Interact with hybrid jobs directly using the API - Amazon Braket

Interact with hybrid jobs directly using the API

You can access and interact with Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs directly using the API. However, defaults and convenience methods are not available when using the API directly.


We strongly recommend that you interact with Amazon Braket Hybrid Jobs using the Amazon Braket Python SDK. It offers convenient defaults and protections that help your hybrid jobs run successfully.

This topic covers the basics of using the API. If you choose to use the API, keep in mind that this approach can be more complex and be prepared for several iterations to get your hybrid job to run.

To use the API, your account should have a role with the AmazonBraketFullAccess managed policy.


For more information on how to obtain a role with the AmazonBraketFullAccess managed policy, see the Enable Amazon Braket page.

Additionally, you need an execution role. This role will be passed to the service. You can create the role using the Amazon Braket console. Use the Execution roles tab on the Permissions and settings page to create a default role for hybrid jobs.

The CreateJob API requires that you specify all the required parameters for the hybrid job. To use Python, compress your algorithm script files to a tar bundle, such as an input.tar.gz file, and run the following script. Update the parts of the code within angled brackets (<>) to match your account information and entry point that specify the path, file, and method where your hybrid job starts.

from import AwsDevice, AwsSession import boto3 from datetime import datetime s3_client = boto3.client("s3") client = boto3.client("braket") project_name = "job-test" job_name = project_name + "-" + datetime.strftime(, "%Y%m%d%H%M%S") bucket = "amazon-braket-<your_bucket>" s3_prefix = job_name job_script = "input.tar.gz" job_object = f"{s3_prefix}/script/{job_script}" s3_client.upload_file(job_script, bucket, job_object) input_data = "inputdata.csv" input_object = f"{s3_prefix}/input/{input_data}" s3_client.upload_file(input_data, bucket, input_object) job = client.create_job( jobName=job_name, roleArn="arn:aws:iam::<your_account>:role/service-role/AmazonBraketJobsExecutionRole", # algorithmSpecification={ "scriptModeConfig": { "entryPoint": "<your_execution_module>:<your_execution_method>", "containerImage": {"uri": ""} # Change to the specific region you are using "s3Uri": f"s3://{bucket}/{job_object}", "compressionType": "GZIP" } }, inputDataConfig=[ { "channelName": "hellothere", "compressionType": "NONE", "dataSource": { "s3DataSource": { "s3Uri": f"s3://{bucket}/{s3_prefix}/input", "s3DataType": "S3_PREFIX" } } } ], outputDataConfig={ "s3Path": f"s3://{bucket}/{s3_prefix}/output" }, instanceConfig={ "instanceType": "ml.m5.large", "instanceCount": 1, "volumeSizeInGb": 1 }, checkpointConfig={ "s3Uri": f"s3://{bucket}/{s3_prefix}/checkpoints", "localPath": "/opt/omega/checkpoints" }, deviceConfig={ "priorityAccess": { "devices": [ "arn:aws:braket:us-west-1::device/qpu/rigetti/Aspen-M-3" ] } }, hyperParameters={ "hyperparameter key you wish to pass": "<hyperparameter value you wish to pass>", }, stoppingCondition={ "maxRuntimeInSeconds": 1200, "maximumTaskLimit": 10 }, )

Once you create your hybrid job, you can access the hybrid job details through the GetJob API or the console. To get the hybrid job details from the Python session in which you ran the createJob code as in the previous example, use the following Python command.

getJob = client.get_job(jobArn=job["jobArn"])

To cancel a hybrid job, call the CancelJob API with the Amazon Resource Name of the job ('JobArn').

cancelJob = client.cancel_job(jobArn=job["jobArn"])

You can specify checkpoints as part of the createJob API using the checkpointConfig parameter.

checkpointConfig = { "localPath" : "/opt/omega/checkpoints", "s3Uri": f"s3://{bucket}/{s3_prefix}/checkpoints" },

The localPath of checkpointConfig cannot start with any of the following reserved paths: /opt/ml, /opt/braket, /tmp, or /usr/local/nvidia.