Delegation tasks for delegates - AWS Audit Manager

Delegation tasks for delegates

Delegates typically have specialized business or technical expertise in several different areas. These include data retention policies, training plans, network infrastructure, and identity management. They can help audit owners review collected evidence for controls that fall under their area of expertise.

As a delegate, you might receive requests from audit owners to review the evidence that's associated with a control set. This request indicates that the audit owner needs your assistance with validating this evidence. You can help audit owners by reviewing control sets and their related evidence, adding comments, uploading additional evidence, and updating the status of each control that you review.

The following topics describe how you can manage delegations in AWS Audit Manager.


Audit owners delegate specific control sets for review, not entire assessments. As a result, delegates have limited access to assessments. Delegates can review evidence, add comments, upload manual evidence, and update the control status for each of the controls in the control set. For more information about roles and permissions in Audit Manager, see Recommended policies for user personas in AWS Audit Manager.