Simple calculator Lambda function - Amazon API Gateway

Simple calculator Lambda function

As an illustration, we will use a Node.js Lambda function that performs the binary operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

Simple calculator Lambda function input format

This function takes an input of the following format:

{ "a": "Number", "b": "Number", "op": "string"}

where op can be any of (+, -, *, /, add, sub, mul, div).

Simple calculator Lambda function output format

When an operation succeeds, it returns the result of the following format:

{ "a": "Number", "b": "Number", "op": "string", "c": "Number"}

where c holds the result of the calculation.

Simple calculator Lambda function implementation

The implementation of the Lambda function is as follows:

export const handler = async function (event, context) { console.log("Received event:", JSON.stringify(event)); if ( event.a === undefined || event.b === undefined || event.op === undefined ) { return "400 Invalid Input"; } const res = {}; res.a = Number(event.a); res.b = Number(event.b); res.op = event.op; if (isNaN(event.a) || isNaN(event.b)) { return "400 Invalid Operand"; } switch (event.op) { case "+": case "add": res.c = res.a + res.b; break; case "-": case "sub": res.c = res.a - res.b; break; case "*": case "mul": res.c = res.a * res.b; break; case "/": case "div": if (res.b == 0) { return "400 Divide by Zero"; } else { res.c = res.a / res.b; } break; default: return "400 Invalid Operator"; } return res; };