Quip connector overview - Amazon Q Business

Quip connector overview

The following table gives an overview of the Quip connector and its supported features.

Category Feature Support
Security Authentication type Personal Access Token
Authentication credentials

Quip token

Access Control List (ACL) crawling Yes. For more information, see ACL crawling.
Identity crawling No. Quip doesn't have the concept of user groups.
Crawl features Custom metadata No
Entities Yes. The following entities are supported:
  • Thread

  • Message

  • Attachment

Field mappings Yes. Supports default field mappings. For more information, see Field mappings.
Filters Yes. The following filters are supported:
  • Crawl file comments

  • Crawl chat rooms

  • Crawl attachments

Sync mode Supports full and incremental (new, modified, and deleted) sync.
File types Supports all files supported by Amazon Q.