password while validating credentials. Provide valid values for the userName and password.
DPL-5002 Invalid userName or password while validating OAuth credentials. Provide valid userName and password.
DPL-5003 Invalid clientId or clientSecret while validating OAuth credentials. Provide valid clientId and clientSecret.
DPL-5100 Empty/null host URL The hostUrl should not be null or empty.
DPL-5101 Null/empty username. Provide a valid userName.
DPL-5102 Null/empty password. Provide a valid password.
DPL-5103 Null/empty ClientId. Provide a valid clientId.
DPL-5104 Null/empty Client Secret. Provide a valid clientSecret.
DPL-5105 Incorrect auth type in the repositoryAdditionalProperties. The authType should be basicAuth or OAuth2.
DPL-5106 Null/empty auth type in the repositoryAdditionalProperties. The authType should not be null or empty.
DPL-5107 Null/empty Repository Configurations. The repositoryConfigurations should not be null or empty.
DPL-5108 Only String, String List, Date and Long formats are supported for the indexFieldType in all the field mappings. Provide the supported format only for the indexFieldType in all the fieldMappings.
DPL-5109 Not able to read the file from the S3 bucket location. Check if valid JSON file is provided in the repositoryAdditionalProperties.
DPL-5110 Invalid Profile Name provided. Provide a valid s3ProfileName in the repositoryAdditionalProperties. For example, default
DPL-5111 Null/empty Profile Name. The s3ProfileName should not be null/empty in the repositoryAdditionalProperties.
DPL-5112 Invalid URI found during address validation. Provide a valid hostUrl.
DPL-5131 Null/empty ContentTypes/BlockTypes in contentDefinitions. Provide value for the contentType or blockType in contentDefinitions.
DPL-5132 Null/empty/unknown field definitions in the contentDefinitions. The fieldDefinition should be an empty array only.
DPL-5133 Invalid field definitions in the contentDefinitions. In the contentDefinitions, the fieldDefinition should be a json array only having machineName and type fields.
DPL-5134 Null/empty value found for the machineName in the fieldDefinition. Provide value for the machineName in the fieldDefinition.
DPL-5135 Null/empty value found for the type in the fieldDefinition. Provide value for the type in the fieldDefinition.
DPL-5136 Invalid isCrawlComments value. isCrawlComments should be a boolean value true or false.
DPL-5137 Invalid isCrawlFiles value. isCrawlFiles should be a boolean value true or false.
DPL-5138 The machineName is not found in the fieldDefinition. Define the machineName as key in the fieldDefinition.
DPL-5139 The type is not found in the fieldDefinition. Define the type as key in the fieldDefinition.
DPL-5151 Invalid inclusion file name patterns Provide valid regex pattern in the inclusionFileNamePatterns.
DPL-5152 Invalid exclusion file name patterns. Provide valid regex pattern in the exclusionFileNamePatterns.
DPL-5153 Invalid Article title inclusion patterns. Provide valid regex pattern in the articleTitleInclusionPatterns.
DPL-5154 Invalid Article title exclusion patterns. Please provide valid regex pattern in the articleTitleExclusionPatterns.
DPL-5155 Invalid Page title inclusion filter patterns. Provide valid regex pattern in the pageTitleInclusionPatterns.
DPL-5156 Invalid Page title exclusion filter patterns. Provide valid regex pattern in the pageTitleExclusionPatterns.
DPL-5157 Invalid Custom Content title inclusion filter patterns. Provide valid regex pattern in the customContentTitleInclusionPatterns.
DPL-5158 Invalid Custom Content title exclusion filter patterns. Provide valid regex pattern in the customContentTitleExclusionPatterns.
DPL-5159 Invalid Basic Block title inclusion filter patterns. Provide valid regex pattern in the basicBlockTitleInclusionPatterns.
DPL-5160 Invalid Basic Block title exclusion filter patterns. Provide valid regex pattern in the basicBlockTitleExclusionPatterns.
DPL-5161 Invalid Custom Block title inclusion filter patterns. Provide valid regex pattern in the customBlockTitleInclusionPatterns.
DPL-5162 Invalid Custom Block title exclusion filter patterns. Provide valid regex pattern in the customBlockTitleExclusionPatterns.
DPL-5200 IO Exception occurred while reading contents from Drupal. Refer to the log for more details.
DPL-5201 Please try again later. Unknown exception occurred. Unknown exception occurred. Refer to the log for more details.
DPL-5202 Issue occurred while initializing Views with acl info in the cache for content entity: Issue with Views. Refer to the log for more details.
DPL-5203 Drupal Configuration found null during change access token of OAuth authentication. Issue with OAuth Authentication. Refer to the log for more details.
DPL-5204 The generated access token is empty or null. Issue occurred while generating access token. Access token should not be null/empty. Provide valid access token and try. If still issue exists, refer to the log for more details.
DPL-5205 User info with the given userName do not exist. Verify the provided userName and correct it.
DPL-5206 The api response has empty data element. Check the logs for details about empty response body.
DPL-5207 Either no records found or some issue with View filter criteria for content entity: Refer to the log for more details.
DPL-5500 Drupal connection successful. Drupal connection successful.