Extensions - AWS AppSync GraphQL



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$extensions contains a set of methods to make additional actions within your resolvers.

$extensions.evictFromApiCache(String, String, Object) : Object

Evicts an item from the AWS AppSync server-side cache. The first argument is the type name. The second argument is the field name. The third argument is an object containing key-value pair items that specify the caching key value. You must put the items in the object in the same order as the caching keys in the cached resolver's cachingKey.


This utility works only for mutations, not queries.


Defines enhanced subscription filters. Each subscription notification event is evaluated against provided subscription filters and delivers notifications to clients if all filters evaluate to true. The argument is filterJsonObject as described in the following section.


You can use this extension method only in the response mapping templates of a subscription resolver.


Defines subscription invalidation filters. Subscription filters are evaluated against the invalidation payload, then invalidate a given subscription if the filters evaluate to true. The argument is filterJsonObject as described in the following section.


You can use this extension method only in the response mapping templates of a subscription resolver.


Used to initiate a subscription invalidation from a mutation. The argument is invalidationJsonObject as described in the following section.


This extension can be used only in the response mapping templates of the mutation resolvers.

You can only use at most five unique $extensions.invalidateSubscriptions() method calls in any single request. If you exceed this limit, you will receive a GraphQL error.

Argument: filterJsonObject

The JSON object defines either subscription or invalidation filters. It's an array of filters in a filterGroup. Each filter is a collection of individual filters.

{ "filterGroup": [ { "filters" : [ { "fieldName" : "userId", "operator" : "eq", "value" : 1 } ] }, { "filters" : [ { "fieldName" : "group", "operator" : "in", "value" : ["Admin", "Developer"] } ] } ] }

Each filter has three attributes:

  • fieldName – The GraphQL schema field.

  • operator – The operator type.

  • value – The values to compare to the subscription notification fieldName value.

The following is an example assignment of these attributes:

{ "fieldName" : "severity", "operator" : "le", "value" : $context.result.severity }

Field: fieldName

The string type fieldName refers to a field defined in the GraphQL schema that matches the fieldName in the subscription notification payload. When a match is found, the value of the GraphQL schema field is compared to the value of the subscription notification filter. In the following example, the fieldName filter matches the service field defined in a given GraphQL type. If the notification payload contains a service field with a value equivalent to AWS AppSync, the filter evaluates to true:

{ "fieldName" : "service", "operator" : "eq", "value" : "AWS AppSync" }

Field: value

The value can be a different type based on the operator:

  • A single number or Boolean

    • String examples: "test", "service"

    • Number examples: 1, 2, 45.75

    • Boolean examples: true, false

  • Pairs of numbers or strings

    • String pair example: ["test1","test2"], ["start","end"]

    • Number pair example: [1,4], [67,89], [12.45, 95.45]

  • Arrays of numbers or strings

    • String array example: ["test1","test2","test3","test4","test5"]

    • Number array example: [1,2,3,4,5], [12.11,46.13,45.09,12.54,13.89]

Field: operator

A case-sensitive string with the following possible values:

Operator Description Possible value types
eq Equal integer, float, string, Boolean
ne Not equal integer, float, string, Boolean
le Less than or equal integer, float, string
lt Less than integer, float, string
ge Greater than or equal integer, float, string
gt Greater than integer, float, string
contains Checks for a subsequence or value in the set. integer, float, string
notContains Checks for the absence of a subsequence or absence of a value in the set. integer, float, string
beginsWith Checks for a prefix. string
in Checks for matching elements that are in the list. Array of integer, float, or string
notIn Checks for matching elements that aren't in the list. Array of integer, float, or string
between Between two values integer, float, string
containsAny Contains common elements integer, float, string

The following table describes how each operator is used in the subscription notification.

eq (equal)

The eq operator evaluates to true if the subscription notification field value matches and is strictly equal to the filter's value. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a service field with the value equivalent to AWS AppSync.

Possible value types: integer, float, string, Boolean

{ "fieldName" : "service", "operator" : "eq", "value" : "AWS AppSync" }
ne (not equal)

The ne operator evaluates to true if the subscription notification field value is different from the filter's value. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a service field with a value different from AWS AppSync.

Possible value types: integer, float, string, Boolean

{ "fieldName" : "service", "operator" : "ne", "value" : "AWS AppSync" }
le (less or equal)

The le operator evaluates to true if the subscription notification field value is less than or equal to the filter's value. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a size field with a value less than or equal to 5.

Possible value types: integer, float, string

{ "fieldName" : "size", "operator" : "le", "value" : 5 }
lt (less than)

The lt operator evaluates to true if the subscription notification field value is lower than the filter's value. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a size field with a value lower than 5.

Possible value types: integer, float, string

{ "fieldName" : "size", "operator" : "lt", "value" : 5 }
ge (greater or equal)

The ge operator evaluates to true if the subscription notification field value is greater than or equal to the filter's value. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a sizefield with a value greater than or equal to 5.

Possible value types: integer, float, string

{ "fieldName" : "size", "operator" : "ge", "value" : 5 }
gt (greater than)

The gt operator evaluates to true if the subscription notification field value is greater than the filter's value. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a size field with a value greater than 5.

Possible value types: integer, float, string

{ "fieldName" : "size", "operator" : "gt", "value" : 5 }

The contains operator checks for a substring, subsequence, or value in a set or single item. A filter with the contains operator evaluates to true if the subscription notification field value contains the filter value. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a seats field with the array value containing the value 10.

