Connecting to an EDI - AWS Supply Chain

Connecting to an EDI

To ingest data from an EDI data source, perform the following procedure.

  1. On the AWS Supply Chain dashboard, on the left navigation pane, choose Data Lake.

  2. On the Data lake page, choose Add New Source.

    The Select your supply chain data source page appears.

  3. Choose EDI.

  4. In the EDI Connection Details page, under Name your connection, enter a name for your connection.

  5. (Optional) Under Connection description, enter a description for your connection.

  6. Under Amazon S3 Bucket Billing, review the Amazon S3 billing information, and then select Acknowledge.

  7. Choose Next.

  8. Under Data Mapping, choose Get started.

  9. Note

    EDI 850, EDI 860, and EDI 856 are supported in AWS Supply Chain.


    The required fields are already mapped. Perform this step only if you want to make specific changes to the default transformation recipe.

    On the Mapping Recipe page, you can view the default transformation recipe under Field mappings.

    Choose Add mapping, to map any additional destination field. The Required Destination Fields are mandatory. Choose Destination field to add an additional custom destination field.


    Review all the entities (for example, Inbound Order, Inbound Order Line, and Inbound Order Line Schedule for EDI 850 Entity Group) under each Entity Group.

  10. To view the source field values and data mappings from the transformation recipe, you can upload sample data. On the Mapping Recipe page, under Upload sample data, choose browse files, or drag and drop files. The sample data file must contain the required parameters and include the source field names.

  11. Choose Accept all and continue.

  12. Under Review and confirm, you can view the data connection summary. To edit your data field mapping, choose Go back to Data Mapping.

  13. Choose Confirm and configure data ingestion to review the Amazon S3 paths where your source data must be uploaded to start the ingestion process.

  14. Choose Confirm and configure data ingestion later if you want to ingest data later. You can ingest data anytime after creating the connection from the AWS Supply Chain dashboard.

  15. On the AWS Supply Chain dashboard, choose Open Connections. Select the connection dataflow that you want to ingest data, choose the vertical ellipsis, and select Ingestion setup.