A pod has labels that indicate the jobId
and uuid
of the compute environment that it
belongs to. AWS Batch injects environment variables so the job’s runtime can reference job information. For more
information, see AWS Batch job environment variables. You can view this information by
running the following command. The output is as follows.
kubectl describe pod aws-batch.
Name: aws-batch.14638eb9-d218-372d-ba5c-1c9ab9c7f2a1 Namespace: my-aws-batch-namespace Priority: 0 Node: ip-192-168-45-88.ec2.internal/ Start Time: Wed, 26 Oct 2022 00:30:48 +0000 Labels: batch.amazonaws.com/compute-environment-uuid=5c19160b-d450-31c9-8454-86cf5b30548f batch.amazonaws.com/job-id=f980f2cf-6309-4c77-a2b2-d83fbba0e9f0 batch.amazonaws.com/node-uid=a4be5c1d-9881-4524-b967-587789094647 ... Status: Running IP: IPs: IP: Containers: default: Image: public.ecr.aws/amazonlinux/amazonlinux:2 ... Environment: AWS_BATCH_JOB_KUBERNETES_NODE_UID: a4be5c1d-9881-4524-b967-587789094647 AWS_BATCH_JOB_ID: f980f2cf-6309-4c77-a2b2-d83fbba0e9f0 AWS_BATCH_JQ_NAME: My-Eks-JQ1 AWS_BATCH_JOB_ATTEMPT: 1 AWS_BATCH_CE_NAME: My-Eks-CE1 ...