Troubleshooting your Amazon Q BusinessMicrosoft Yammer connector - Amazon Q Business

Troubleshooting your Amazon Q BusinessMicrosoft Yammer connector

The following table provides information about error codes you may see for the Microsoft Yammer connector and suggested troubleshooting actions.

Error code Error message Suggested resolution
YMR-5001 Authentication error. Provide a valid client id, client secret, username, password.
YMR-5002 Error validating credentials due to invalid username or password. Provide a valid username and password.
YMR-5003 Error validating credentials due to invalid client id or client secret. Provide valid client id and client secret.
YMR-5004 Access token is empty or null . Provide non-empty or non-null access token .
YMR-5100 Null/empty client id. Provide client id.
YMR-5101 Null/empty client secret. Provide client secret.
YMR-5102 Null/empty username. Provide username.
YMR-5103 Null/empty password. Provide password .
YMR-5104 Null/empty since date. Provide sinceDate .
YMR-5105 invalid sinceDate format. since date format should be like YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+00:00.
YMR-5106 Empty/null Repository configurations. Provide Repository configurations.
YMR-5107 Empty/null message entity in repository configuration. Provide message entity in repository configuration.
YMR-5108 Empty/null Attachment entity in repository configuration. Provide attachment entity in repository configuration.
YMR-5109 Empty/null message entity field mapping. Provide message entity field mapping.
YMR-5110 Empty/null attachment entity field mapping. Provide attachment entity field mapping.
YMR-5111 Empty/null indexFieldName, indexFieldType or dataSourceFieldName in message entity. Provide value for indexFieldName, indexFieldType and dataSourceFieldName in message entity.
YMR-5112 Empty/null indexFieldName, indexFieldType or dataSourceFieldName in attachment entity. Provide value for indexFieldName, indexFieldType and dataSourceFieldName in message entity.
YMR-5113 Invalid patterns in the regex. Provide valid regex patterns.
YMR-5114 Since date should be less than current date. Provide since date less than current date.
YMR-5115 Only String, Date and Long formats are supported for field mappings. Provide String, Date and Long formats for field mappings.
YMR-5116 Null/empty Network Domain. Provide Network Domain.
YMR-5117 Got error while building groups. Refer to logs for more information.
YMR-5118 Configuration found null during change access token. Please provide valid configurations.
YMR-5119 Unable to connect to Yammer account. Refer to logs for more details.
YMR-5120 An error occurred during the test connection. Refer to logs for more details.
YMR-5500 Bad zip entry. Provide a valid zip file.
YMR-5501 Invalid URI. Provide valid URI.
YMR-5502 ContinuableInternalServerError. Try again later.