Description: Provides developer access to enable interactions with Amazon Q
is an AWS managed policy.
Using this policy
You can attach AmazonQDeveloperAccess
to your users, groups, and roles.
Policy details
Type: AWS managed policy
Creation time: July 09, 2024, 08:35 UTC
Edited time: November 13, 2024, 21:30 UTC
Policy version
Policy version: v3 (default)
The policy's default version is the version that defines the permissions for the policy. When a user or role with the policy makes a request to access an AWS resource, AWS checks the default version of the policy to determine whether to allow the request.
JSON policy document
{ "Version" : "2012-10-17", "Statement" : [ { "Sid" : "AllowAmazonQDeveloperAccess", "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : [ "q:StartConversation", "q:SendMessage", "q:GetConversation", "q:ListConversations", "q:PassRequest", "q:StartTroubleshootingAnalysis", "q:StartTroubleshootingResolutionExplanation", "q:GetTroubleshootingResults", "q:UpdateTroubleshootingCommandResult", "q:GetIdentityMetaData", "q:GenerateCodeFromCommands", "q:UsePlugin" ], "Resource" : "*" }, { "Sid" : "AllowCloudControlReadAccess", "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : [ "cloudformation:GetResource", "cloudformation:ListResources" ], "Resource" : "*" }, { "Sid" : "AllowSetTrustedIdentity", "Effect" : "Allow", "Action" : [ "sts:SetContext" ], "Resource" : "arn:aws:sts::*:self" } ] }