Editing an assessment in AWS Audit Manager
You might encounter situations where you need to edit your existing assessments in AWS Audit Manager. Perhaps the scope of your audit has changed, requiring updates to the AWS accounts included in the assessment. Or, you might need to revise the list of audit owners assigned to the assessment due to personnel changes. In such cases, you can edit your active assessments and make necessary adjustments without disrupting your evidence collection.
The following page outlines the steps to edit your assessment details, change the AWS accounts in scope, update the audit owners, and review and save your changes.
The following procedure assumes that you have previously created at least one assessment, and it is in an active state.
Make sure your IAM identity has appropriate permissions to edit an assessment in AWS Audit Manager. Two suggested policies that grant these permissions are AWSAuditManagerAdministratorAccess and Allow users management access to AWS Audit Manager.
Step 1: Edit assessment details
Follow these steps to edit the details of your assessment.
To edit an assessment
Open the AWS Audit Manager console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/auditmanager/home
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In the navigation pane, choose Assessments.
Select an assessment, and choose Edit.
Under Edit assessment details, edit your assessment details as needed.
Choose Next.
Step 2: Edit AWS accounts in scope
In this step, you can change which accounts are included in your assessment. Audit Manager can support up to 200 accounts in the scope of an assessment, and 250 unique member accounts across all assessments.
To edit AWS accounts in scope
To add an AWS account, select the check box next to the account name.
To remove an AWS account, clear the check box next to the account name.
Choose Next.
To edit the delegated administrator for Audit Manager, see Changing a delegated administrator.
Step 3: Edit audit owners
In this step, you can change which audit owners are included in your assessment.
To edit audit owners
To add an audit owner, select the check box next to the account name.
To remove an audit owner, clear the check box next to the account name.
Choose Next.
Step 4: Review and save
Review the information for your assessment. To change the information for a step, choose Edit. When you're finished, choose Save changes to confirm your edits.
After you complete your edits, the changes to the assessment take effect at 00:00 UTC the following day.
Next steps
When you no longer need to collect evidence for a specific assessment control, you can change the status of that control. For instructions, see Changing the status of an assessment control in AWS Audit Manager.
When you no longer need to collect evidence for the entire assessment, you can change the assessment status to inactive. For instructions, see Changing the status of an assessment to inactive in AWS Audit Manager.
Additional resources
For solutions to assessment issues in Audit Manager, see Troubleshooting assessment and evidence collection issues.
For information about why it's no longer possible to edit services in scope, see I can't edit the services in scope for my assessment in the Troubleshooting section of this guide.