Interface CfnCampaign.MessageProperty

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@Stability(Stable) public static interface CfnCampaign.MessageProperty extends
Specifies the content and settings for a push notification that's sent to recipients of a campaign.


 // The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
 // The values are placeholders you should change.
 MessageProperty messageProperty = MessageProperty.builder()

See Also:
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested Classes
    Modifier and Type
    static final class 
    static final class 
    An implementation for CfnCampaign.MessageProperty
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default String
    The action to occur if a recipient taps the push notification.
    default String
    The body of the notification message.
    default String
    The URL of the image to display as the push notification icon, such as the icon for the app.
    default String
    The URL of the image to display as the small, push notification icon, such as a small version of the icon for the app.
    default String
    The URL of an image to display in the push notification.
    default String
    The JSON payload to use for a silent push notification.
    default String
    The URL of the image or video to display in the push notification.
    default String
    The raw, JSON-formatted string to use as the payload for the notification message.
    default Object
    Specifies whether the notification is a silent push notification, which is a push notification that doesn't display on a recipient's device.
    default Number
    The number of seconds that the push notification service should keep the message, if the service is unable to deliver the notification the first time.
    default String
    The title to display above the notification message on a recipient's device.
    default String
    The URL to open in a recipient's default mobile browser, if a recipient taps the push notification and the value of the Action property is URL .

    Methods inherited from interface
