Welcome to the AWS B2B Data Interchange API - AWS B2B Data Interchange

Welcome to the AWS B2B Data Interchange API

AWS B2B Data Interchange automates the transformation of Electronic Interchange Data (EDI) documents into JSON and XML formats to simplify your downstream data integrations. Businesses use EDI documents to exchange transactional data with trading partners, such as suppliers and end customers, using standardized formats such as X12, EDIFACT, or HL7v2. Currently, AWS B2B Data Interchange only supports X12 to JSON or XML conversions.

The following sections document the AWS B2B Data Interchange API service calls, data types, parameters, and errors.

This API interface reference for AWS B2B Data Interchange contains documentation for a programming interface that you can use to manage AWS B2B Data Interchange. The reference structure is as follows:


Rather than actually running a command in the AWS Command Line Interface, you can use the --generate-cli-skeleton parameter with any API call to generate and display a parameter template. You can then use the generated template to customize and use as input on a later command. For details, see Generate and use a parameter skeleton file.