Salesforce Online data source connector field mappings - Amazon Q Business

Salesforce Online data source connector field mappings

To improve retrieved results and customize the end user chat experience, Amazon Q Business enables you to map document attributes from your data sources to fields in your Amazon Q index.

Amazon Q offers two kinds of attributes to map to index fields:

  • Reserved or default – Reserved attributes are based on document attributes that commonly occur in most data. You can use reserved attributes to map commonly occurring document attributes in your data source to Amazon Q index fields.

  • Custom – You can create custom attributes to map document attributes that are unique to your data to Amazon Q index fields.

When you connect Amazon Q to a data source, Amazon Q automatically maps specific data source document attributes to fields within an Amazon Q index. If a document attribute in your data source doesn't have a attribute mapping already available, or if you want to map additional document attributes to index fields, use the custom field mappings to specify how a data source attribute maps to an Amazon Q index field. You create field mappings by editing your data source after your application and retriever are created.

To learn more about document attributes and how they work in Amazon Q, see Document attributes and types in Amazon Q.


Filtering using document attributes in chat is only supported through the API.

The Amazon Q Salesforce connector supports the following entities and the associated reserved and custom attributes.


You can map any Salesforce field to the document title or document body Amazon Q reserved/default index fields.


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Accounts and offers the following account field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
createdAt _created_at Default Date
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
authors _authors Default String list
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
shippingCity sf_shipping_city Custom String
shippingCountry sf_shipping_country Custom String
shippingState sf_shipping_state Custom String
website sf_website Custom String
industry sf_industry Custom String
accountSource sf_account_source Custom String
billingCity sf_billing_city Custom String
billingCountry sf_billing_country Custom String
billingState sf_billing_state Custom String
createdBy sf_created_by Custom String
lastActivityDate sf_last_activity_date Custom Date
parentId sf_parent_id Custom String
typeValue sf_type_value Custom String
billingStreet sf_billing_street Custom String
billingPostalCode sf_billing_postal_code Custom String
billingLatitude sf_billing_latitude Custom String
billingLongitude sf_billing_longitude Custom String
billingGeocodeAccuracy sf_billing_geocode_accuracy Custom String
shippingStreet sf_shipping_street Custom String
shippingPostalCode sf_shipping_postal_code Custom String
phone sf_phone Custom String
fax sf_fax Custom String
annualRevenue sf_annual_revenue Custom String
numberOfEmployees sf_number_of_employees Custom Long (numeric)
jigsaw sf_jigsaw Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Campaigns and offers the following campaign field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
createdAt _created_at Default Date
isActive sf_is_active Custom String
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
ownerName _authors Default String list
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
createdBy sf_created_by Custom String
lastActivityDate sf_last_activity_date Custom Date
parentId sf_parent_id Custom String
campaignName sf_campaign_name Custom String
status sf_status Custom String
parentName sf_parent_name Custom String
campaignType sf_type Custom String
expectedRevenue sf_expected_revenue Custom Long (numeric)
budgetedCost sf_budgeted_cost Custom Long (numeric)
actualCost sf_actual_cost Custom Long(numeric)
expectedResponse sf_expected_response Custom String
numberSent sf_number_sent Default Long numeric)
numberOfLeads sf_number_of_leads Custom Long (numeric)
numberOfConvertedLeads sf_number_of_convererted_leads Custom Long (numeric)
numberOfContacts sf_number_of_contacts Custom Long (numeric)
numberOfResponses sf_number_of_responses Custom Long (numeric)
numberOfOpportunites sf_number_of_opportunities Custom Long (numeric)
numberOfWonOpportunities sf_number_of_won_opportunitues Custom Long (numeric)
amountAllOpportunities sf_amount_all_opportunities Custom Long (numeric)
amountWonOpportunities sf_amount_won_opportunities Custom Long (numeric)


