Stage variables are key-value pairs that you can define for a stage of an HTTP API. They act like environment variables and can be used in your API setup.
Stage variables are not intended to be used for sensitive data, such as credentials. To pass sensitive data to integrations, use an AWS Lambda authorizer. You can pass sensitive data to integrations in the output of the Lambda authorizer. To learn more, see Lambda authorizer response format.
Example – Use a stage variable to customize the HTTP integration endpoint
For example, you can define a stage variable, and then set its value as an HTTP endpoint for an HTTP proxy integration. Later, you can reference the endpoint by using the associated stage variable name. By doing this, you can use the same API setup with a different endpoint at each stage. Similarly, you can use stage variables to specify a different AWS Lambda function integration for each stage of your API.
To use a stage variable to customize the HTTP integration endpoint, you must first
set the name and value of the stage variable (for example, url
) with a
value of
. Next, set up an HTTP proxy integration. Instead
of entering the endpoint's URL, you can tell API Gateway to use the stage variable value,
. This value tells API Gateway to
substitute your stage variable ${}
at runtime, depending on the stage
of your API.
You can reference stage variables in a similar way to specify a Lambda function name or an AWS role ARN.
When specifying a Lambda function name as a stage variable value, you must configure the permissions on the Lambda function manually. The following add-permission command configures the permission for the Lambda function:
aws lambda add-permission --function-name arn:aws:lambda:XXXXXX:your-lambda-function-name --source-arn arn:aws:execute-api:us-east-1:YOUR_ACCOUNT_ID:api_id/*/HTTP_METHOD/resource --principal --statement-id apigateway-access --action lambda:InvokeFunction