Enabling data exploration in Amazon Athena - AWS Application Discovery Service

Enabling data exploration in Amazon Athena

Data exploration in Amazon Athena is enabled by turning on Continuous Export using the Migration Hub console or an API call from the AWS CLI. You must turn on data exploration before you can see and start exploring your discovered data in Amazon Athena.

When you turn on Continuous Export the service-linked role AWSServiceRoleForApplicationDiscoveryServiceContinuousExport is automatically used by your account. For more information about this service-linked role, see Service-Linked Role Permissions for Application Discovery Service.

The following instructions show how to enable data exploration in Amazon Athena by using the console and the AWS CLI.

Enable with the console

Data exploration in Amazon Athena is enabled by Continuous Export implicitly being turned on when you choose "Start data collection", or click the toggle labeled, "Data exploration in Amazon Athena" on the Data Collectors page of the Migration Hub console.

To enable data exploration in Amazon Athena from the console
  1. In the navigation pane, choose Data Collectors.

  2. Choose the Agents tab.

  3. Choose Start data collection, or if you already have data collection turned on, click the Data exploration in Amazon Athena toggle.

  4. In the dialog box generated from the previous step, click the checkbox agreeing to associated costs and choose Continue or Enable.


Your agents are now running in "continuous export" mode which will enable you to see and work with your discovered data in Amazon Athena. The first time this is enable it may take up to 30 minutes for your data to appear in Amazon Athena.

Enable with the AWS CLI

Data exploration in Amazon Athena is enabled by Continuous Export explicitly being turned on through an API call from the AWS CLI. To do this, the AWS CLI must first be installed in your environment.

To install the AWS CLI and enable data exploration in Amazon Athena
  1. Install the AWS CLI for your operating system (Linux, macOS, or Windows). See the AWS Command Line Interface User Guide for instructions.

  2. Open the Command prompt (Windows) or Terminal (Linux or macOS).

    1. Type aws configure and press Enter.

    2. Enter your AWS Access Key Id and AWS Secret Access Key.

    3. Enter us-west-2 for the Default Region Name.

    4. Enter text for Default Output Format.

  3. Type the following command:

    aws discovery start-continuous-export

Your agents are now running in "continuous export" mode which will enable you to see and work with your discovered data in Amazon Athena. The first time this is enable it may take up to 30 minutes for your data to appear in Amazon Athena.