Using AWS Lambda resolvers in AWS AppSync - AWS AppSync GraphQL

Using AWS Lambda resolvers in AWS AppSync

You can use AWS Lambda with AWS AppSync to resolve any GraphQL field. For example, a GraphQL query might send a call to an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) instance, and a GraphQL mutation might write to an Amazon Kinesis stream. In this section, we'll show you how to write a Lambda function that performs business logic based on the invocation of a GraphQL field operation.

Create a Lambda function

The following example shows a Lambda function written in Node.js (runtime: Node.js 18.x) that performs different operations on blog posts as part of a blog post application. Note that the code should be saved in a file name with a .mis extension.

export const handler = async (event) => { console.log('Received event {}', JSON.stringify(event, 3)) const posts = { 1: { id: '1', title: 'First book', author: 'Author1', url: '', content: 'SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1', ups: '100', downs: '10', }, 2: { id: '2', title: 'Second book', author: 'Author2', url: '', content: 'SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 2 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 2 SAMPLE TEXT', ups: '100', downs: '10', }, 3: { id: '3', title: 'Third book', author: 'Author3', url: null, content: null, ups: null, downs: null }, 4: { id: '4', title: 'Fourth book', author: 'Author4', url: '', content: 'SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4', ups: '1000', downs: '0', }, 5: { id: '5', title: 'Fifth book', author: 'Author5', url: '', content: 'SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT', ups: '50', downs: '0', }, } const relatedPosts = { 1: [posts['4']], 2: [posts['3'], posts['5']], 3: [posts['2'], posts['1']], 4: [posts['2'], posts['1']], 5: [], } console.log('Got an Invoke Request.') let result switch (event.field) { case 'getPost': return posts[] case 'allPosts': return Object.values(posts) case 'addPost': // return the arguments back return event.arguments case 'addPostErrorWithData': result = posts[] // attached additional error information to the post result.errorMessage = 'Error with the mutation, data has changed' result.errorType = 'MUTATION_ERROR' return result case 'relatedPosts': return relatedPosts[] default: throw new Error('Unknown field, unable to resolve ' + event.field) } }

This Lambda function retrieves a post by ID, adds a post, retrieves a list of posts, and fetches related posts for a given post.


The Lambda function uses the switch statement on event.field to determine which field is currently being resolved.

Create this Lambda function using the AWS Management Console.

Configure a data source for Lambda

After you create the Lambda function, navigate to your GraphQL API in the AWS AppSync console, and then choose the Data Sources tab.

Choose Create data source, enter a friendly Data source name (for example, Lambda), and then for Data source type, choose AWS Lambda function. For Region, choose the same Region as your function. For Function ARN, choose the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of your Lambda function.

After choosing your Lambda function, you can either create a new AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role (for which AWS AppSync assigns the appropriate permissions) or choose an existing role that has the following inline policy:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "lambda:InvokeFunction" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:REGION:ACCOUNTNUMBER:function/LAMBDA_FUNCTION" } ] }

You must also set up a trust relationship with AWS AppSync for the IAM role as follows:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": { "Service": "" }, "Action": "sts:AssumeRole" } ] }

Create a GraphQL schema

Now that the data source is connected to your Lambda function, create a GraphQL schema.

From the schema editor in the AWS AppSync console, make sure that your schema matches the following schema:

schema { query: Query mutation: Mutation } type Query { getPost(id:ID!): Post allPosts: [Post] } type Mutation { addPost(id: ID!, author: String!, title: String, content: String, url: String): Post! } type Post { id: ID! author: String! title: String content: String url: String ups: Int downs: Int relatedPosts: [Post] }

Configure resolvers

Now that you've registered a Lambda data source and a valid GraphQL schema, you can connect your GraphQL fields to your Lambda data source using resolvers.

You will create a resolver that uses the AWS AppSync JavaScript (APPSYNC_JS) runtime and interact with your Lambda functions. To learn more about writing AWS AppSync resolvers and functions with JavaScript, see JavaScript runtime features for resolvers and functions.

For more information about Lambda mapping templates, see JavaScript resolver function reference for Lambda.