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Cases and offers the following case field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
authors _authors Default String list
createdAt _created_at Default Date
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
ownerName sf_owner_name Custom String
createdBy sf_created_by Custom String
caseNumber sf_case_number Custom String
isClosed sf_is_closed Custom String
isEscalated sf_is_escalated Custom String
priority sf_priority Custom String
status sf_status Custom String
accountName sf_account_name Custom String
lastModifiedBy af_last_modified_by Custom String
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
typeValue sf_type Custom String
reason sf_reason Custom String
contactId sf_contact_id Custom String
origin sf_origin Custom String
parentId sf_parent_id Custom String
contactName sf_contact_name Custom String
parentCaseNumber sf_parent_case_number Custom String
parentSubject sf_parent_subject Custom String
suppliedEmail sf_supplied_email Custom String
contactPhone sf_contact_phone Custom String
contactMobile sf_contact_mobile Custom String
contactEmail sf_contact_email Custom String
contactFax sf_contact_fax Custom String
comments sf_comments Custom String
lastViewedDate sf_last_viewed_date Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Contacts and offers the following contact field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
authors _authors Default String list
createdAt _created_at Default Date
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
lastActivityDate sf_last_activity_date Custom Date
createdBy sf_created_by Custom String
contactName sf_contact_name Custom String
phone sf_phone Custom String
email sf_email Custom String
department sf_department Custom String
lastname sf_lastname Custom String
title sf_title Custom String
reportsTo sf_reports_to Custom String
account sf_account Custom String
otherStreet sf_other_street Custom String
otherCity sf_other_city Custom String
otherState sf_other_state Custom String
otherPostalCode sf_other_postal_code Custom String
otherCountry sf_other_country Custom String
otherLatitude sf_other_latitude Custom String
otherLongitude sf_other_longitude Custom String
otherGeocodeAccuracy sf_other_geocode_accuracy Custom String
mailingStreet sf_mailing_street Custom String
mailingCity sf_mailing_city Custom String
mailingState sf_mailing_state Custom String
mailingPostalCode sf_mailing_postal_code Custom String
mailingCountry sf_mailing_country Custom String
mailingLatitude sf_mailing_latitude Custom String
mailingLongitude sf_mailing_longitude Custom String
mailingGeocodeAccuracy sf_mailing_geocode_accuracy Custom String
fax sf_fax Custom String
mobilePhone sf_mobile_phone Custom String
homePhone sf_home_phone Custom String
otherPhone sf_other_phone Custom String
assistantPhone sf_assistant_phone Custom String
assistantName sf_assistant_name Custom String
leadSource sf_lead_source Custom String
birthDate sf_birthdate Custom Date
jigsaw sf_jigsaw Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Contracts and offers the following contract field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
authors _authors Default String list
createdAt _created_at Default Date
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
authors _authors Default String list
accountId _sf_accoung_id Custom String
ownerExpirationNotice sf_owner_expiration_notice Custom String
billingStreet sf_billing_street Custom String
billingCity sf_billing_city Custom String
billingState sf_billing_state Custom String
billingPostalCode sf_billing_postal_code Custom String
billingCountry sf_billing_country Custom String
contractTerm sf_contract_term Custom String
ownerId sf_owner_id Custom String
status sf_status Custom String
customerSignedTitle sf_customer_signed_title Custom String
specialTerms sf_special_terms Custom String
statusCode sf_status_code Custom String
contractNumber sf_contract_number Custom String
lastViewedDate sf_last_viewed_date Custom Date
lastReferenceDate sf_last_reference_date Custom Date
billingAddressCity sf_billing_address_city Custom String
billingAddressCountry sf_billing_address_country Custom String
billingAddressPostalCode sf_billing_address_postal_code Custom String
billingAddressState sf_billing_address_state Custom String
billingAddressStreet sf_billing_address_street Custom String
pricebookDescription sf_pricebook_description Custom String
pricebookId sf_pricebook_id Custom String
billingLatitude sf_billing_latitude Custom String
billingLongitude sf_billing_longitude Custom String
billingGeocodeAccuracy sf_billing_geocode_accuracy Custom String
companySignedId sf_company_signed_id Custom String
companySignedDate sf_company_signed_date Custom Date
customerSignedId sf_customer_signed_id Custom String
activatedById sf_activated_by_id Custom String
activatedDate sf_activated_date Custom Date
lastApprovedDate sf_last_approved_date Custom Date
lastActivityDate sf_last_activity_date Custom Date
accountName sf_account_name Custom String
startDate sf_start_date Custom Date
endDate sf_end_date Custom Date
createdBy sf_created_by Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Documents and offers the following document field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
author _authors Default String list
createdAt _created_at Default Date
folder sf_folder_name Custom String
isInternalUseOnly sf_is_internal_use_only Custom String
isPublic sf_is_public Custom String
keywords sf_keywords Custom String
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
fileName sf_file_name Custom String
fileType _file_type Default String
fileSize sf_file_size Custom Long (numeric)
createdBy sf_created_by Custom String
isBodySearchable sf_is_body_searchable Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Groups and offers the following group field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
createdAt _created_at Default Date
groupEmail sf_group_email Custom String
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
lastModifiedDate _last_modified_at Default Date
ownerId sf_owner_id Custom String
groupName sf_group_name Custom String
createdBy _authors Default String list
lastFeedModifiedDate sf_last_feed_modified_date Custom Date
hasPrivateFieldsAccess sf_has_private_fields_access Custom String
canHaveGuests sf_can_have_guests Custom String
isArchived sf_is_archived Custom String
isAutoArchived sf_is_auto_archive_disabled Custom String
memberCount sf_member_count Custom String
collaborationType sf_collabotration_type Custom String
informationTitle sf_information_title Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Ideas and offers the following idea field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
createdAt _created_at Default Date
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
title sf_title Custom String
status sf_status Custom String
createdByName sf_created_by Custom String
parentIdea sf_parent_idea_id Custom String
parentIdeaId sf_parent_idea_id Custom String
lastModifiedDate _last_modified_at Default Date
recordTypeId sf_record_type_id Custom String
communityId sf_community_id Custom String
numComments sf_number_of_comments Custom Long (numeric)
voteScore sf_vote_score Custom Long (numeric)
voteTotal sf_vote_total Custom Long (numeric)
lastCommentDate sf_last_comment_date Custom Date


