Disable the default endpoint for WebSocket APIs - Amazon API Gateway

Disable the default endpoint for WebSocket APIs

By default, clients can invoke your API by using the execute-api endpoint that API Gateway generates for your API. To ensure that clients can access your API only by using a custom domain name, disable the default execute-api endpoint. When you disable the default endpoint, it affects all stages of an API.

The following procedure shows how to disable the default endpoint for a WebSocket API.

AWS Management Console
  1. Sign in to the API Gateway console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/apigateway.

  2. Choose an WebSocket API.

  3. Choose API settings.

  4. On API details, choose Edit.

  5. For Default endpoint, select Inactive.

  6. Choose Save changes.

  7. On the main navigation pane, choose Routes.

  8. Choose Deploy, and then redeploy your API or create a new stage for the change to take effect.


The following update-api command disables the default endpoint for an WebSocket API:

aws apigatewayv2 update-api \ --api-id abcdef123 \ --disable-execute-api-endpoint

After you disable the default endpoint, you must deploy your API for the change to take effect.

The following AWS CLI command creates a deployment.

aws apigatewayv2 create-deployment \ --api-id abcdef123 \ --stage-name dev