How Amazon Q Business connector crawls Amazon S3 ACLs - Amazon Q Business

How Amazon Q Business connector crawls Amazon S3 ACLs

You add access control information to a document in an Amazon S3 data source using a metadata file associated with the document. You specify the file using the console or as the aclConfigurationFilePath parameter when you call the CreateDataSource or UpdateDataSource API and use the configuration parameter.

The configuration file contains a JSON structure that identifies an Amazon S3 prefix and lists the access settings for the prefix. The prefix can be a path, or it can be an individual file. If the prefix is a path, the access settings apply to all of the files in that path.

You provide three pieces of information in the file:

  • The access that the entity should have. You can use ALLOW or DENY.

  • The type of entity. You can use USER or GROUP.

  • The name of the entity.

The JSON structure for the configuration file must be in the following format:

[ { "keyPrefix": "s3://BUCKETNAME/prefix1/", "aclEntries": [ { "Name": "user1", "Type": "USER", "Access": "ALLOW" }, { "Name": "group1", "Type": "GROUP", "Access": "DENY" } ] }, { "keyPrefix": "s3://BUCKETNAME/prefix2/", "aclEntries": [ { "Name": "user2", "Type": "USER", "Access": "ALLOW" }, { "Name": "user1", "Type": "USER", "Access": "DENY" }, { "Name": "group1", "Type": "GROUP", "Access": "DENY" } ] } ]

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