Possible value types: integer, float, string

{ "fieldName" : "seats", "operator" : "contains", "value" : 10 }

In another example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has an event field with launch as substring.

{ "fieldName" : "event", "operator" : "contains", "value" : "launch" }

The notContains operator checks for the absence of a substring, subsequence, or value in a set or single item. The filter with the notContains operator evaluates to true if the subscription notification field value doesn't contain the filter value. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a seats field with the array value not containing the value 10.

Possible value types: integer, float, string

{ "fieldName" : "seats", "operator" : "notContains", "value" : 10 }

In another example, filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has an event field value without launch as its subsequence.

{ "fieldName" : "event", "operator" : "notContains", "value" : "launch" }

The beginsWith operator checks for a prefix in a string. The filter containing the beginsWith operator evaluates to true if the subscription notification field value begins with the filter's value. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a service field with a value that begins with AWS.

Possible value type: string

{ "fieldName" : "service", "operator" : "beginsWith", "value" : "AWS" }

The in operator checks for matching elements in an array. The filter containing the in operator evaluates to true if the subscription notification field value exists in an array. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a severity field with one of the values present in the array: [1,2,3].

Possible value type: Array of integer, float, or string

{ "fieldName" : "severity", "operator" : "in", "value" : [1,2,3] }

The notIn operator checks for missing elements in an array. The filter containing the notIn operator evaluates to true if the subscription notification field value doesn't exist in the array. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a severity field with one of the values not present in the array: [1,2,3].

Possible value type: Array of integer, float, or string

{ "fieldName" : "severity", "operator" : "notIn", "value" : [1,2,3] }

The between operator checks for values between two numbers or strings. The filter containing the between operator evaluates to true if the subscription notification field value is between the filter's value pair. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a severity field with values 2,3,4.

Possible value types: Pair of integer, float, or string

{ "fieldName" : "severity", "operator" : "between", "value" : [1,5] }

The containsAny operator checks for common elements in arrays. A filter with the containsAny operator evaluates to true if the intersection of the subscription notification field set value and filter set value is non empty. In the following example, the filter evaluates to true if the subscription notification has a seats field with an array value containing either 10 or 15. This means that filter would evaluate to true if the subscription notification had a seats field value of [10,11] or [15,20,30].

Possible value types: integer, float, or string

{ "fieldName" : "seats", "operator" : "containsAny", "value" : [10, 15] }

AND logic

You can combine multiple filters using AND logic by defining multiple entries within the filters object in the filterGroup array. In the following example, filters evaluate to true if the subscription notification has a userId field with a value equivalent to 1 AND a group field value of either Admin or Developer.

{ "filterGroup": [ { "filters" : [ { "fieldName" : "userId", "operator" : "eq", "value" : 1 }, { "fieldName" : "group", "operator" : "in", "value" : ["Admin", "Developer"] } ] } ] }

OR logic

You can combine multiple filters using OR logic by defining multiple filter objects within the filterGroup array. In the following example, filters evaluate to true if the subscription notification has a userId field with a value equivalent to 1 OR a group field value of either Admin or Developer.

{ "filterGroup": [ { "filters" : [ { "fieldName" : "userId", "operator" : "eq", "value" : 1 } ] }, { "filters" : [ { "fieldName" : "group", "operator" : "in", "value" : ["Admin", "Developer"] } ] } ] }


Note that there are several restrictions for using filters:

  • In the filters object, there can be a maximum of five unique fieldName items per filter. This means that you can combine a maximum of five individual fieldName objects using AND logic.

  • There can be a maximum of twenty values for the containsAny operator.

  • There can be a maximum of five values for the in and notIn operators.

  • Each string can be a maximum of 256 characters.

  • Each string comparison is case sensitive.

  • Nested object filtering allows up to five nested levels of filtering.

  • Each filterGroup can have a maximum of 10 filters. This means that you can combine a maximum of 10 filters using OR logic.

    • The in operator is a special case of OR logic. In the following example, there are two filters:

      { "filterGroup": [ { "filters" : [ { "fieldName" : "userId", "operator" : "eq", "value" : 1 }, { "fieldName" : "group", "operator" : "in", "value" : ["Admin", "Developer"] } ] } ] }

      The preceding filter group is evaluated as follows and counts towards the maximum filters limit:

      { "filterGroup": [ { "filters" : [ { "fieldName" : "userId", "operator" : "eq", "value" : 1 }, { "fieldName" : "group", "operator" : "eq", "value" : "Admin" } ] }, { "filters" : [ { "fieldName" : "userId", "operator" : "eq", "value" : 1 }, { "fieldName" : "group", "operator" : "eq", "value" : "Developer" } ] } ] }

Argument: invalidationJsonObject

The invalidationJsonObject defines the following:

  • subscriptionField – The GraphQL schema subscription to invalidate. A single subscription, defined as a string in the subscriptionField, is considered for invalidation.

  • payload – A key-value pair list that's used as the input for invalidating subscriptions if the invalidation filter evaluates to true against their values.

    The following example invalidates subscribed and connected clients using the onUserDelete subscription when the invalidation filter defined in the subscription resolver evaluates to true against the payload value.

    $extensions.invalidateSubscriptions({ "subscriptionField": "onUserDelete", "payload": { "group": "Developer" "type" : "Full-Time" } })