Supported languages for Amazon Q Developer in the IDE - Amazon Q Developer

Supported languages for Amazon Q Developer in the IDE

Amazon Q Developer provides support for a wide range of programming languages across its various features and capabilities. This page outlines the languages and versions supported for each of its features.

Language support for inline suggestions

Amazon Q supports inline code suggestions for multiple programming languages. The accuracy and quality of the code generation for a programming language depends on the size and quality of the training data.

In terms of the quality of the training data, the programming languages with the most support are:

  • C

  • C++

  • C#

  • Dart

  • Go

  • Java

  • JavaScript

  • Kotlin

  • Lua

  • PHP

  • PowerShell

  • Python

  • R

  • Rust

  • SQL

  • Swift

  • SystemVerilog

  • TypeScript

The Infrastructure as Code (IaC) languages with the most support are:

  • JSON

  • YAML

  • HCL (Terraform)

  • CDK (Typescript, Python)

Amazon Q also supports code generation for:

  • Ruby

  • Shell

  • Scala

Language support for transformations

The supported languages for transformation depend on the environment where you are transforming code.

For more information about supported languages and other prerequisites for transformation, see the topic for the type of transformation your are performing.

Language and framework support for unit test generation

Amazon Q agent for unit test generation supports the following languages and test frameworks:

Supported test frameworks by language
Language Supported Test Frameworks
  • Pytest

  • Unittest

  • JUnit (JUnit 4 and 5, JUnit Jupiter)

  • Mockito

Language support for code reviews

Amazon Q code reviews support the following language versions:

  • Java ‐ Java 17 and earlier

  • JavaScript ‐ ECMAScript 2021 and earlier

  • Python ‐ Python 3.11 and earlier, within the Python 3 series

  • C# ‐ All versions (.NET 6.0 and later recommended)

  • TypeScript ‐ All versions

  • Ruby ‐ Ruby 2.7 and 3.2

  • Go ‐ Go 1.18

  • C ‐ C11 and earlier

  • C++ ‐ C++17 and earlier

  • PHP ‐ PHP 8.2 and earlier

  • Kotlin ‐ Kotlin 2.0.0 and earlier

  • Scala ‐ Scala 3.2.2 and earlier

  • JSX ‐ React 17 and earlier

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) languages

    • AWS CloudFormation ‐ 2010-09-09

    • Terraform ‐ 1.6.2 and earlier

    • AWS CDK ‐ TypeScript and Python

Automatic code fixes are available for scans in the following languages and versions:

  • Java ‐ Java 17 and earlier

  • JavaScript ‐ ECMAScript 2021 and earlier

  • Python ‐ Python 3.11 and earlier, within the Python 3 series

  • C# ‐ All versions (.NET 6.0 and later recommended)

  • TypeScript ‐ All versions

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC) languages

    • AWS CloudFormation ‐ 2010-09-09

    • Terraform ‐ 1.6.2 and earlier

    • AWS CDK ‐ TypeScript and Python

Language support for documentation generation

Amazon Q supports documentation generation for the following languages:

  • Java

  • Python

  • JavaScript

  • TypeScript