Monitor your model customization job - Amazon Bedrock

Monitor your model customization job

Once you start a model customization job, you can track its progress or stop it. If you do so through the API, you will need the jobArn. You can find it in one of the following ways:

  1. In the Amazon Bedrock console

    1. Select Custom models under Foundation models from the left navigation pane.

    2. Choose the job from the Training jobs table to see details, including the ARN of the job.

  2. Look in the jobArn field in the response returned from the CreateModelCustomizationJob call that created the job or from a ListModelCustomizationJob call.

After you begin a job, you can monitor its progress in the console or API. Select the tab corresponding to your method of choice and follow the steps:

To monitor the status of your fine-tuning jobs
  1. Sign in to the AWS Management Console using an IAM role with Amazon Bedrock permissions, and open the Amazon Bedrock console at

  2. From the left navigation pane, choose Custom models under Foundation models.

  3. Select the Training jobs tab to display the fine-tuning jobs that you have initiated. Look at the Status column to monitor the progress of the job.

  4. Select a job to view the details you input for training.


To list information about all your model customization jobs, send a ListModelCustomizationJob request with an Amazon Bedrock control plane endpoint. Refer to ListModelCustomizationJob for filters that you can use.

To monitor the status of a model customization job, send a GetModelCustomizationJob request with an Amazon Bedrock control plane endpoint with the jobArn of the job.

To list all the tags for a model customization job, send a ListTagsForResource request (see link for request and response formats and field details) with an Amazon Bedrock control plane endpoint and include the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the job.

See code examples

You can also monitor model customization jobs with Amazon EventBridge. For more information, see Monitor Amazon Bedrock job state changes using Amazon EventBridge.