AWS Audit Manager provides a prebuilt standard framework that supports the CIS Critical Security Controls version 8.0 , Implementation Group 1.
For information about CIS v7.1, IG1 and the AWS Audit Manager framework that supports this standard, see CIS Controls v7.1, IG1.
What are CIS Controls?
The CIS Critical Security Controls (CIS Controls) are a prioritized set of safeguards to mitigate the most prevalent cyberattacks against systems and networks. They are mapped to and referenced by multiple legal, regulatory, and policy frameworks. CIS Controls v8 has been enhanced to keep up with modern systems and software. Movement to cloud-based computing, virtualization, mobility, outsourcing, work-from-home, and changing attacker tactics prompted the update. This update supports the security of enterprises as they move to both fully cloud and hybrid environments.
Difference between CIS Controls and CIS Benchmarks
The CIS Controls are foundational best practice guidelines that an organization can follow to have protection from known cyberattack vectors. The CIS Benchmarks are security best practice guidelines specific to vendor products. Ranging from operating systems to cloud services and network devices, the settings that are applied from a Benchmark protect the systems that are being used.
CIS Benchmarks are prescriptive. They typically reference a specific setting that can be reviewed and set in the vendor product.
Example: CIS AWS Benchmark v1.2.0 - Ensure MFA is enabled for the "root user" account
This recommendation provides prescriptive guidance on how to check for this and how to set this on the root account for the AWS environment.
CIS Controls are for your organization as a whole and aren't specific to only one vendor product.
Example: CIS v7.1 - Use Multi-Factor Authentication for All Administrative Access
This control describes what's expected to be applied within your organization. However, it doesn't tell you how you should apply it for the systems and workloads that you're running (regardless of where they are).
Using this framework
You can use the CIS v8 IG1 framework to help you prepare for audits. This framework includes a prebuilt collection of controls with descriptions and testing procedures. These controls are grouped into control sets according to CIS requirements. You can also customize this framework and its controls to support internal audits with specific requirements.
Using the framework as a starting point, you can create an Audit Manager assessment and start collecting evidence that’s relevant for your audit. After you create an assessment, Audit Manager starts to assess your AWS resources. It does this based on the controls that are defined in the CIS v8 framework. When it's time for an audit, you—or a delegate of your choice—can review the evidence that Audit Manager collected. Either, you can browse the evidence folders in your assessment and choose which evidence you want to include in your assessment report. Or, if you enabled evidence finder, you can search for specific evidence and export it in CSV format, or create an assessment report from your search results. Either way, you can use this assessment report to show that your controls are working as intended.
The framework details are as follows:
Framework name in AWS Audit Manager | Number of automated controls | Number of manual controls | Number of control sets |
CIS Critical Security Controls version 8.0 (CIS v8.0), IG1 | 21 | 35 | 15 |
To ensure that this framework collects the intended evidence from AWS Security Hub, make sure that you enabled all standards in Security Hub.
To ensure that this framework collects the intended evidence from AWS Config, make sure that you enable the necessary AWS Config rules. To review the AWS Config rules that are used as data source mappings in this standard framework, download the file.
The controls in this framework aren't intended to verify if your systems are compliant with CIS Controls. Moreover, they can't guarantee that you'll pass a CIS audit. AWS Audit Manager doesn't automatically check procedural controls that require manual evidence collection.
Next steps
For instructions on how to view detailed information about this framework, including the list of standard controls that it contains, see Reviewing a framework in AWS Audit Manager.
For instructions on how to create an assessment using this framework, see Creating an assessment in AWS Audit Manager.
For instructions on how to customize this framework to support your specific requirements, see Making an editable copy of an existing framework in AWS Audit Manager.