x-amazon-apigateway-authtype property - Amazon API Gateway

x-amazon-apigateway-authtype property

For REST APIs, this extension can be used to define a custom type of a Lambda authorizer. In this case, the value is free-form. For example, an API may have multiple Lambda authorizers that use different internal schemes. You can use this extension to identify the internal scheme of a Lambda authorizer.

More commonly, in HTTP APIs and REST APIs, it can also be used as a way to define IAM authorization across several operations that share the same security scheme. In this case, the term awsSigv4 is a reserved term, along with any term prefixed by aws.

This extension applies to the apiKey type security scheme in OpenAPI 2 and OpenAPI 3.

x-amazon-apigateway-authtype example

The following OpenAPI 3 example defines IAM authorization across multiple resources in a REST API or HTTP API:

{ "openapi" : "3.0.1", "info" : { "title" : "openapi3", "version" : "1.0" }, "paths" : { "/operation1" : { "get" : { "responses" : { "default" : { "description" : "Default response" } }, "security" : [ { "sigv4Reference" : [ ] } ] } }, "/operation2" : { "get" : { "responses" : { "default" : { "description" : "Default response" } }, "security" : [ { "sigv4Reference" : [ ] } ] } } }, "components" : { "securitySchemes" : { "sigv4Reference" : { "type" : "apiKey", "name" : "Authorization", "in" : "header", "x-amazon-apigateway-authtype": "awsSigv4" } } } }

The following OpenAPI 3 example defines a Lambda authorizer with a custom scheme for a REST API:

{ "openapi" : "3.0.1", "info" : { "title" : "openapi3 for REST API", "version" : "1.0" }, "paths" : { "/protected-by-lambda-authorizer" : { "get" : { "responses" : { "200" : { "description" : "Default response" } }, "security" : [ { "myAuthorizer" : [ ] } ] } } }, "components" : { "securitySchemes" : { "myAuthorizer" : { "type" : "apiKey", "name" : "Authorization", "in" : "header", "x-amazon-apigateway-authorizer" : { "identitySource" : "method.request.header.Authorization", "authorizerUri" : "arn:aws:apigateway:us-east-1:lambda:path/2015-03-31/functions/arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:account-id:function:function-name/invocations", "authorizerResultTtlInSeconds" : 300, "type" : "request", "enableSimpleResponses" : false }, "x-amazon-apigateway-authtype": "Custom scheme with corporate claims" } } }, "x-amazon-apigateway-importexport-version" : "1.0" }

See also
