Create your first Hybrid Job - Amazon Braket

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Create your first Hybrid Job

This section shows you how to create a Hybrid Job using a Python script. Alternatively, to create a hybrid job from local Python code, such as your preferred integrated development environment (IDE) or a Braket notebook, see Run your local code as a hybrid job.

Set permissions

Before you run your first hybrid job, you must ensure that you have sufficient permissions to proceed with this task. To determine that you have the correct permissions, select Permissions from the menu on left side of the Braket Console. The Permissions management for Amazon Braket page helps you verify whether one of your existing roles has permissions that are sufficient to run your hybrid job or guides you through the creation of a default role that can be used to run your hybrid job if you do not already have such a role.

            braket jobs first permissions

To verify that you have roles with sufficient permissions to run a hybrid job, select the Verify existing role button. If you do, you get a message that the roles were found. To see the names of the roles and their role ARNs, select the Show roles button.

            braket jobs first permissions verify yes

If you do not have a role with sufficient permissions to run a hybrid job, you get a message that no such role was found. Select the Create default role button to obtain a role with sufficient permissions.

            braket jobs first permissions verify no

If the role was created successfully, you get a message confirming this.

            braket jobs first permissions verify created

If you do not have permissions to make this inquiry, you will be denied access. In this case, contact your internal AWS administrator.

            braket jobs first permissions access denied

Create and run

Once you have a role with permissions to run a hybrid job, you are ready to proceed. The key piece of your first Braket hybrid job is the algorithm script. It defines the algorithm you want to run and contains the classical logic and quantum tasks that are part of your algorithm. In addition to your algorithm script, you can provide other dependency files. The algorithm script together with its dependencies is called the source module. The entry point defines the first file or function to run in your source module when the hybrid job starts.

            braket jobs first workflow

First, consider the following basic example of an algorithm script that creates five bell states and prints the corresponding measurement results.

import os from import AwsDevice from braket.circuits import Circuit def start_here(): print("Test job started!") # Use the device declared in the job script device = AwsDevice(os.environ["AMZN_BRAKET_DEVICE_ARN"]) bell = Circuit().h(0).cnot(0, 1) for count in range(5): task =, shots=100) print(task.result().measurement_counts) print("Test job completed!")

Save this file with the name in your current working directory on your Braket notebook or local environment. The file has start_here() as the planned entry point.

Next, create a Python file or Python notebook in the same directory as the file. This script kicks off the hybrid job and handles any asynchronous processing, such as printing the status or key outcomes that we are interested in. At a minimum, this script needs to specify your hybrid job script and your primary device.


For more information about how to create a Braket notebook or upload a file, such as the file, in the same directory as the notebooks, see Run your first circuit using the Amazon Braket Python SDK

For this basic first case, you target a simulator. Whichever type of quantum device you target, a simulator or an actual quantum processing unit (QPU), the device you specify with device in the following script is used to schedule the hybrid job and is available to the algorithm scripts as the environment variable AMZN_BRAKET_DEVICE_ARN.


You can only use devices that are available in the AWS Region of your hybrid job. The Amazon Braket SDK auto selects this AWS Region. For example, a hybrid job in us-east-1 can use IonQ, SV1, DM1, and TN1 devices, but not Rigetti devices.

If you choose a quantum computer instead of a simulator, Braket schedules your hybrid jobs to run all of their quantum tasks with priority access.

from import AwsQuantumJob from braket.devices import Devices job = AwsQuantumJob.create( Devices.Amazon.SV1, source_module="", entry_point="algorithm_script:start_here", wait_until_complete=True )

The parameter wait_until_complete=True sets a verbose mode so that your job prints output from the actual job as it’s running. You should see an output similar to the following example.

job = AwsQuantumJob.create( Devices.Amazon.SV1, source_module="", entry_point="algorithm_script:start_here", wait_until_complete=True, ) Initializing Braket Job: arn:aws:braket:us-west-2:<accountid>:job/<UUID> ......................................... . . . Completed 36.1 KiB/36.1 KiB (692.1 KiB/s) with 1 file(s) remaining#015download: s3://braket-external-assets-preview-us-west-2/HybridJobsAccess/models/braket-2019-09-01.normal.json to ../../braket/additional_lib/original/braket-2019-09-01.normal.json Running Code As Process Test job started!!!!! Counter({'00': 55, '11': 45}) Counter({'11': 59, '00': 41}) Counter({'00': 55, '11': 45}) Counter({'00': 58, '11': 42}) Counter({'00': 55, '11': 45}) Test job completed!!!!! Code Run Finished 2021-09-17 21:48:05,544 sagemaker-training-toolkit INFO Reporting training SUCCESS

You can also use your custom-made module with the AwsQuantumJob.create method by passing its location (either the path to a local directory or file, or an S3 URI of a tar.gz file). For a working example, see Parallelize_training_for_QML.ipynb file in the hybrid jobs folder in the Amazon Braket examples Github repo.

Monitor results

Alternatively, you can access the log output from Amazon CloudWatch. To do this, go to the Log groups tab on the left menu of the job detail page, select the log group aws/braket/jobs, and then choose the log stream that contains the job name. In the example above, this is braket-job-default-1631915042705/algo-1-1631915190.

            braket jobs first cw log

You can also view the status of the hybrid job in the console by selecting the Hybrid Jobs page and then choose Settings.

            braket jobs first console status

Your hybrid job produces some artifacts in Amazon S3 while it runs. The default S3 bucket name is amazon-braket-<region>-<accountid> and the content is in the jobs/<jobname>/<timestamp> directory. You can configure the S3 locations where these artifacts are stored by specifying a different code_location when the hybrid job is created with the Braket Python SDK.


This S3 bucket must be located in the same AWS Region as your job script.

The jobs/<jobname>/<timestamp> directory contains a subfolder with the output from the entry point script in a model.tar.gz file. There is also a directory called script that contains your algorithm script artifacts in a source.tar.gz file. The results from your actual quantum tasks are in the directory named jobs/<jobname>/tasks.