Amazon Timestream backups - AWS Backup

Amazon Timestream backups

Amazon Timestream is a scalable time series database that allows storage and analysis of up to trillions of time series data points daily. Timestream is optimized for cost and time savings by keeping recent data in memory and by storing historical data in a cost-optimized storage tier in accordance with your policies.

A Timestream database has tables. These tables contain records, and each record is a single data point in a time series. A time series is a sequence of records recorded over a time interval, such as a stock price, usage level of memory of an Amazon EC2 instance, or a temperature reading. AWS Backup can centrally backup and restore Timestream tables. You can copy these table backups to other accounts and several other AWS Regions within the same organization.

Timestream does not currently offer native backup and restore services, so using AWS Backup to create secure copies of your Timestream tables can add an extra layer of security and resilience to your resources.

Back up Timestream tables

You can backup Timestream tables either through the AWS Backup console or using the AWS CLI.

There are two ways to use the AWS Backup console to backup a Timestream table: on demand or as part of a backup plan.

Create on-demand Timestream backups

  1. Open the AWS Backup console at

  2. Using the navigation pane, choose Protected resources, and then Create on-demand backup.

  3. On the Create on-demand backup page, choose Amazon Timestream.

  4. Choose Resource type Timestream, and then choose the table name you want to back up.

  5. In Backup window, ensure that Create backup now is selected. This initiates a backup immediately and enables you to see your cluster sooner on the Protected resources page.

  6. In the drop down menu Transition to cold storage, you can set your transition settings.

  7. In Retention Period, you can choose how long to retain your backup.

  8. Choose an existing backup vault or create a new backup vault. Choosing Create new backup vault opens a new page to create a vault and then returns you to the Create on-demand backup page when you are finished.

  9. Under IAM role, choose Default role (if the AWS Backup default role is not present in your account, it will be created for you with the correct permissions).

  10. Optionally, tags can be added to your recovery point. If you want to assign one or more tags to your on-demand backup, enter a key and optional value, and choose Add tag.

  11. Choose Create on-demand backup. This takes you to the Jobs page, where you will see a list of jobs.

  12. Choose the Backup job ID for the cluster to see the details of that job. It will display a status of Completed, In Progress, or Failed. You can click the refresh button to update the displayed status.

Create scheduled Timestream backups in a backup plan

Your scheduled backups can include Timestream tables if they are a protected resource. To opt into protecting Amazon Timestream tables:

  1. Open the AWS Backup console at

  2. Using the navigation pane, choose Protected resources.

  3. Toggle Amazon Timestream to On.

  4. See Assigning resources to the console to include Timestream tables in an existing or new plan.

Under Manage Backup plans, you can choose to create a backup plan and include Timestream tables, or you can update an existing one to include Timestream tables. When adding the resource type Timestream, you can choose to add All Timestream tables, or check the boxes next to the tables you wish to add under Select specific resource types.

The first backup made of Timestream tables will be a full backup. Subsequent backups will be incremental backups.

After you’ve created or modified your backup plan, navigate to Backup plans in the left navigation. The backup plan you specified should display your clusters under Resource Assignments.

Backing up programmatically

You can use the operation name start-backup-job. Include the following parameters:

aws backup start-backup-job \ --backup-vault-name backup-vault-name \ --resource-arn arn:aws:timestream:region:account:database/database-name/table/table-name \ --iam-role-arn arn:aws:iam::account:role/role-name \ --region AWS Region \ --endpoint-url URL

View Timestream table backups

To view and modify your Timestream table backups within the console:

  1. Open the AWS Backup console at

  2. Choose Backup vaults. Then, click on the backup vault name that contains your Timestream tables.

  3. The backup vault will display a summary and a list of backups.

    1. You can click on the link in the column Recovery point ID, or

    2. You can check the box to the left of the recovery point ID and click Actions to delete the recovery points that are no longer needed.

Restore a Timestream table

See how to restore a Timestream table