In this step, you attach a resolver to the Lambda function for the following fields: getPost(id:ID!): Post, allPosts: [Post], addPost(id: ID!, author: String!, title: String, content: String, url: String): Post!, and Post.relatedPosts: [Post]. From the Schema editor in the AWS AppSync console, in the Resolvers pane, choose Attach next to the getPost(id:ID!): Post field. Choose your Lambda data source. Next, provide the following code:

import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils'; export function request(ctx) { const {source, args} = ctx return { operation: 'Invoke', payload: { field:, arguments: args, source }, }; } export function response(ctx) { return ctx.result; }

This resolver code passes the field name, list of arguments, and context about the source object to the Lambda function when it invokes it. Choose Save.

You have successfully attached your first resolver. Repeat this operation for the remaining fields.

Test your GraphQL API

Now that your Lambda function is connected to GraphQL resolvers, you can run some mutations and queries using the console or a client application.

On the left side of the AWS AppSync console, choose Queries, and then paste in the following code:

addPost Mutation

mutation AddPost { addPost( id: 6 author: "Author6" title: "Sixth book" url: "" content: "This is the book is a tutorial for using GraphQL with AWS AppSync." ) { id author title content url ups downs } }

getPost Query

query GetPost { getPost(id: "2") { id author title content url ups downs } }

allPosts Query

query AllPosts { allPosts { id author title content url ups downs relatedPosts { id title } } }

Returning errors

Any given field resolution can result in an error. With AWS AppSync, you can raise errors from the following sources:

  • Resolver response handler

  • Lambda function

From the resolver response handler

To raise intentional errors, you can use the util.error utility method. It takes an argument an errorMessage, an errorType, and an optional data value. The data is useful for returning extra data back to the client when an error occurs. The data object is added to the errors in the GraphQL final response.

The following example shows how to use it in the Post.relatedPosts: [Post] resolver response handler.

// the Post.relatedPosts response handler export function response(ctx) { util.error("Failed to fetch relatedPosts", "LambdaFailure", ctx.result) return ctx.result; }

This yields a GraphQL response similar to the following:

{ "data": { "allPosts": [ { "id": "2", "title": "Second book", "relatedPosts": null }, ... ] }, "errors": [ { "path": [ "allPosts", 0, "relatedPosts" ], "errorType": "LambdaFailure", "locations": [ { "line": 5, "column": 5 } ], "message": "Failed to fetch relatedPosts", "data": [ { "id": "2", "title": "Second book" }, { "id": "1", "title": "First book" } ] } ] }

Where allPosts[0].relatedPosts is null because of the error and the errorMessage, errorType, and data are present in the data.errors[0] object.

From the Lambda function

AWS AppSync also understands errors that the Lambda function throws. The Lambda programming model lets you raise handled errors. If the Lambda function throws an error, AWS AppSync fails to resolve the current field. Only the error message returned from Lambda is set in the response. Currently, you can't pass any extraneous data back to the client by raising an error from the Lambda function.


If your Lambda function raises an unhandled error, AWS AppSync uses the error message that Lambda set.

The following Lambda function raises an error:

export const handler = async (event) => { console.log('Received event {}', JSON.stringify(event, 3)) throw new Error('I always fail.') }

The error is received in your response handler. You can send it back in the GraphQL response by appending the error to the response with util.appendError. To do so, change your AWS AppSync function response handler to this:

// the lambdaInvoke response handler export function response(ctx) { const { error, result } = ctx; if (error) { util.appendError(error.message, error.type, result); } return result; }

This returns a GraphQL response similar to the following:

{ "data": { "allPosts": null }, "errors": [ { "path": [ "allPosts" ], "data": null, "errorType": "Lambda:Unhandled", "errorInfo": null, "locations": [ { "line": 2, "column": 3, "sourceName": null } ], "message": "I fail. always" } ] }

Advanced use case: Batching

The Lambda function in this example has a relatedPosts field that returns a list of related posts for a given post. In the example queries, the allPosts field invocation from the Lambda function returns five posts. Because we specified that we also want to resolve relatedPosts for each returned post, the relatedPosts field operation is invoked five times.

query { allPosts { // 1 Lambda invocation - yields 5 Posts id author title content url ups downs relatedPosts { // 5 Lambda invocations - each yields 5 posts id title } } }

While this might not sound substantial in this specific example, this compounded over-fetching can quickly undermine the application.

