This section contains a set of predefined queries that perform typical use cases, such as TCO analysis and network visualization. You can use these queries as is or modify them to suit your needs.
To use a predefined query
In the AWS Migration Hub console, choose Servers in the navigation pane.
To open the Amazon Athena console, choose Explore data in Amazon Athena.
On the Query Editor page, in the navigation pane under Database, make sure that application_discovery_service_database is selected.
Choose the plus (+) sign in the Query Editor to create a tab for a new query.
Copy one of the queries from Predefined queries.
Paste the query into the query pane of the new query tab you just created.
Choose Run Query.
Predefined queries
Choose a title to see information about the query.
This view helper function retrieves IP addresses and hostnames for a given server. You can use this view in other queries. For information about how to create a view, see CREATE VIEW in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW hostname_ip_helper AS
, "nic"."agent_id"
, "nic"."ip_address"
os_info_agent os
, network_interface_agent nic
WHERE ("os"."agent_id" = "nic"."agent_id");
This query can help you perform data validation. If you've deployed agents
on a number of servers in your network, you can use this query to understand
if there are other servers in your network without agents deployed on them.
In this query, we look into the inbound and outbound network traffic, and
filter the traffic for private IP addresses only. That is, IP addresses
starting with 192
, 10
, or 172
SELECT DISTINCT "destination_ip" "IP Address" ,
(SELECT "count"(*)
FROM network_interface_agent
WHERE ("ip_address" = "destination_ip") ) = 0) THEN
(SELECT "count"(*)
FROM network_interface_agent
WHERE ("ip_address" = "destination_ip") ) > 0) THEN
'yes' END) "agent_running"
FROM outbound_connection_agent
WHERE ((("destination_ip" LIKE '192.%')
OR ("destination_ip" LIKE '10.%'))
OR ("destination_ip" LIKE '172.%'))
(SELECT "count"(*)
FROM network_interface_agent
WHERE ("ip_address" = "source_ip") ) = 0) THEN
(SELECT "count"(*)
FROM network_interface_agent
WHERE ("ip_address" = "source_ip") ) > 0) THEN
'yes' END) "agent_running"
FROM inbound_connection_agent
WHERE ((("source_ip" LIKE '192.%')
OR ("source_ip" LIKE '10.%'))
OR ("source_ip" LIKE '172.%'));
You can use this query to analyze system performance and utilization
pattern data for your on-premises servers that have agents installed on
them. The query combines the system_performance_agent
with the os_info_agent
table to identify the hostname for each
server. This query returns the time series utilization data (in 15 minute
intervals) for all the servers where agents are running.
SELECT "OS"."os_name" "OS Name" ,
"OS"."os_version" "OS Version" ,
"OS"."host_name" "Host Name" ,
"SP"."agent_id" ,
"SP"."total_num_cores" "Number of Cores" ,
"SP"."total_num_cpus" "Number of CPU" ,
"SP"."total_cpu_usage_pct" "CPU Percentage" ,
"SP"."total_disk_size_in_gb" "Total Storage (GB)" ,
"SP"."total_disk_free_size_in_gb" "Free Storage (GB)" ,
("SP"."total_disk_size_in_gb" - "SP"."total_disk_free_size_in_gb") "Used Storage" ,
"SP"."total_ram_in_mb" "Total RAM (MB)" ,
("SP"."total_ram_in_mb" - "SP"."free_ram_in_mb") "Used RAM (MB)" ,
"SP"."free_ram_in_mb" "Free RAM (MB)" ,
"SP"."total_disk_read_ops_per_sec" "Disk Read IOPS" ,
"SP"."total_disk_bytes_written_per_sec_in_kbps" "Disk Write IOPS" ,
"SP"."total_network_bytes_read_per_sec_in_kbps" "Network Reads (kbps)" ,
"SP"."total_network_bytes_written_per_sec_in_kbps" "Network Write (kbps)"
FROM "sys_performance_agent" "SP" , "OS_INFO_agent" "OS"
WHERE ("SP"."agent_id" = "OS"."agent_id") limit 10;
This query gets the details on the outbound traffic for each service, along with the port number and process details.
Before running the query, if you have not already done so, you must create
the iana_service_ports_import
table that contains the IANA port
registry database downloaded from IANA. For information about how to create
this table, see Creating the IANA port registry import
After the iana_service_ports_import
table is created, create
two view helper functions for tracking outbound traffic. For information
about how to create a view, see CREATE VIEW in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
To create outbound tracking helper functions
Open the Athena console at
. -
Create the
view, using the following helper function that lists all distinct outbound destination IP addresses.CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW valid_outbound_ips_helper AS SELECT DISTINCT "destination_ip" FROM outbound_connection_agent;
Create the
view, using the following helper function that determines the frequency of communication for outbound traffic.CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW outbound_query_helper AS SELECT "agent_id" , "source_ip" , "destination_ip" , "destination_port" , "agent_assigned_process_id" , "count"(*) "frequency" FROM outbound_connection_agent WHERE (("ip_version" = 'IPv4') AND ("destination_ip" IN (SELECT * FROM valid_outbound_ips_helper ))) GROUP BY "agent_id", "source_ip", "destination_ip", "destination_port", "agent_assigned_process_id";
After you create the
table and your two helper functions, you can run the following query to get the details on the outbound traffic for each service, along with the port number and process details.SELECT hip1.host_name "Source Host Name", outbound_connections_results0.source_ip "Source IP Address", hip2.host_name "Destination Host Name", outbound_connections_results0.destination_ip "Destination IP Address", outbound_connections_results0.frequency "Connection Frequency", outbound_connections_results0.destination_port "Destination Communication Port", outbound_connections_results0.servicename "Process Service Name", outbound_connections_results0.description "Process Service Description" FROM (SELECT DISTINCT o.source_ip, o.destination_ip, o.frequency, o.destination_port, ianap.servicename, ianap.description FROM outbound_query_helper o, iana_service_ports_import ianap WHERE o.destination_port = TRY_CAST(ianap.portnumber AS integer)) AS outbound_connections_results0 LEFT OUTER JOIN hostname_ip_helper hip1 ON outbound_connections_results0.source_ip = hip1.ip_address LEFT OUTER JOIN hostname_ip_helper hip2 ON outbound_connections_results0.destination_ip = hip2.ip_address
This query gets information about inbound traffic for each service, along with the port number and process details.
