Amazon Aurora DSQL is provided as a Preview service.
To learn more, see Betas and Previews
Using system tables and commands in
Aurora DSQL
See the following esctions to learn about the supported system tables and catalogs in Aurora DSQL.
System tables and queries in
Aurora DSQL
Aurora DSQL is compatible with PostgreSQL, so many system catalog
Important Postgres catalog tables and views
The following table describes the most common tables and views you might use in Aurora DSQL.
Name | Description |
pg_namespace |
Information on all schemas |
pg_tables |
Information on the all tables |
pg_attribute |
Information on all attributes |
pg_views |
Information on (pre-)defined views |
pg_class |
Describes all tables, column, indices, and similar objects |
pg_stats |
A view on the planner statistics |
pg_user |
Information on users |
pg_roles |
Information on users and groups |
pg_indexes |
Lists all indexes |
pg_constraint |
Lists constraints on tables | and sys.iam_pg_role_mappings
Aside from these tables and views, Aurora DSQL also adds the views
for your use cases.
provides status information about asynchronous jobs. For example,
after you create an async index,
Aurora DSQL returns a job_uuid
. You can use this job_uuid
to look up the status of the job.
select * from where job_id = 'example_job_uuid';
job_id | status | details
example_job_uuid | processing |
(1 row)
The view sys.iam_pg_role_mappings
provides information about the
permissions granted to IAM users. For example, suppose that DQSLDBConnect
an IAM role to give access of Aurora DSQL to non-admins, and that there's a user named
that is granted the DQSLDBConnect
role and
corresponding permissions. You can then query the sys.iam_pg_role_mappings
to see which users are granted which permissions.
select * from sys.iam_pg_role_mappings;
Querying table sizes
To get the approximate count of how many rows are in a table, run the following command.
select reltuples from pg_class where relname = '<table_name>
If you want the size of bytes of a table, run the following command. Note that 32768 is an internal parameter that you must include in the query.
select pg_size_pretty(relpages * 32768::bigint) as relbytes from pg_class where relname = '<example_table_name>
Supported and unsupported catalog tables and views in Aurora DSQL
See below for the complete list of which tables and views are supported and unsupported in Aurora DSQL.
System catalog tables
Name | Applicable to Aurora DSQL |
pg_aggregate |
No |
pg_am |
Yes |
pg_amop |
No |
pg_amproc |
No |
pg_attrdef |
Yes |
pg_attribute |
Yes |
pg_authid |
No (use pg_roles) |
pg_auth_members |
Yes |
pg_cast |
Yes |
pg_class |
Yes |
pg_collation |
Yes |
pg_constraint |
Yes |
pg_conversion |
No |
pg_database |
No |
pg_db_role_setting |
Yes |
pg_default_acl |
Yes |
pg_depend |
Yes |
pg_description |
Yes |
pg_enum |
No |
pg_event_trigger |
No |
pg_extension |
No |
pg_foreign_data_wrapper |
No |
pg_foreign_server |
No |
pg_foreign_table |
No |
pg_index |
Yes |
pg_inherits |
Yes |
pg_init_privs |
No |
pg_language |
No |
pg_largeobject |
No |
pg_largeobject_metadata |
Yes |
pg_namespace |
Yes |
pg_opclass |
No |
pg_operator |
Yes |
pg_opfamily |
No |
pg_parameter_acl |
Yes |
pg_partitioned_table |
Yes |
pg_policy |
No |
pg_proc |
No |
pg_publication |
No |
pg_publication_namespace |
No |
pg_publication_rel |
No |
pg_range |
Yes |
pg_replication_origin |
No |
pg_rewrite |
No |
pg_seclabel |
No |
pg_sequence |
No |
pg_shdepend |
Yes |
pg_shdescription |
Yes |
pg_shseclabel |
No |
pg_statistic |
Yes |
pg_statistic_ext |
No |
pg_statistic_ext_data |
No |
pg_subscription |
No |
pg_subscription_rel |
No |
pg_tablespace |
Yes |
pg_transform |
No |
pg_trigger |
No |
pg_ts_config |
Yes |
pg_ts_config_map |
Yes |
pg_ts_dict |
Yes |
pg_ts_parser |
Yes |
pg_ts_template |
Yes |
pg_type |
Yes |
pg_user_mapping |
No |
System views
Name | Applicable to Aurora DSQL |
pg_available_extensions |
No |
pg_available_extension_versions |
No |
pg_backend_memory_contexts |
Yes |
pg_config |
No |
pg_cursors |
No |
pg_file_settings |
No |
pg_group |
Yes |
pg_hba_file_rules |
No |
pg_ident_file_mappings |
No |
pg_indexes |
Yes |
pg_locks |
No |
pg_matviews |
No |
pg_policies |
No |
pg_prepared_statements |
No |
pg_prepared_xacts |
No |
pg_publication_tables |
No |
pg_replication_origin_status |
No |
pg_replication_slots |
No |
pg_roles |
Yes |
pg_rules |
No |
pg_seclabels |
No |
pg_sequences |
No |
pg_settings |
Yes |
pg_shadow |
Yes |
pg_shmem_allocations |
Yes |
pg_stats |
Yes |
pg_stats_ext |
No |
pg_stats_ext_exprs |
No |
pg_tables |
Yes |
pg_timezone_abbrevs |
Yes |
pg_timezone_names |
Yes |
pg_user |
Yes |
pg_user_mappings |
No |
pg_views |
Yes |
pg_stat_activity |
No |
pg_stat_replication |
No |
pg_stat_replication_slots |
No |
pg_stat_wal_receiver |
No |
pg_stat_recovery_prefetch |
No |
pg_stat_subscription |
No |
pg_stat_subscription_stats |
No |
pg_stat_ssl |
Yes |
pg_stat_gssapi |
No |
pg_stat_archiver |
No |
pg_stat_io |
No |
pg_stat_bgwriter |
No |
pg_stat_wal |
No |
pg_stat_database |
No |
pg_stat_database_conflicts |
No |
pg_stat_all_tables |
No |
pg_stat_all_indexes |
No |
pg_statio_all_tables |
No |
pg_statio_all_indexes |
No |
pg_statio_all_sequences |
No |
pg_stat_slru |
No |
pg_statio_user_tables |
No |
pg_statio_user_sequences |
No |
pg_stat_user_functions |
No |
pg_stat_user_indexes |
No |
pg_stat_progress_analyze |
No |
pg_stat_progress_basebackup |
No |
pg_stat_progress_cluster |
No |
pg_stat_progress_create_index |
No |
pg_stat_progress_vacuum |
No |
pg_stat_sys_indexes |
No |
pg_stat_sys_tables |
No |
pg_stat_xact_all_tables |
No |
pg_stat_xact_sys_tables |
No |
pg_stat_xact_user_functions |
No |
pg_stat_xact_user_tables |
No |
pg_statio_sys_indexes |
No |
pg_statio_sys_sequences |
No |
pg_statio_sys_tables |
No |
pg_statio_user_indexes |
No |
ANALYZE collects statistics about the contents of tables in the database, and stores the
results in the pg_stats
system view. Subsequently, the query planner uses these
statistics to help determine the most efficient execution plans for queries. In Aurora DSQL, you
can't run the ANALYZE command within an explicit transaction. ANALYZE isn't subject to the
database transaction timeout limit.