Class CfnAnalysis.HistogramVisualProperty
A histogram.
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.QuickSight
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.AWS.QuickSight.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public class HistogramVisualProperty : Object, CfnAnalysis.IHistogramVisualProperty
Syntax (vb)
Public Class HistogramVisualProperty
Inherits Object
Implements CfnAnalysis.IHistogramVisualProperty
For more information, see Using histograms in the Amazon QuickSight User Guide .
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.QuickSight;
var dataDriven;
var histogramVisualProperty = new HistogramVisualProperty {
VisualId = "visualId",
// the properties below are optional
Actions = new [] { new VisualCustomActionProperty {
ActionOperations = new [] { new VisualCustomActionOperationProperty {
FilterOperation = new CustomActionFilterOperationProperty {
SelectedFieldsConfiguration = new FilterOperationSelectedFieldsConfigurationProperty {
SelectedFieldOptions = "selectedFieldOptions",
SelectedFields = new [] { "selectedFields" }
TargetVisualsConfiguration = new FilterOperationTargetVisualsConfigurationProperty {
SameSheetTargetVisualConfiguration = new SameSheetTargetVisualConfigurationProperty {
TargetVisualOptions = "targetVisualOptions",
TargetVisuals = new [] { "targetVisuals" }
NavigationOperation = new CustomActionNavigationOperationProperty {
LocalNavigationConfiguration = new LocalNavigationConfigurationProperty {
TargetSheetId = "targetSheetId"
SetParametersOperation = new CustomActionSetParametersOperationProperty {
ParameterValueConfigurations = new [] { new SetParameterValueConfigurationProperty {
DestinationParameterName = "destinationParameterName",
Value = new DestinationParameterValueConfigurationProperty {
CustomValuesConfiguration = new CustomValuesConfigurationProperty {
CustomValues = new CustomParameterValuesProperty {
DateTimeValues = new [] { "dateTimeValues" },
DecimalValues = new [] { 123 },
IntegerValues = new [] { 123 },
StringValues = new [] { "stringValues" }
// the properties below are optional
IncludeNullValue = false
SelectAllValueOptions = "selectAllValueOptions",
SourceField = "sourceField",
SourceParameterName = "sourceParameterName"
} }
UrlOperation = new CustomActionURLOperationProperty {
UrlTarget = "urlTarget",
UrlTemplate = "urlTemplate"
} },
CustomActionId = "customActionId",
Name = "name",
Trigger = "trigger",
// the properties below are optional
Status = "status"
} },
ChartConfiguration = new HistogramConfigurationProperty {
BinOptions = new HistogramBinOptionsProperty {
BinCount = new BinCountOptionsProperty {
Value = 123
BinWidth = new BinWidthOptionsProperty {
BinCountLimit = 123,
Value = 123
SelectedBinType = "selectedBinType",
StartValue = 123
DataLabels = new DataLabelOptionsProperty {
CategoryLabelVisibility = "categoryLabelVisibility",
DataLabelTypes = new [] { new DataLabelTypeProperty {
DataPathLabelType = new DataPathLabelTypeProperty {
FieldId = "fieldId",
FieldValue = "fieldValue",
Visibility = "visibility"
FieldLabelType = new FieldLabelTypeProperty {
FieldId = "fieldId",
Visibility = "visibility"
MaximumLabelType = new MaximumLabelTypeProperty {
Visibility = "visibility"
MinimumLabelType = new MinimumLabelTypeProperty {
Visibility = "visibility"
RangeEndsLabelType = new RangeEndsLabelTypeProperty {
Visibility = "visibility"
} },
LabelColor = "labelColor",
LabelContent = "labelContent",
LabelFontConfiguration = new FontConfigurationProperty {
FontColor = "fontColor",
FontDecoration = "fontDecoration",
FontSize = new FontSizeProperty {
Relative = "relative"
FontStyle = "fontStyle",
FontWeight = new FontWeightProperty {
Name = "name"
MeasureLabelVisibility = "measureLabelVisibility",
Overlap = "overlap",
Position = "position",
Visibility = "visibility"
FieldWells = new HistogramFieldWellsProperty {
HistogramAggregatedFieldWells = new HistogramAggregatedFieldWellsProperty {
Values = new [] { new MeasureFieldProperty {
CalculatedMeasureField = new CalculatedMeasureFieldProperty {
Expression = "expression",
FieldId = "fieldId"
CategoricalMeasureField = new CategoricalMeasureFieldProperty {
Column = new ColumnIdentifierProperty {
ColumnName = "columnName",
DataSetIdentifier = "dataSetIdentifier"
FieldId = "fieldId",
// the properties below are optional
AggregationFunction = "aggregationFunction",
FormatConfiguration = new StringFormatConfigurationProperty {
NullValueFormatConfiguration = new NullValueFormatConfigurationProperty {
NullString = "nullString"
NumericFormatConfiguration = new NumericFormatConfigurationProperty {
CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration = new CurrencyDisplayFormatConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlacesConfiguration = new DecimalPlacesConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlaces = 123
NegativeValueConfiguration = new NegativeValueConfigurationProperty {
DisplayMode = "displayMode"
NullValueFormatConfiguration = new NullValueFormatConfigurationProperty {
NullString = "nullString"
NumberScale = "numberScale",
Prefix = "prefix",
SeparatorConfiguration = new NumericSeparatorConfigurationProperty {
DecimalSeparator = "decimalSeparator",
ThousandsSeparator = new ThousandSeparatorOptionsProperty {
Symbol = "symbol",
Visibility = "visibility"
Suffix = "suffix",
Symbol = "symbol"
NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration = new NumberDisplayFormatConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlacesConfiguration = new DecimalPlacesConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlaces = 123
NegativeValueConfiguration = new NegativeValueConfigurationProperty {
