Data Collected by the Discovery Connector - AWS Application Discovery Service

Data Collected by the Discovery Connector

The Discovery Connector collects information about your VMware vCenter Server hosts and VMs. However, you can capture this data only if VMware vCenter Server tools are installed. To make sure the AWS account you are using has the required permission for this task, see AWS managed policies for AWS Application Discovery Service.

Following, you can find an inventory of the information collected by the Discovery Connector.

Table legend for Discovery Connector collected data:
  • Collected data is in measurements of kilobytes (KB) unless stated otherwise.

  • Equivalent data in the Migration Hub console is reported in megabytes (MB).

  • Data fields denoted with an asterisk (*) are only available in the .csv files that are produced from the connector's API export function.

  • The polling period is in intervals of approximately 60 minutes.

  • Data fields denoted with a double asterisk (**) currently return a null value.

Data field Description
applicationConfigurationId* ID of the migration application the VM is grouped under
avgCpuUsagePct Average percentage of CPU usage over polling period
avgDiskBytesReadPerSecond Average number of bytes read from disk over polling period
avgDiskBytesWrittenPerSecond Average number of bytes written to disk over polling period
avgDiskReadOpsPerSecond** Average number of read I/O operations per second null
avgDiskWriteOpsPerSecond** Average number of write I/O operations per second
avgFreeRAM Average free RAM expressed in MB
avgNetworkBytesReadPerSecond Average amount of throughput of bytes read per second
avgNetworkBytesWrittenPerSecond Average amount of throughput of bytes written per second
configId Application Discovery Service assigned ID to the discovered VM
configType Type of resource discovered
connectorId ID of the Discovery Connector virtual appliance
cpuType vCPU for a VM, actual model for a host
datacenterId ID of the vCenter
hostId* ID of the VM host
hostName Name of host running the virtualization software
hypervisor Type of hypervisor
id ID of server
lastModifiedTimeStamp* Latest date and time of data collection before data export
macAddress MAC address of the VM
manufacturer Maker of the virtualization software
maxCpuUsagePct Max. percentage of CPU usage during polling period
maxDiskBytesReadPerSecond Max. number of bytes read from disk over polling period
maxDiskBytesWrittenPerSecond Max. number of bytes written to disk over polling period
maxDiskReadOpsPerSecond** Max. number of read I/O operations per second
maxDiskWriteOpsPerSecond** Max. number of write I/O operations per second
maxNetworkBytesReadPerSecond Max. amount of throughput of bytes read per second
maxNetworkBytesWrittenPerSecond Max. amount of throughput of bytes written per second
memoryReservation* Limit to avoid overcommitment of memory on VM
moRefId Unique vCenter Managed Object Reference ID
name* Name of VM or network (user specified)
numCores Number of independent processing units within CPU
numCpus Number of central processing units on VM
numDisks** Number of disks on VM
numNetworkCards** Number of network cards on VM
osName Operating system name on VM
osVersion Operating system version on VM
portGroupId* ID of group of member ports of VLAN
portGroupName* Name of group of member ports of VLAN
powerState* Status of power
serverId Application Discovery Service assigned ID to the discovered VM
smBiosId* ID/version of the system management BIOS
state* Status of the Discovery Connector virtual appliance
toolsStatus Operational state of VMware tools (See Viewing and sorting data collectors for a complete list.)
totalDiskSize Total capacity of disk expressed in MB
totalRAM Total amount of RAM available on VM in MB
type Type of host
vCenterId Unique ID number of a VM
vCenterName* Name of the vCenter host
virtualSwitchName* Name of the virtual switch
vmFolderPath Directory path of VM files
vmName Name of the virtual machine