Supported regions and models for prompt flows
Amazon Bedrock Prompt flows is supported in the following Regions (for more information about Regions supported in Amazon Bedrock see Amazon Bedrock endpoints and quotas):
US East (N. Virginia)
US West (Oregon)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
Asia Pacific (Singapore) (Gated)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
Europe (Frankfurt)
Europe (Ireland) (Gated)
Europe (Paris)
The models that are supported in Amazon Bedrock Prompt flows depend on the nodes that you use in the prompt flow:
Prompt node – You can use Prompt management with any text model supported for the Converse API. For a list of supported models, see Supported models and model features.
Agent node – For a list of supported models, see Supported regions for Amazon Bedrock Agents.
Knowledge base node – For a list of supported models, see Supported models and regions for Amazon Bedrock Knowledge Bases.
For a table of which models are supported in which regions, see Supported foundation models in Amazon Bedrock.