If you were to fetch relatedPosts again on the returned related Posts in the same query, the number of invocations would increase dramatically.

query { allPosts { // 1 Lambda invocation - yields 5 Posts id author title content url ups downs relatedPosts { // 5 Lambda invocations - each yield 5 posts = 5 x 5 Posts id title relatedPosts { // 5 x 5 Lambda invocations - each yield 5 posts = 25 x 5 Posts id title author } } } }

In this relatively simple query, AWS AppSync would invoke the Lambda function 1 + 5 + 25 = 31 times.

This is a fairly common challenge and is often called the N+1 problem (in this case, N = 5), and it can incur increased latency and cost to the application.

One approach to solving this issue is to batch similar field resolver requests together. In this example, instead of having the Lambda function resolve a list of related posts for a single given post, it could instead resolve a list of related posts for a given batch of posts.

To demonstrate this, let's update the resolver for relatedPosts to handle batching.

import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils'; export function request(ctx) { const {source, args} = ctx return { operation: === 'relatedPosts' ? 'BatchInvoke' : 'Invoke', payload: { field:, arguments: args, source }, }; } export function response(ctx) { const { error, result } = ctx; if (error) { util.appendError(error.message, error.type, result); } return result; }

The code now changes the operation from Invoke to BatchInvoke when the fieldName being resolved is relatedPosts. Now, enable batching on the function in the Configure Batching section. Set the maximum batching size set to 5. Choose Save.

With this change, when resolving relatedPosts, the Lambda function receives the following as input:

[ { "field": "relatedPosts", "source": { "id": 1 } }, { "field": "relatedPosts", "source": { "id": 2 } }, ... ]

When BatchInvoke is specified in the request, the Lambda function receives a list of requests and returns a list of results.

Specifically, the list of results must match the size and order of the request payload entries so that AWS AppSync can match the results accordingly.

In this batching example, the Lambda function returns a batch of results as follows:

[ [{"id":"2","title":"Second book"}, {"id":"3","title":"Third book"}], // relatedPosts for id=1 [{"id":"3","title":"Third book"}] // relatedPosts for id=2 ]

You can update your Lambda code to handle batching for relatedPosts:

export const handler = async (event) => { console.log('Received event {}', JSON.stringify(event, 3)) //throw new Error('I fail. always') const posts = { 1: { id: '1', title: 'First book', author: 'Author1', url: '', content: 'SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1', ups: '100', downs: '10', }, 2: { id: '2', title: 'Second book', author: 'Author2', url: '', content: 'SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 2 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 2 SAMPLE TEXT', ups: '100', downs: '10', }, 3: { id: '3', title: 'Third book', author: 'Author3', url: null, content: null, ups: null, downs: null }, 4: { id: '4', title: 'Fourth book', author: 'Author4', url: '', content: 'SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4', ups: '1000', downs: '0', }, 5: { id: '5', title: 'Fifth book', author: 'Author5', url: '', content: 'SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT', ups: '50', downs: '0', }, } const relatedPosts = { 1: [posts['4']], 2: [posts['3'], posts['5']], 3: [posts['2'], posts['1']], 4: [posts['2'], posts['1']], 5: [], } if (!event.field && event.length){ console.log(`Got a BatchInvoke Request. The payload has ${event.length} items to resolve.`); return => relatedPosts[]) } console.log('Got an Invoke Request.') let result switch (event.field) { case 'getPost': return posts[] case 'allPosts': return Object.values(posts) case 'addPost': // return the arguments back return event.arguments case 'addPostErrorWithData': result = posts[] // attached additional error information to the post result.errorMessage = 'Error with the mutation, data has changed' result.errorType = 'MUTATION_ERROR' return result case 'relatedPosts': return relatedPosts[] default: throw new Error('Unknown field, unable to resolve ' + event.field) } }

Returning individual errors

The previous examples show that it's possible to return a single error from the Lambda function or raise an error from your response handler. For batched invocations, raising an error from the Lambda function flags an entire batch as failed. This might be acceptable for specific scenarios where an irrecoverable error occurs, such as a failed connection to a data store. However, in cases where some items in the batch succeed and others fail, it's possible to return both errors and valid data. Because AWS AppSync requires the batch response to list elements matching the original size of the batch, you must define a data structure that can differentiate valid data from an error.