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Leads and offers the following lead field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
city sf_city Custom String
company sf_company Custom String
country sf_country Custom String
createdAt _created_at Default Date
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
leadSource sf_lead_source Custom String
state sf_state Custom String
status sf_status Custom String
convertedAccount sf_converted_account Custom String
convertedAccountId sf_converted_account_id Custom String
convertedContact sf_converted_contact Custom String
convertedContactId sf_converted_contact_id Custom String
convertedDate sf_converted_date Custom Date
convertedOpportunity sf_converted_opportunity Custom String
convertedOpportunityId sf_converted_opportunity_id Custom String
firstName sf_first_name Custom String
createdBy _authors Default String list
isConverted sf_is_converted Custom String
owner sf_owner_name Custom String
lastActivityDate sf_last_activity_date Custom Date
ownerId sf_owner_id Custom String
lastName sf_last_name Custom String
title sf_title Custom String
street sf_street Custom String
postalCode sf_postal_code Custom String
latitude sf_latitude Custom String
longitude sf_longitude Custom String
geocodeAccuracy sf_geocode_accuracy Custom String
phone sf_phone Custom String
email sf_email Custom String
industry sf_industry Custom String
rating sf_rating Custom String
annualRevenue sf_annual_revenue Custom String
numberofEmployees sf_number_of_employees Custom Long (numeric)
jigsaw sf_jigsaw Custom String
jigsawContactId sf_jigsaw_contact_id Custom String
emailBouncedReason sf_email_bounced_reason Custom String
individualId sf_individual_id Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Opportunities and offers the following opportunity field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
accountName sf_account_name Custom String
amount sf_amount Custom String
campaign sf_campaign_name Custom String
createdAt _created_at Default Date
createdBy sf_created_by Custom String
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
lastModifiedDate _last_updated_at Default Date
fiscalQuarter sf_fiscal_quarter Custom String
fiscalYear sf_fiscal_year Custom String
isClosed sf_is_closed Custom String
isWon sf_is_won Custom String
leadSource sf_lead_source Custom String
opportunityName sf_opportunity_name Custom String
accountId sf_account_id Custom String
campaignId sf_campaign_id Custom String
closeDate sf_close_date Custom Date
typeValue sf_type_value Custom String
lastActivityDate sf_last_activity_date Date String
ownerName sf_owner_name Custom String
ownerId sf_owner_id Custom String
stageName sf_stage_name Custom String
probablity sf_probability Custom Long (numeric)
nextStep sf_next_step Custom String
forestCategory sf_forecast_category Custom String
forestCategoryName sf_forest_category_name Custom String
hasOpportunityLineItem sf_has_opportunity_line_item Custom String
pricebook2id sf_pricebook2_id Custom String
pushCount sf_push_count Custom String
fiscal sf_fiscal Custom String
contactId sf_contact_id Custom String
lastViewedDate sf_last_viewed_date Custom Date
hasOpenActivity sf_has_open_activity Custom Long (numeric)
hasOverdueTask sf_has_overdue_task Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Partner and offers the following partner field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
createdAt _created_at Default Date
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
createdBy _authors Default String list
opportunityId sf_opportunity_id Custom String
accountFromId sf_account_from_id Custom String
accountToId sf_role Custom String
role sf_role Custom String
isPrimary sf_is_primary Custom String
systemModstamp sf_system_modstamp Custom Date
reversePartnerId sf_reverse_partner_id Custom String
opportunity sf_opportunity Custom String
accountFrom sf_account_from Custom String
accountTo sf_account_to Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Pricebooks and offers the following pricebook field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
isActive sf_is_active Custom String
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Default String
lastModifiedDate _last_updated_at Default Date
pricebookName sf_pricebook_name Custom String
createdAt _created_at Default Date
createdBy _authors Default String list
lastViewedDate sf_last_viewed_date Custom Date
isStandard sf_is_standard Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Product and offers the following product field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
family sf_family Custom String
isActive sf_is_active Custom String
createdAt _created_at Default Date
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
productCode sf_product_code Custom String
createdBy _authors Default String list
productName sf_product_name Custom String
externalDataSourceId sf_external_datasource_id Custom String
externalId sf_external_id Custom String
displayUrl sf_display_url Custom String
quantityUnitOfMeasure sf_quantity_unit_of_measure Custom String
isArchived sf_is_archived Custom String
lastViewedDate sf_last_viewed_date Custom Date
stockKeepingUnit sf_stock_keeping_unit Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Solutions and offers the following solution field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
isPublished sf_is_published Custom String
isReviewed sf_is_reviewed Custom String
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
lastModifiedDate _last_updated_at Default Date
ownerName sf_owner_name Custom String
solutionNumber sf_solution_number Custom String
status sf_status Custom String
timesUsed sf_times_used Custom String
solutionName sf_solution_name Custom String
createdByName _authors Default String list
createdAt _created_at Default Date
solutionNote sf_solution_note Custom String
ownderId sf_ownderId Custom String
lastViewedDate sf_last_viewed_date Custom Date


