Downloading reports in AWS Artifact - AWS Artifact

Downloading reports in AWS Artifact

You can download reports from the AWS Artifact console. When you download a report from AWS Artifact, the report is generated specifically for you, and every report has a unique watermark. For this reason, you should share the reports only with those you trust. Don't email the reports as attachments, and don't share them online. To share a report, use a secure sharing service such as Amazon WorkDocs. Some reports require you to accept the Terms and conditions before you can download them.

Downloading a report

To download a report, you must have the required permissions. For more information, see Identity and access management in AWS Artifact.

When you sign up for AWS Artifact, your account is automatically granted permissions to download some reports. If you are having trouble accessing AWS Artifact, follow the guidance on AWS Artifact Service Authorization Reference page.

To download a report
  1. Open the AWS Artifact console at

  2. On the AWS Artifact home page, choose View reports.

  3. On the Reports page, use the AWS reports tab to access AWS reports (E.g. SOC 1/2/3, PCI, C5, etc.) and navigate to the Third-party reports tab to access the reports of the Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) who sell their products on AWS Marketplace.

  4. (Optional) Enter a keyword in the search field to locate a report. You can perform targeted searches for reports based on individual columns, including report title, category, series, and description. For example, if you need to find the Cloud Computing Compliance Controls Catalogue (C5) report, you can search the "Title" column using the "contains" operator and the term "C5".

  5. Select a report, and then choose Download report.

  6. (Optional) On the Third-party reports tab, you can access the details page of an ISV report by clicking on the Report title to learn more about the report.

  7. You might be asked to accept Terms and conditions that apply to the specific report you are downloading. We recommend that you read them closely. When you are finished, select I have read and agree to the terms and then choose Accept terms and download report.

  8. Open the downloaded file via a PDF viewer. Review the terms and conditions for acceptance and scroll down to find the audit report. Reports could have additional information embedded as attachments within the PDF document, so please make sure to check for attachments within the PDF file for supporting documentation. Check here for instructions on how to view attachments.

Viewing attachments in PDF documents

The following applications that currently support viewing PDF attachments are recommended:

Adobe Acrobat Viewer
  1. Download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat from here.

  2. Open the file in Adobe Acrobat viewer.

  3. To open the Attachments panel, click the paperclip icon in the left of the PDF document or choose View > Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > Attachments.

  4. In the Attachments panel, double-click the attachment to view the document.

Firefox Browser
  1. Download Firefox browser from here

  2. Open the PDF file in Firefox browser by using the open file option from File menu.

  3. To open the attachments, click the Toggle sidebar icon on the top left of the screen.

Securing your documents

AWS Artifact documents are confidential and should be kept secure at all times. AWS Artifact uses the AWS shared responsibility model for its documents. This means that AWS is responsible for keeping documents secure while they are in the AWS Cloud, but you are responsible for keeping them secure after you download them. AWS Artifact might require you to accept the Terms and conditions before you can download documents. Each document download has a unique, traceable watermark.

You are only permitted to share documents marked as confidential within your company, with your regulators, and with your auditors. You aren't permitted to share these documents with your customers or on your website. We strongly recommend that you use a secure document sharing service, such as Amazon WorkDocs, to share documents with others. Do not send the documents through email or upload them to a site that is not secure.


If you cannot download a document or receive an error message, see Troubleshooting in the AWS Artifact FAQ.