Service Quotas
The Service Quotas console provides information about Amazon Athena quotas. You can also use the
Service Quotas console to request quota increases
Your account has the following query-related quotas for Amazon Athena. For details, see the Amazon Athena endpoints and quotas page of the AWS General Reference.
Active DDL queries – The number of active DDL queries. DDL queries include
queries. -
DDL query timeout – The maximum amount of time in minutes a DDL query can run before it gets cancelled.
Active DML queries – The number of active DML queries. DML queries include
queries. The specific quotas vary by AWS Region. -
DML query timeout – The maximum amount of time in minutes a DML query can run before it gets cancelled. You can request an increase in this timeout up to a maximum of 240 minutes.
To request quota increases, you can use the Athena Service Quotas
Athena processes queries by assigning resources based on the overall service load and the number of incoming requests. Your queries may be temporarily queued before they run. Asynchronous processes pick up the queries from queues and run them on physical resources as soon as the resources become available and for as long as your account configuration permits.
A DML or DDL query quota includes both running and queued queries. For example, if
your DML query quota is 25 and your total of running and queued queries is 26, query 26
will result in a TooManyRequestsException
If you would like to control concurrency directly for the queries you run in Athena, you can use capacity reservations. For more information, see Manage query processing capacity.
Query string length
The maximum allowed query string length is 262144 bytes, where the strings are
encoded in UTF-8. This is not an adjustable quota. However, you can work around this
limitation by splitting long queries into multiple smaller queries. For more
information, see How can I
increase the maximum query string length in Athena?
When you work with Athena workgroups, remember the following points:
Athena service quotas are shared across all workgroups in an account.
The maximum number of workgroups you can create per Region in an account is 1000.
The maximum number of prepared statements in a workgroup is 1000.
The maximum number of tags per workgroup is 50. For more information, see Tag restrictions.
Databases, tables, and partitions
Athena uses the AWS Glue Data Catalog. For service quotas on tables, databases, and partitions (for example, the maximum number of databases or tables per account), see AWS Glue endpoints and quotas. Note that, although Athena supports querying AWS Glue tables that have 10 million partitions, Athena cannot read more than 1 million partitions in a single scan.
Amazon S3 buckets
When you work with Amazon S3 buckets, remember the following points:
Amazon S3 has a default service quota of 100 buckets per account.
Athena requires a separate bucket to log results.
You can request a quota increase of up to 1,000 Amazon S3 buckets per AWS account.
Per account API call quotas
Athena APIs have the following default quotas for the number of calls to the API per account (not per query):
API name | Default number of calls per second | Burst capacity |
BatchGetNamedQuery , ListNamedQueries ,
5 | up to 10 |
CreateNamedQuery , DeleteNamedQuery ,
GetNamedQuery |
5 | up to 20 |
BatchGetQueryExecution |
20 | up to 40 |
StartQueryExecution ,
StopQueryExecution |
20 | up to 80 |
GetQueryExecution , GetQueryResults |
100 | up to 200 |
For example, you can make up to 20 calls per second for
. In addition, if this API is not called for 4
seconds, your account accumulates a burst capacity of up to 80
calls. In this case, your application can make up to 80 calls to this API in burst
If you use any of these APIs and exceed the default quota for the number of calls per
second, or the burst capacity in your account, the Athena API issues an error similar to
the following: ""ClientError: An error occurred (ThrottlingException) when
calling the <API_name> operation: Rate
Reduce the number of calls per second, or the burst capacity
for the API for this account.
The Athena quota for per account API calls for cannot be changed in the Athena Service
Quotas console. To request a quota increase for Athena API calls, navigate to the Support
Service limit increase