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Profiles and offers the following profile field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
createdBy _authors Default String list
createdAt _created_at Default Date
userType sf_user_type Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Tasks and offers the following task field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
accountName sf_account_name Custom String
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
lastModifiedDate _last_updated_at Default Date
ownerName sf_owner_name Custom String
isRecurrence sf_is_recurrence Custom String
isClosed sf_is_closed Custom String
isArchived sf_is_archived Custom String
priority sf_priority Custom String
status sf_status Custom String
whatId sf_what_id Custom String
createdByName _authors Default String list
createdAt _created_at Default Date
subject sf_subject Custom String
activityDate sf_activity_date Custom Date
activityDate sf_activity_date Custom Date
isHighPriority sf_is_high_priority Custom String
ownerId sf_owner_id Custom String
callType sf_call_type Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Users and offers the following user field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
account sf_account Custom String
isActive sf_is_active Custom String
city sf_city Custom String
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
companyName sf_company_name Custom String
country sf_country Custom String
department sf_department Custom String
division sf_division Custom String
email sf_email Custom String
employeeNumber sf_employee_number Custom String
firstName sf_first_name Custom String
lastName sf_last_name Custom String
manager sf_manager Custom String
state sf_state Custom String
userRole sf_user_role Custom String
username sf_username Custom String
createdBy _authors Default String list
createdAt _created_at Default Date
street sf_street Custom String
postalCode sf_postal_code Custom String
latitude sf_latitiude Custom String
longitude sf_longitude Custom String
geocodeAccuracy sf_geocode_accuracy Custom String
phone sf_phone Custom String
fax sf_fax Custom String
mobilePhone sf_mobile_phone Custom String
profileName sf_profile_name Custom String
aboutMe sf_about_me Custom String
languageLocaleKey sf_language_locale_key Custom String