Before running this query, if you have not already done so, you must
create the iana_service_ports_import
table that contains the
IANA port registry database downloaded from IANA. For information about how
to create this table, see Creating the IANA port registry import
After the iana_service_ports_import
table is created, create
two view helper functions for tracking inbound traffic. For information
about how to create a view, see CREATE VIEW in the Amazon Athena User Guide.
To create import tracking helper functions
Open the Athena console at
. -
Create the
view, using the following helper function that lists all distinct inbound source IP addresses.CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW valid_inbound_ips_helper AS SELECT DISTINCT "source_ip" FROM inbound_connection_agent;
Create the
view, using the following helper function that determines the frequency of communication for inbound traffic.CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW inbound_query_helper AS SELECT "agent_id" , "source_ip" , "destination_ip" , "destination_port" , "agent_assigned_process_id" , "count"(*) "frequency" FROM inbound_connection_agent WHERE (("ip_version" = 'IPv4') AND ("source_ip" IN (SELECT * FROM valid_inbound_ips_helper ))) GROUP BY "agent_id", "source_ip", "destination_ip", "destination_port", "agent_assigned_process_id";
After you create the
table and your two helper functions, you can run the following query to get the details on the inbound traffic for each service, along with the port number and process details.SELECT hip1.host_name "Source Host Name", inbound_connections_results0.source_ip "Source IP Address", hip2.host_name "Destination Host Name", inbound_connections_results0.destination_ip "Destination IP Address", inbound_connections_results0.frequency "Connection Frequency", inbound_connections_results0.destination_port "Destination Communication Port", inbound_connections_results0.servicename "Process Service Name", inbound_connections_results0.description "Process Service Description" FROM (SELECT DISTINCT i.source_ip, i.destination_ip, i.frequency, i.destination_port, ianap.servicename, ianap.description FROM inbound_query_helper i, iana_service_ports_import ianap WHERE i.destination_port = TRY_CAST(ianap.portnumber AS integer)) AS inbound_connections_results0 LEFT OUTER JOIN hostname_ip_helper hip1 ON inbound_connections_results0.source_ip = hip1.ip_address LEFT OUTER JOIN hostname_ip_helper hip2 ON inbound_connections_results0.destination_ip = hip2.ip_address
This query identifies the running software based on port numbers.
Before running this query, if you have not already done so, you must
create the iana_service_ports_import
table that contains the
IANA port registry database downloaded from IANA. For information about how
to create this table, see Creating the IANA port registry import
Run the following query to identify the running software based on port numbers.
SELECT o.host_name "Host Name",
ianap.servicename "Service",
ianap.description "Description",
con.cnt_dest_port "Destination Port Count"
FROM (SELECT agent_id,
Count(destination_port) cnt_dest_port
FROM inbound_connection_agent
GROUP BY agent_id,
destination_port) con,
(SELECT agent_id,
FROM os_info_agent
GROUP BY agent_id,
host_name) o,
iana_service_ports_import ianap
WHERE ianap.transportprotocol = 'tcp'
AND con.destination_ip NOT LIKE '172%'
AND con.destination_port = ianap.portnumber
AND con.agent_id = o.agent_id
ORDER BY cnt_dest_port DESC;
Creating the IANA port registry import
Some of the predefined queries require a table named
that contains information downloaded from
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA).
To create the iana_service_ports_import table
Download the IANA port registry database CSV file from Service Name and Transport Protocol Port Number Registry
on -
Upload the file to Amazon S3. For more information, see How Do I Upload Files and Folders to an S3 Bucket?.
Create a new table in Athena named
. For instructions, see Create a Table in the Amazon Athena User Guide. In the following example, you need to replacemy_bucket_name
with the name of the S3 bucket that you uploaded the CSV file to in the previous step.CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS iana_service_ports_import ( ServiceName STRING, PortNumber INT, TransportProtocol STRING, Description STRING, Assignee STRING, Contact STRING, RegistrationDate STRING, ModificationDate STRING, Reference STRING, ServiceCode STRING, UnauthorizedUseReported STRING, AssignmentNotes STRING ) ROW FORMAT SERDE 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.lazy.LazySimpleSerDe' WITH SERDEPROPERTIES ( 'serialization.format' = ',', 'quoteChar' = '"', 'field.delim' = ',' ) LOCATION 's3://
/' TBLPROPERTIES ('has_encrypted_data'='false',"skip.header.line.count"="1");