Additional Resources - Amazon AppStream 2.0

Additional Resources

The following links provide information and other resources to help you package and deliver your applications with Elastic fleets.

Solution Description
Liquidware FlexApp Liquidware FlexApp integration with AppStream 2.0 Elastic fleet — Includes step-by-step instructions to package any windows-based application into FlexApp one format and deliver on AppStream 2.0 Elastic fleets.
Numecent Cloudpaging

Introducing AppStream 2.0 Elastic Fleets: How to Maximize Application Compatibility and Portability with Cloudpaging — Numecent Cloudpaging eliminates application compatibility issues, allowing even the most complex legacy and highly customized applications to be packaged with their dependencies and ready for deployment within a day. AppStream 2.0 users can then stream them on-demand without the need for IT to repackage for various Windows operating systems or devices.


Introducing Turbo support for Amazon AppStream 2.0 Elastic fleets — Turbo delivers applications instantly on major platforms and devices. Turbo’s unique container technology eliminates installs and manages dependencies, conflicts, and entitlements. AppStream 2.0 users can immediately launch any application in a Turbo Hub.