Adding Your Custom Branding to Amazon AppStream 2.0
To customize AppStream 2.0 with your organizational branding, use the AppStream 2.0 console to select the stack to customize, and then add your branding.
If you want to choose your organization logo or favicon from your Amazon S3 buckets, make sure that your Amazon S3 bucket content is not encrypted using keys that you manage (Customer Managed Keys). Amazon S3 buckets configured to use server-side encryption with customer-provided encryption keys (SSE-C) are not supported for organization logo and favicon. If you require encryption at rest for your Amazon S3 objects, server-side encryption with Amazon S3-managed encryption keys (SSE-S3) is an option for organization logo and favicon.
To add your custom branding to AppStream 2.0
Open the AppStream 2.0 console at
. -
In the left pane, choose Stacks.
In the stack list, select the stack to customize with your branding.
Choose Branding, Custom.
For Application catalog page, customize how the streaming application catalog page appears to users after they sign in to AppStream 2.0.
For Organization logo, do either of the following:
Either enter the Amazon S3 URI that represents the organization logo, or choose Browse S3 to navigate to your Amazon S3 buckets and find the organization logo.
If you already uploaded a organization logo and want to view it, choose View. You can change it by entering another Amazon S3 URI that represents the organization logo, or choose Browse S3 to find another organization logo.
For Organization website links, specify up to three website links to display in the page footer. For each link, choose the Add Link button, and then enter a display name and URL. To add more links, repeat these steps for each link to add. To remove a link, choose the Remove button under the link URL.
For Color theme, choose the colors to use for your website links, body text, and buttons, and as an accent for the page background. For information about each color theme, see Color Theme Palettes in Amazon AppStream 2.0 later in this topic.
For Browser tab, customize the page title and icon to display to users at the top of their browser tab during streaming sessions.
For Page title, enter the title to display at the top of the browser tab.
For Favicon, do either of the following:
Enter the Amazon S3 URI that represents the favicon, or choose Browse S3 to navigate to your Amazon S3 buckets and find the favicon.
If you already uploaded a favicon and want to view it, choose View. Or, you can change it by entering another Amazon S3 URI that represents the favicon, or choose Browse S3 to find another favicon.
Do either of the following:
To apply your branding changes, choose Save. When users connect to new streaming sessions that are launched for the stack, your branding changes are displayed.
AppStream 2.0 retains the custom branding changes that you save. If you save your custom branding changes, but then choose to restore the AppStream 2.0 default branding, your custom branding changes are saved for later use. If you restore the AppStream 2.0 default branding and decide later to reapply your custom branding, choose Custom, Save. In this case, the most recently saved custom branding is displayed to your users.
To discard your branding changes, choose Cancel. When prompted to confirm your choice, choose Confirm. If you cancel your changes, the most recently saved branding is displayed to your users.