Cross-Region calls in Amazon Q Developer - Amazon Q Developer

Cross-Region calls in Amazon Q Developer

While using Amazon Q Developer, you might be asked to consent to cross-Region calls. Cross-Region calls are API calls made by Amazon Q from one AWS Region to another AWS Region.

Amazon Q Developer is hosted in US East (N. Virginia), but can make calls to Regions listed on the Supported Regions page, including opt-in Regions. You must consent to cross-Region calls to use Amazon Q Developer features that access your AWS resources, since Amazon Q Developer might have to make calls to other Regions to access your resources.

You must consent to cross-Region calls for each feature that requires consent. If you don't provide consent, Amazon Q Developer will not make cross-Region calls.

When you use a feature of Amazon Q Developer that requires consent to cross-Region calls, you will be prompted to give consent. The way you update cross-Region consent settings depends on the feature you’re using. See the topic for the feature you’re using for information about updating your cross-Region preferences.