Bundling, TypeScript, and source maps for the APPSYNC_JS runtime - AWS AppSync GraphQL

Bundling, TypeScript, and source maps for the APPSYNC_JS runtime

TypeScript enhances AWS AppSync development by providing type safety and early error detection. You can write TypeScript code locally and transpile it to JavaScript before using it with the APPSYNC_JS runtime. The process starts with installing TypeScript and configuring tsconfig.json for the APPSYNC_JS environment. You can then use bundling tools like esbuild to compile and bundle the code. The Amplify CLI will generate types from the GraphQL schema, allowing you to use these types in resolver code.

You can leverage custom and external libraries in your resolver and function code, as long as they comply with APPSYNC_JS requirements. Bundling tools combine code into a single file for use in AWS AppSync. Source maps can be included to aid debugging.

Leveraging libraries and bundling your code

In your resolver and function code, you can leverage both custom and external libraries so long as they comply with the APPSYNC_JS requirements. This makes it possible to reuse existing code in your application. To make use of libraries that are defined by multiple files, you must use a bundling tool, such as esbuild, to combine your code in a single file that can then be saved to your AWS AppSync resolver or function.

When bundling your code, keep the following in mind:

  • APPSYNC_JS only supports ECMAScript modules (ESM).

  • @aws-appsync/* modules are integrated into APPSYNC_JS and should not be bundled with your code.

  • The APPSYNC_JS runtime environment is similar to NodeJS in that code does not run in a browser environment.

  • You can include an optional source map. However, do not include the source content.

    To learn more about source maps, see Using source maps.

For example, to bundle your resolver code located at src/appsync/getPost.resolver.js, you can use the following esbuild CLI command:

$ esbuild --bundle \ --sourcemap=inline \ --sources-content=false \ --target=esnext \ --platform=node \ --format=esm \ --external:@aws-appsync/utils \ --outdir=out/appsync \ src/appsync/getPost.resolver.js

Building your code and working with TypeScript

TypeScript is a programming language developed by Microsoft that offers all of JavaScript’s features along with the TypeScript typing system. You can use TypeScript to write type-safe code and catch errors and bugs at build time before saving your code to AWS AppSync. The @aws-appsync/utils package is fully typed.

The APPSYNC_JS runtime doesn't support TypeScript directly. You must first transpile your TypeScript code to JavaScript code that the APPSYNC_JS runtime supports before saving your code to AWS AppSync. You can use TypeScript to write your code in your local integrated development environment (IDE), but note that you cannot create TypeScript code in the AWS AppSync console.

To get started, make sure you have TypeScript installed in your project. Then, configure your TypeScript transcompilation settings to work with the APPSYNC_JS runtime using TSConfig. Here’s an example of a basic tsconfig.json file that you can use:

// tsconfig.json { "compilerOptions": { "target": "esnext", "module": "esnext", "noEmit": true, "moduleResolution": "node", } }

You can then use a bundling tool like esbuild to compile and bundle your code. For example, given a project with your AWS AppSync code located at src/appsync, you can use the following command to compile and bundle your code:

$ esbuild --bundle \ --sourcemap=inline \ --sources-content=false \ --target=esnext \ --platform=node \ --format=esm \ --external:@aws-appsync/utils \ --outdir=out/appsync \ src/appsync/**/*.ts

Using Amplify codegen

You can use the Amplify CLI to generate the types for your schema. From the directory where your schema.graphql file is located, run the following command and review the prompts to configure your codegen:

$ npx @aws-amplify/cli codegen add

To regenerate your codegen under certain circumstances (e.g., when your schema is updated), run the following command:

$ npx @aws-amplify/cli codegen

You can then use the generated types in your resolver code. For example, given the following schema:

type Todo { id: ID! title: String! description: String } type Mutation { createTodo(title: String!, description: String): Todo } type Query { listTodos: Todo }

You could use the generated types in the following example AWS AppSync function:

import { Context, util } from '@aws-appsync/utils' import * as ddb from '@aws-appsync/utils/dynamodb' import { CreateTodoMutationVariables, Todo } from './API' // codegen export function request(ctx: Context<CreateTodoMutationVariables>) { ctx.args.description = ctx.args.description ?? 'created on ' + util.time.nowISO8601() return ddb.put<Todo>({ key: { id: util.autoId() }, item: ctx.args }) } export function response(ctx) { return ctx.result as Todo }

