Viewing the details of a framework - AWS Audit Manager

Viewing the details of a framework

You can review the details of a framework using the Audit Manager console, the Audit Manager API, or the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

Audit Manager console
To view framework details (console)
  1. Open the AWS Audit Manager console at

  2. In the left navigation pane, choose Framework library to see a list of available frameworks.

  3. Choose the Standard frameworks tab or the Custom frameworks tab to browse the available frameworks.

  4. Choose the name of the framework to open it.

When you open a framework, a Framework details page is displayed. The sections of this page and their contents are described as follows.

Framework details section

This section provides an overview of the framework. It includes the following information:

  • Framework name – The name of the framework.

  • Compliance type – The compliance standard or regulation that the framework supports.

  • Description – A description of the framework, if one was provided.

  • Framework type – Specifies whether the framework is a standard framework or a custom framework.

  • Control sets – The number of control sets that are associated with the framework.

  • Controls – The total number of controls in the framework.

  • Control sources – The number of control data sources where Audit Manager collects evidence from.

  • Tags – The tags that are associated with the framework.

If you're viewing a custom framework, the following details are also displayed:

  • Created by – The account that created the custom framework.

  • Date created – The date that the custom framework was created.

  • Last updated – The date when this framework was last edited.

Controls tab

This tab lists the controls in the framework, grouped by control set. It includes the following information:

  • Controls grouped by control set – Choose the tree view icon to see the controls that belong to each control set.

  • Type – Specifies whether the control is a standard control or a custom control.

  • Data source – Specifies the data source where Audit Manager collects evidence from for that control.

Tags tab

This tab lists the tags that are associated with the framework. It includes the following information:

  • Key – The tag key (for example, a compliance standard, regulation, or category).

  • Value – The tag value.

To view framework details (AWS CLI)
  1. To identify the framework that you want to review, run the list-assessment-frameworks command and specify a --framework-type. Either, you can retrieve a list of standard frameworks. Or, you can retrieve a list of custom frameworks.

    In the following example, replace the placeholder text with either Custom or Standard.

    aws auditmanager list-assessment-frameworks --framework-type Custom/Standard

    The response returns a list of frameworks. Find the framework that you want to review, and take note of the framework ID and Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

  2. To get the framework details, run the get-assessment-framework command and specify the --framework-id.

    In the following example, replace the placeholder text with your own information.

    aws auditmanager get-assessment-framework --framework-id a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111

    The framework details are returned in JSON format. To understand this data, see get-assessment-framework Output in the AWS CLI Command Reference.

  3. To see the tags for a framework, use the list-tags-for-resource command and specify the --resource-arn for the framework.

    In the following example, replace the placeholder text with your own information:

    aws auditmanager list-tags-for-resource --resource-arn arn:aws:auditmanager:us-east-1:111122223333:assessmentFramework/a1b2c3d4-5678-90ab-cdef-EXAMPLE11111

    For more information about tags in Audit Manager, see Tagging AWS Audit Manager resources.

Audit Manager API
To view framework details (API)
  1. To identify the framework that you want to review, use the ListAssessmentFrameworks operation and specify a frameworkType. Either, you can return a list of standard frameworks. Or, you can return a list of custom frameworks.

    From the response, find the framework that you want to review and note the framework ID and Amazon Resource Name (ARN).

  2. To get the framework details, use the GetAssessmentFramework operation. In the request, specify the frameworkId that you got from step 1.

    The framework details are returned in JSON format. To understand this data, see GetAssessmentFramework Response Elements in the AWS Audit Manager API Reference.

  3. To see tags for the framework, use the ListTagsForResource operation. In the request, specify the framework resourceArn that you got from step 1.

For more information about tags in Audit Manager, see Tagging AWS Audit Manager resources.

For more information about these API operations, choose any of the previous links to read more in the AWS Audit Manager API Reference. This includes information about how to use these operations and parameters in one of the language-specific AWS SDKs.