Reviewing evidence in AWS Audit Manager - AWS Audit Manager

Reviewing evidence in AWS Audit Manager

When you need to review a specific piece of evidence, follow the instructions on this page. You'll find the evidence details organized into several sections.


The following procedure assumes that you have previously created at least one assessment. If you haven’t created an assessment yet, you won’t see any results when you follow these steps.

Make sure your IAM identity has appropriate permissions to view an assessment in AWS Audit Manager. Two suggested policies that grant these permissions are AWSAuditManagerAdministratorAccess and Allow users management access to AWS Audit Manager.

Keep in mind that it takes up to 24 hours for an assessment to start collecting automated evidence. If your assessment has no evidence yet, you won’t see any results when you follow these steps.


To open and review an evidence details page
  1. Open the AWS Audit Manager console at

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Assessments, and then choose an assessment.

  3. From the assessment page, choose the Controls tab, scroll down to the Controls table, and then choose a control.

  4. From the control page, choose the Evidence folders tab.

  5. In the Evidence folders table, choose the name of an evidence folder.

  6. Choose the evidence name under the Time column to open the evidence details page.

  7. Review the evidence details using the following information as reference.

Sections of an evidence details page


You can use the Summary section to see an overview of the evidence.

Screenshot of the evidence details with labels that relate to the following definitions.

In this section, you can review the following information:

Name Description

1. Evidence ID

The unique identifier for the evidence.

2. Date and time

The time and date when the evidence was collected. This is represented in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
3. Compliance check

The evaluation status for compliance check evidence.

  • For evidence that's collected from AWS Security Hub, a Pass or Fail result is reported directly from AWS Security Hub.

  • For evidence that's collected from AWS Config, a Compliant or Non-compliant result is reported directly from AWS Config.

  • If Not applicable is shown, this indicates one of two things. Either you don't have AWS Security Hub or AWS Config enabled. Or, the evidence comes from a different data source.

4. Data source mapping

The mapping keyword that was used to collect the evidence.

5. Data source type

The type of data source where the evidence was collected from.

6. Account ID

The AWS account that's associated with the evidence.


The relevant user or role, if applicable.

8. Assessment

The name of the assessment that's associated with the evidence.

9. Control

The name of the control that's associated with the evidence.

10. Evidence folder name

The name of the evidence folder that contains the evidence.

11. Include in assessment report

The switch that enables you to include or exclude the evidence from the assessment report.


You can use the Attributes table to see the evidence attributes in detail.

In this table, you can review the following information:

Name Description

Attribute name

The key for the attribute.


The value of the attribute. In some cases, a link to a JSON file is provided with more information.

Resources included

You can use the Resources included table to see the resources that were assessed to generate this evidence.

In this section, you can review the following information:

Name Description


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource. An ARN might not be available for all evidence types.

Resource compliance

The evaluation status for the resource.
  • For evidence that's collected from AWS Security Hub, a Pass or Fail result is reported directly from Security Hub.

  • For evidence that's collected from AWS Config, a Compliant or Non-compliant result is reported directly from AWS Config.

  • If Not applicable is shown, this indicates that you either don't have AWS Config or Security Hub enabled, or the evidence comes from a different data source.


More information about the resource assessment. In some cases, a link to a JSON file is provided with more information.

Additional resources