Using generics in TypeScript

You can use generics with several of the provided types. For example, the snippet below is a Todo type:

export type Todo = { __typename: "Todo", id: string, title: string, description?: string | null, };

You can write a resolver for a subscription that makes use of Todo. In your IDE, type definitions and auto-complete hints will guide you into properly using the toSubscriptionFilter transform utility:

import { util, Context, extensions } from '@aws-appsync/utils' import { Todo } from './API' export function request(ctx: Context) { return {} } export function response(ctx: Context) { const filter = util.transform.toSubscriptionFilter<Todo>({ title: { beginsWith: 'hello' }, description: { contains: 'created' }, }) extensions.setSubscriptionFilter(filter) return null }

Linting your bundles

You can automatically lint your bundles by importing the esbuild-plugin-eslint plugin. You can then enable it by providing a plugins value that enables eslint capabilities. Below is a snippet that uses the esbuild JavaScript API in a file called build.mjs:

/* eslint-disable */ import { build } from 'esbuild' import eslint from 'esbuild-plugin-eslint' import glob from 'glob' const files = await glob('src/**/*.ts') await build({ format: 'esm', target: 'esnext', platform: 'node', external: ['@aws-appsync/utils'], outdir: 'dist/', entryPoints: files, bundle: true, plugins: [eslint({ useEslintrc: true })], })

Using source maps

You can provide an inline source map (sourcemap) with your JavaScript code. Source maps are useful for when you bundle JavaScript or TypeScript code and want to see references to your input source files in your logs and runtime JavaScript error messages.

Your sourcemap must appear at the end of your code. It is defined by a single comment line that follows the following format:

//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,<base64 encoded string>

Here's an example:

//# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64,ewogICJ2ZXJzaW9uIjogMywKICAic291cmNlcyI6IFsibGliLmpzIiwgImNvZGUuanMiXSwKICAibWFwcGluZ3MiOiAiO0FBQU8sU0FBUyxRQUFRO0FBQ3RCLFNBQU87QUFDVDs7O0FDRE8sU0FBUyxRQUFRLEtBQUs7QUFDM0IsU0FBTyxNQUFNO0FBQ2Y7IiwKICAibmFtZXMiOiBbXQp9Cg==

Source maps can be created with esbuild. The example below shows you how to use the esbuild JavaScript API to include an inline source map when code is built and bundled:

/* eslint-disable */ import { build } from 'esbuild' import eslint from 'esbuild-plugin-eslint' import glob from 'glob' const files = await glob('src/**/*.ts') await build({ sourcemap: 'inline', sourcesContent: false, format: 'esm', target: 'esnext', platform: 'node', external: ['@aws-appsync/utils'], outdir: 'dist/', entryPoints: files, bundle: true, plugins: [eslint({ useEslintrc: true })], })

In particular, the sourcemap and sourcesContent options specify that a source map should be added in line at the end of each build but should not include the source content. As a convention, we recommend not including source content in your sourcemap. You can disable this in esbuild by setting sources-content to false.

To illustrate how source maps work, review the following example in which a resolver code references helper functions from a helper library. The code contains log statements in the resolver code and in the helper library:

./src/default.resolver.ts (your resolver)

import { Context } from '@aws-appsync/utils' import { hello, logit } from './helper' export function request(ctx: Context) { console.log('start >') logit('hello world', 42, true) console.log('< end') return 'test' } export function response(ctx: Context): boolean { hello() return ctx.prev.result }

.src/helper.ts (a helper file)

export const logit = (...rest: any[]) => { // a special logger console.log('[logger]', ...rest.map((r) => `<${r}>`)) } export const hello = () => { // This just returns a simple sentence, but it could do more. console.log('i just say hello..') }

When you build and bundle the resolver file, your resolver code will include an inline source map. When your resolver runs, the following entries appear in the CloudWatch logs:

CloudWatch log entries showing resolver code execution with inline source map information.

Looking at the entries in the CloudWatch log, you'll notice that the functionality of the two files have been bundled together and are running concurrently. The original file name of each file is also clearly reflected in the logs.