For example, if the Lambda function is expected to return a batch of related posts, you could choose to return a list of Response objects where each object has optional data, errorMessage, and errorType fields. If the errorMessage field is present, it means that an error occurred.

The following code shows how you could update the Lambda function:

export const handler = async (event) => { console.log('Received event {}', JSON.stringify(event, 3)) // throw new Error('I fail. always') const posts = { 1: { id: '1', title: 'First book', author: 'Author1', url: '', content: 'SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 1', ups: '100', downs: '10', }, 2: { id: '2', title: 'Second book', author: 'Author2', url: '', content: 'SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 2 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 2 SAMPLE TEXT', ups: '100', downs: '10', }, 3: { id: '3', title: 'Third book', author: 'Author3', url: null, content: null, ups: null, downs: null }, 4: { id: '4', title: 'Fourth book', author: 'Author4', url: '', content: 'SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 4', ups: '1000', downs: '0', }, 5: { id: '5', title: 'Fifth book', author: 'Author5', url: '', content: 'SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT AUTHOR 5 SAMPLE TEXT', ups: '50', downs: '0', }, } const relatedPosts = { 1: [posts['4']], 2: [posts['3'], posts['5']], 3: [posts['2'], posts['1']], 4: [posts['2'], posts['1']], 5: [], } if (!event.field && event.length){ console.log(`Got a BatchInvoke Request. The payload has ${event.length} items to resolve.`); return => { // return an error for post 2 if ( === '2') { return { 'data': null, 'errorMessage': 'Error Happened', 'errorType': 'ERROR' } } return {data: relatedPosts[]} }) } console.log('Got an Invoke Request.') let result switch (event.field) { case 'getPost': return posts[] case 'allPosts': return Object.values(posts) case 'addPost': // return the arguments back return event.arguments case 'addPostErrorWithData': result = posts[] // attached additional error information to the post result.errorMessage = 'Error with the mutation, data has changed' result.errorType = 'MUTATION_ERROR' return result case 'relatedPosts': return relatedPosts[] default: throw new Error('Unknown field, unable to resolve ' + event.field) } }

Update the relatedPosts resolver code:

import { util } from '@aws-appsync/utils'; export function request(ctx) { const {source, args} = ctx return { operation: === 'relatedPosts' ? 'BatchInvoke' : 'Invoke', payload: { field:, arguments: args, source }, }; } export function response(ctx) { const { error, result } = ctx; if (error) { util.appendError(error.message, error.type, result); } else if (result.errorMessage) { util.appendError(result.errorMessage, result.errorType, } else if ( === 'relatedPosts') { return } else { return result } }

The response handler now checks for errors returned by the Lambda function on Invoke operations, checks for errors returned for individual items for BatchInvoke operations, and finally checks the fieldName. For relatedPosts, the function returns For all other fields, the function just returns result. For example, see the query below:

query AllPosts { allPosts { id title content url ups downs relatedPosts { id } author } }

This query returns a GraphQL response similar to the following:

{ "data": { "allPosts": [ { "id": "1", "relatedPosts": [ { "id": "4" } ] }, { "id": "2", "relatedPosts": null }, { "id": "3", "relatedPosts": [ { "id": "2" }, { "id": "1" } ] }, { "id": "4", "relatedPosts": [ { "id": "2" }, { "id": "1" } ] }, { "id": "5", "relatedPosts": [] } ] }, "errors": [ { "path": [ "allPosts", 1, "relatedPosts" ], "data": null, "errorType": "ERROR", "errorInfo": null, "locations": [ { "line": 4, "column": 5, "sourceName": null } ], "message": "Error Happened" } ] }

Configuring the maximum batching size

To configure the maximum batching size on a resolver, use the following command in the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI):

$ aws appsync create-resolver --api-id <api-id> --type-name Query --field-name relatedPosts \ --code "<code-goes-here>" \ --runtime name=APPSYNC_JS,runtimeVersion=1.0.0 \ --data-source-name "<lambda-datasource>" \ --max-batch-size X

When providing a request mapping template, you must use the BatchInvoke operation to use batching.