Known limitations for the Amazon Q Business SharePoint Server 2016 connector - Amazon Q Business

Known limitations for the Amazon Q Business SharePoint Server 2016 connector

The SharePoint Server 2016 connector has the following known limitations:

  • The SharePoint Server connector supports custom field mappings only for the Files entity.

  • For all SharePoint Server versions, the ACL token must be in lower case. For Email with Domain from IDP and Email ID with Custom Domain ACL, for example: For Domain\User with Domain ACL, for example: sharepoint2013\user.

  • If an entity name has a % character in its name, the connector will skip these files due to API limitations.

  • OneNote can only be crawled by the connector using a Tenant ID, and with OAuth 2.0, OAuth 2.0 refresh token, or SharePoint App Only authentication activated for SharePoint Online.

  • The connector crawls the first section of a OneNote document using its default name only, even if the document is renamed.

  • The connector crawls links in SharePoint 2016 if Links is selected as an entity to be crawled.

  • The connector crawls only list attachments and comments when List Data is selected as an entity to be crawled.

  • The connector crawls event attachments only when Events is also selected as an entity to be crawled.

  • To crawl nested groups using Identity crawler, you have to activate Local as well as AD Group Crawling.

  • To use Identity Crawler with SharePoint Server 2016 to crawl nested groups, you have to enable both Local and AD Group Crawling.

  • Query responses based on AD Group ACLs are not supported for SharePoint Server 2016. You need to add users and groups directly to your document permissions list.