Deploying a configuration
After you create
required artifacts for working with feature flags and freeform configuration data,
you can create a new deployment by using the AWS Management Console, the AWS CLI, or the SDK. Starting a
deployment in AWS AppConfig calls the StartDeployment API operation. This call includes the IDs of the AWS AppConfig
application, the environment, the configuration profile, and (optionally) the configuration
data version to deploy. The call also includes the ID of the deployment strategy to use, which
determines how the configuration data is deployed.
If you deploy secrets stored in AWS Secrets Manager, Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) objects encrypted with a
customer managed key, or secure string parameters stored in AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store encrypted with a
customer managed key, you must specify a value for the KmsKeyIdentifier
parameter. If your
configuration is not encrypted or is encrypted with an AWS managed key, specifying a value
for the KmsKeyIdentifier
parameter is not required.
The value you specify for KmsKeyIdentifier
must be a customer managed key. This
doesn't have to be the same key you used to encrypt your configuration.
When you start a deployment with a KmsKeyIdentifier
, the permission policy
attached to your AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) principal must allow the kms:GenerateDataKey
AWS AppConfig monitors the distribution to all hosts and reports status. If a distribution fails,
then AWS AppConfig rolls back the configuration.
You can only deploy one configuration at a time to an environment. However, you can
deploy one configuration each to different environments at the same time.
Deploy a configuration (console)
Use the following procedure to deploy an AWS AppConfig configuration by using the AWS Systems Manager
To deploy a configuration by using the console
Open the AWS Systems Manager console at
In the navigation pane, choose Applications, and then choose an
application you created in Creating a namespace for your application in
AWS AppConfig.
On the Environments tab, fill the radio button for an
environment, and then choose View details.
Choose Start deployment.
For Configuration, choose a configuration from the list.
Depending on the source of your configuration, use the version list to choose the
version you want to deploy.
For Deployment strategy, choose a strategy from the
(Optional) For Deployment description, enter a description.
For Additional encryption options, choose a AWS Key Management Service key from
the list.
(Optional) In the Tags section, choose Add new tag
and enter a key and an optional value. You can specify a maximum of 50 tags
for a resource.
Choose Start deployment.
Deploy a configuration
The following procedure describes how to use the AWS CLI (on Linux or Windows) or
AWS Tools for PowerShell to deploy an AWS AppConfig configuration.
To deploy a configuration step by step
Open the AWS CLI.
Run the following command to deploy a configuration.
- Linux
aws appconfig start-deployment \
--application-id The_application_ID
--environment-id The_environment_ID
--deployment-strategy-id The_deployment_strategy_ID
--configuration-profile-id The_configuration_profile_ID
--configuration-version The_configuration_version_to_deploy
--description A_description_of_the_deployment
--tags User_defined_key_value_pair_metadata_of_the_deployment
- Windows
aws appconfig start-deployment ^
--application-id The_application_ID
--environment-id The_environment_ID
--deployment-strategy-id The_deployment_strategy_ID
--configuration-profile-id The_configuration_profile_ID
--configuration-version The_configuration_version_to_deploy
--description A_description_of_the_deployment
--tags User_defined_key_value_pair_metadata_of_the_deployment
- PowerShell
Start-APPCDeployment `
-ApplicationId The_application_ID
-ConfigurationProfileId The_configuration_profile_ID
-ConfigurationVersion The_configuration_version_to_deploy
-DeploymentStrategyId The_deployment_strategy_ID
-Description A_description_of_the_deployment
-EnvironmentId The_environment_ID
-Tag Hashtable_type_user_defined_key_value_pair_metadata_of_the_deployment
The system returns information like the following.
- Linux
"ApplicationId": "The ID of the application that was deployed",
"EnvironmentId" : "The ID of the environment",
"DeploymentStrategyId": "The ID of the deployment strategy that was deployed",
"ConfigurationProfileId": "The ID of the configuration profile that was deployed",
"DeploymentNumber": The sequence number of the deployment,
"ConfigurationName": "The name of the configuration",
"ConfigurationLocationUri": "Information about the source location of the configuration",
"ConfigurationVersion": "The configuration version that was deployed",
"Description": "The description of the deployment",
"DeploymentDurationInMinutes": Total amount of time the deployment lasted,
"GrowthType": "The linear or exponential algorithm used to define how percentage grew over time",
"GrowthFactor": The percentage of targets to receive a deployed configuration during each interval,
"FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": Time AWS AppConfig monitored for alarms before considering the deployment to be complete,
"State": "The state of the deployment",
"EventLog": [
"Description": "A description of the deployment event",
"EventType": "The type of deployment event",
"OccurredAt": The date and time the event occurred,
"TriggeredBy": "The entity that triggered the deployment event"
"PercentageComplete": The percentage of targets for which the deployment is available,
"StartedAt": The time the deployment started,
"CompletedAt": The time the deployment completed
- Windows
"ApplicationId": "The ID of the application that was deployed",
"EnvironmentId" : "The ID of the environment",
"DeploymentStrategyId": "The ID of the deployment strategy that was deployed",
"ConfigurationProfileId": "The ID of the configuration profile that was deployed",
"DeploymentNumber": The sequence number of the deployment,
"ConfigurationName": "The name of the configuration",
"ConfigurationLocationUri": "Information about the source location of the configuration",
"ConfigurationVersion": "The configuration version that was deployed",
"Description": "The description of the deployment",
"DeploymentDurationInMinutes": Total amount of time the deployment lasted,
"GrowthType": "The linear or exponential algorithm used to define how percentage grew over time",
"GrowthFactor": The percentage of targets to receive a deployed configuration during each interval,
"FinalBakeTimeInMinutes": Time AWS AppConfig monitored for alarms before considering the deployment to be complete,
"State": "The state of the deployment",
"EventLog": [
"Description": "A description of the deployment event",
"EventType": "The type of deployment event",
"OccurredAt": The date and time the event occurred,
"TriggeredBy": "The entity that triggered the deployment event"
"PercentageComplete": The percentage of targets for which the deployment is available,
"StartedAt": The time the deployment started,
"CompletedAt": The time the deployment completed
- PowerShell
ApplicationId : The ID of the application that was deployed
CompletedAt : The time the deployment completed
ConfigurationLocationUri : Information about the source location of the configuration
ConfigurationName : The name of the configuration
ConfigurationProfileId : The ID of the configuration profile that was deployed
ConfigurationVersion : The configuration version that was deployed
ContentLength : Runtime of the deployment
DeploymentDurationInMinutes : Total amount of time the deployment lasted
DeploymentNumber : The sequence number of the deployment
DeploymentStrategyId : The ID of the deployment strategy that was deployed
Description : The description of the deployment
EnvironmentId : The ID of the environment that was deployed
EventLog : {Description : A description of the deployment event, EventType : The type of deployment event, OccurredAt : The date and time the event occurred,
TriggeredBy : The entity that triggered the deployment event}
FinalBakeTimeInMinutes : Time AWS AppConfig monitored for alarms before considering the deployment to be complete
GrowthFactor : The percentage of targets to receive a deployed configuration during each interval
GrowthType : The linear or exponential algorithm used to define how percentage grew over time
HttpStatusCode : HTTP Status of the runtime
PercentageComplete : The percentage of targets for which the deployment is available
ResponseMetadata : Runtime Metadata
StartedAt : The time the deployment started
State : The state of the deployment