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Chatters and offers the following chatter field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
body sf_body Custom String
createdAt _created_at Default Date
lastEditById sf_last_edit_by_id Custom String
lastEditDate sf_last_edit_date Custom Date
lastModifiedDate _last_updated_at Default Date
insertedById sf_inserted_by_id Custom String
createdBy _authors Default String list
parentId sf_parent_id Custom String
revision sf_revision Custom String
status sf_status Custom String
isRichText sf_is_rich_texrt Custom String

Knowledge articles

Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Knowledge articles and offers the following knowledge article field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
articleTitle sf_title Custom String
articleNumber sf_article_number Default Date
knowledgeArticleId sf_knowledge_article_id Custom String
lastPublishedDate sf_last_published_date Custom Date
publishStatus sf_publish_status Custom String
versionNumber sf_version_number Custom String
language sf_language Custom String
ownerId sf_ownder_id Custom String
summary sf_summary Custom String
firstPublishedDate sf_first_published_date Custom Date
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
archivedDate sf_archived_date Custom Date
isLatestVersion sf_is_latest_version Custom String
sourceId sf_sourceId Custom String
createdBy _authors Default String list
assignmentDate sf_assignment_date Custom Long (numeric)
assignmentDueDate sf_assignment_due_date Custom Date
articleCaseAttachCount sf_article_case_attach_count Custom Long (numeric)
articleTotalViewCount sf_article_total_view_count Custom Long (numeric)
urlName sf_url_name Custom String
assignmentNote sf_assignment_date Custom String
migratedToFromArticleVersion sf_migrated_article_version Custom String
assignedBy sf_assigned_by Custom String
assignedTo sf_assigned_to Custom Date


Amazon Q supports crawling Salesforce Online Attachments and offers the following attachment field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
createdAt _created_at Default Date
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
fileName sf_file_name Custom String
fileType _file_type Default String
fileSize sf_file_size Custom Long (numeric)
parentName sf_parent_name Default String
createdBy _authors Default String list

Custom object

Amazon Q supports crawling custom objects and offers the following custom object field mappings.

Salesforce field name Index field name Description Data type
category _category Default String
sourceUrl _source_uri Default String
createdAt _created_at Default Date
updatedAt _last_updated_at Default Date
lastModifiedById sf_last_modified_by_id Custom String
customObjectName sf_custom_object_name Custom String
createdBy _authors Default String list
lastModifiedBy sf_last_modified_by Custom String
documentbody _document_body Custom String