Prerequisites for Discovery Agent - AWS Application Discovery Service

Prerequisites for Discovery Agent

The following are the prerequisites and the tasks that you must perform before you can successfully install the AWS Application Discovery Agent (Discovery Agent).

  • You must set an AWS Migration Hub home region before you begin installing Discovery Agent.

  • If you have a 1.x version of the agent installed, it must be removed before installing the latest version.

  • If the host that the agent is being installed on runs Linux, then verify that the host at least supports the Intel i686 CPU architecture (also known as the P6 micro architecture).

  • Verify that your operating system (OS) environment is supported:

    • Linux

      • Amazon Linux 2012.03, 2015.03

      • Amazon Linux 2 (9/25/2018 update and later)

      • Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 18.04, 20.04

      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.11, 6.10, 7.3, 7.7, 8.1

      • CentOS 5.11, 6.9, 7.3

      • SUSE 11 SP4, 12 SP5

    • Windows

      • Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2

      • Windows Server 2008 R1 SP2, 2008 R2 SP1

      • Windows Server 2012 R1, 2012 R2

      • Windows Server 2016

      • Windows Server 2019

      • Windows Server 2022

  • If outbound connections from your network are restricted, you'll need to update your firewall settings. Agents require access to arsenal over TCP port 443. They don't require any inbound ports to be open.

    For example, if your home region is eu-central-1, you'd use

  • Access to Amazon S3 in your home region is required for auto-upgrade to function.

  • Create an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user in the console and attach the existing AWSApplicationDiscoveryAgentAccess IAM managed policy. This policy allows the user to perform necessary agent actions on your behalf. For more information about managed policies, see AWS managed policies for AWS Application Discovery Service.

  • Check the time skew from your Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers and correct if necessary. Incorrect time synchronization causes the agent registration call to fail.


The Discovery Agent has a 32-bit agent executable, which works on 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems. The number of installation packages needed for deployment is reduced by having a single executable. This executable agent works for Linux and for Windows OS. It is addressed in their respective installation sections that follow.