Increase the Size of the Application Settings VHD - Amazon AppStream 2.0

Increase the Size of the Application Settings VHD

The default VHD maximum size is 1 GB for Elastic fleets and 5GB for Always-On and On-Demand fleets. If a user requires additional space for application settings, you can download the applicable application settings VHD to a Windows computer to expand it. Then, replace the current VHD in the S3 bucket with the larger one. Do not do this when the user has an active streaming session.


To reduce the physical size of the virtual hard disk (VHD), clear the recycle bin before ending a session. This also reduces upload and download times, and improves the overall user experience.

To increase the size of the application settings VHD

The full VHD must be downloaded before a user can stream applications. Increasing the size of an application settings VHD can increase the time it takes for users to start application streaming sessions.

  1. Open the Amazon S3 console at

  2. In the Bucket name list, choose the S3 bucket that contains the application settings VHD to expand.

  3. Locate and select the folder that contains the VHD. For information about how to navigate the S3 bucket folder structure, see Amazon S3 Bucket Storage earlier in this topic.

    When you select the folder, the settings VHD and associated metadata file display.

  4. Download the Profile.vhdx file to a directory on your Windows computer. Do not close your browser after the download completes, because you'll use the browser again later to upload the expanded VHD.

  5. To use Diskpart to increase the size of the VHD to 7 GB, open the command prompt as an administrator, and type the following commands.


    select vdisk file="C:\path\to\application\settings\profile.vhdx"

    expand vdisk maximum=7000

  6. Then, type the following Diskpart commands to find and attach the VHD, and display the list of volumes:

    select vdisk file="C:\path\to\application\settings\profile.vhdx"

    attach vdisk

    list volume

    In the output, make note of the volume number with the label "AppStreamUS". In the next step, you select this volume so that you can enlarge it.

  7. Type the following command:

    select volume ###

    where ### is the number in the list volume output.

  8. Type the following command:


  9. Type the following commands to confirm that the size of the partition on the VHD increased as expected (2 GB in this example):


    select vdisk file="C:\path\to\application\settings\profile.vhdx"

    list volume

  10. Type the following command to detach the VHD so that it can be uploaded:

    detach vdisk

  11. Return to your browser with the Amazon S3 console, choose Upload, Add files, and then select the enlarged VHD.

  12. Choose Upload.

After the VHD is uploaded, the next time the user streams from a fleet on which application settings persistence is enabled with the applicable settings group, the larger application settings VHD is available.