Troubleshooting issues with the Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development - Amazon Q Developer

Troubleshooting issues with the Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development

The following information can help you troubleshoot common issues with the Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development.

How do I find my conversation ID?

You might need your conversation ID to get support for issues with the Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development. For some error messages, the conversation ID appears in the message from Amazon Q. If you don't see it, use the following steps to find the conversation ID in your IDE.

Visual Studio Code

  1. Open the Command Palette, and run the following command:

    Amazon Q: View Logs.
  2. An output console opens in the VS Code terminal. Search for the following string:

    Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development Conversation ID:

    The conversation ID is listed after the colon. Confirm that the timestamp corresponds to the conversation that you need the ID for.


  1. At the top of the IDE, choose Help, and then Show Log in Finder.

    Depending on your JetBrains IDE and operating system, the logs menu text might look different. For more information, see Locating IDE log files in the IntelliJ IDEA documentation.

  2. Your file finder opens. Choose idea.log to open the log file.

  3. Search for the following string:

    Amazon Q Developer Agent for software development Conversation ID:

    The conversation ID is listed after the colon. Confirm that the timestamp corresponds to the conversation that you need the ID for.