Schemas - AWS AppSync


The GraphQL schema is the foundation of a GraphQL API. It serves as the blueprint that defines the shape of your data. It's also a contract between your client and server that defines how your data will be retrieved and/or modified.

GraphQL schemas are written in the Schema Definition Language (SDL). SDL is composed of types and fields with an established structure:

  • Types: Types are how GraphQL defines the shape and behavior of the data. GraphQL supports a multitude of types that will be explained later in this section. Each type that's defined in your schema will contain its own scope. Inside the scope will be one or more fields that can contain a value or logic that will be used in your GraphQL service. Types fill many different roles, the most common being objects or scalars (primitive value types).

  • Fields: Fields exist within the scope of a type and hold the value that's requested from the GraphQL service. These are very similar to variables in other programming languages. The shape of the data you define in your fields will determine how the data is structured in a request/response operation. This allows developers to predict what will be returned without knowing how the backend of the service is implemented.

To visualize what a schema would look like, let's review the contents of a simple GraphQL schema. In production code, your schema will typically be in a file called schema.graphql or schema.json. Let's assume that we're peering into a project that implements a GraphQL service. This project is storing company personnel data, and the schema.graphql file is being used to retrieve personnel data and add new personnel to a database. The code may look like this:

type Person { id: ID! name: String age: Int } type Query { people: [Person] } type Mutation { addPerson(id: ID!, name: String, age: Int): Person }

We can see that there are three types defined in the schema: Person, Query, and Mutation. Looking at Person, we can guess that this is the blueprint for an instance of a company employee, which would make this type an object. Inside its scope, we see id, name, and age. These are the fields that define the properties of a Person. This means our data source stores each Person's name as a String scalar (primitive) type and age as an Int scalar (primitive) type. The id acts as a special, unique identifier for each Person. It's also a required value as denoted by the ! symbol.

The next two object types behave differently. GraphQL reserves a few keywords for special object types that define how the data will be populated in the schema. A Query type will retrieve data from the source. In our example, our query might retrieve Person objects from a database. This may remind you of GET operations in RESTful terminology. A Mutation will modify data. In our example, our mutation may add more Person objects to the database. This may remind you of state-changing operations like PUT or POST. The behaviors of all special object types will be explained later in this section.

Let's assume the Query in our example will retrieve something from the database. If we look at the fields of Query, we see one field called people. Its field value is [Person]. This means we want to retrieve some instance of Person in the database. However, the addition of brackets means that we want to return a list of all Person instances and not just a specific one.

The Mutation type is responsible for performing state-changing operations like data modification. A mutation is responsible for performing some state-changing operation on the data source. In our example, our mutation contains an operation called addPerson that adds a new Person object to the database. The mutation uses a Person and expects an input for the id, name, and age fields.

At this point, you may be wondering how operations like addPerson work without a code implementation given that it supposedly performs some behavior and looks a lot like a function with a function name and parameters. Currently, it won't work because a schema only serves as the declaration. To implement the behavior of addPerson, we would have to add a resolver to it. A resolver is a unit of code that is executed whenever its associated field (in this case, the addPerson operation) is called. If you want to use an operation, you'll have to add the resolver implementation at some point. In a way, you can think of the schema operation as the function declaration and the resolver as the definition. Resolvers will be explained in a different section.

This example shows only the simplest ways a schema can manipulate data. You build complex, robust, and scalable applications by leveraging the features of GraphQL and AWS AppSync. In the next section, we'll define all of the different types and field behaviors you can utilize in your schema.

As you can see, there are many moving components in GraphQL. In this section, we showed the structure of a simple schema and the different types and fields a schema supports. In the following section, you will discover the other components of a GraphQL API and how they work with the schema.