DisplayMode = "displayMode"
NullValueFormatConfiguration = new NullValueFormatConfigurationProperty {
NullString = "nullString"
NumberScale = "numberScale",
Prefix = "prefix",
SeparatorConfiguration = new NumericSeparatorConfigurationProperty {
DecimalSeparator = "decimalSeparator",
ThousandsSeparator = new ThousandSeparatorOptionsProperty {
Symbol = "symbol",
Visibility = "visibility"
Suffix = "suffix"
PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration = new PercentageDisplayFormatConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlacesConfiguration = new DecimalPlacesConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlaces = 123
NegativeValueConfiguration = new NegativeValueConfigurationProperty {
DisplayMode = "displayMode"
NullValueFormatConfiguration = new NullValueFormatConfigurationProperty {
NullString = "nullString"
Prefix = "prefix",
SeparatorConfiguration = new NumericSeparatorConfigurationProperty {
DecimalSeparator = "decimalSeparator",
ThousandsSeparator = new ThousandSeparatorOptionsProperty {
Symbol = "symbol",
Visibility = "visibility"
Suffix = "suffix"
DateMeasureField = new DateMeasureFieldProperty {
Column = new ColumnIdentifierProperty {
ColumnName = "columnName",
DataSetIdentifier = "dataSetIdentifier"
FieldId = "fieldId",
// the properties below are optional
AggregationFunction = "aggregationFunction",
FormatConfiguration = new DateTimeFormatConfigurationProperty {
DateTimeFormat = "dateTimeFormat",
NullValueFormatConfiguration = new NullValueFormatConfigurationProperty {
NullString = "nullString"
NumericFormatConfiguration = new NumericFormatConfigurationProperty {
CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration = new CurrencyDisplayFormatConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlacesConfiguration = new DecimalPlacesConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlaces = 123
NegativeValueConfiguration = new NegativeValueConfigurationProperty {
DisplayMode = "displayMode"
NullValueFormatConfiguration = new NullValueFormatConfigurationProperty {
NullString = "nullString"
NumberScale = "numberScale",
Prefix = "prefix",
SeparatorConfiguration = new NumericSeparatorConfigurationProperty {
DecimalSeparator = "decimalSeparator",
ThousandsSeparator = new ThousandSeparatorOptionsProperty {
Symbol = "symbol",
Visibility = "visibility"
Suffix = "suffix",
Symbol = "symbol"
NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration = new NumberDisplayFormatConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlacesConfiguration = new DecimalPlacesConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlaces = 123
NegativeValueConfiguration = new NegativeValueConfigurationProperty {
DisplayMode = "displayMode"
NullValueFormatConfiguration = new NullValueFormatConfigurationProperty {
NullString = "nullString"
NumberScale = "numberScale",
Prefix = "prefix",
SeparatorConfiguration = new NumericSeparatorConfigurationProperty {
DecimalSeparator = "decimalSeparator",
ThousandsSeparator = new ThousandSeparatorOptionsProperty {
Symbol = "symbol",
Visibility = "visibility"
Suffix = "suffix"
PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration = new PercentageDisplayFormatConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlacesConfiguration = new DecimalPlacesConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlaces = 123
NegativeValueConfiguration = new NegativeValueConfigurationProperty {
DisplayMode = "displayMode"
NullValueFormatConfiguration = new NullValueFormatConfigurationProperty {
NullString = "nullString"
Prefix = "prefix",
SeparatorConfiguration = new NumericSeparatorConfigurationProperty {
DecimalSeparator = "decimalSeparator",
ThousandsSeparator = new ThousandSeparatorOptionsProperty {
Symbol = "symbol",
Visibility = "visibility"
Suffix = "suffix"
NumericalMeasureField = new NumericalMeasureFieldProperty {
Column = new ColumnIdentifierProperty {
ColumnName = "columnName",
DataSetIdentifier = "dataSetIdentifier"
FieldId = "fieldId",
// the properties below are optional
AggregationFunction = new NumericalAggregationFunctionProperty {
PercentileAggregation = new PercentileAggregationProperty {
PercentileValue = 123
SimpleNumericalAggregation = "simpleNumericalAggregation"
FormatConfiguration = new NumberFormatConfigurationProperty {
FormatConfiguration = new NumericFormatConfigurationProperty {
CurrencyDisplayFormatConfiguration = new CurrencyDisplayFormatConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlacesConfiguration = new DecimalPlacesConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlaces = 123
NegativeValueConfiguration = new NegativeValueConfigurationProperty {
DisplayMode = "displayMode"
NullValueFormatConfiguration = new NullValueFormatConfigurationProperty {
NullString = "nullString"
NumberScale = "numberScale",
Prefix = "prefix",
SeparatorConfiguration = new NumericSeparatorConfigurationProperty {
DecimalSeparator = "decimalSeparator",
ThousandsSeparator = new ThousandSeparatorOptionsProperty {
Symbol = "symbol",
Visibility = "visibility"
Suffix = "suffix",
Symbol = "symbol"
NumberDisplayFormatConfiguration = new NumberDisplayFormatConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlacesConfiguration = new DecimalPlacesConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlaces = 123
NegativeValueConfiguration = new NegativeValueConfigurationProperty {
DisplayMode = "displayMode"
NullValueFormatConfiguration = new NullValueFormatConfigurationProperty {
NullString = "nullString"
NumberScale = "numberScale",
Prefix = "prefix",
SeparatorConfiguration = new NumericSeparatorConfigurationProperty {
DecimalSeparator = "decimalSeparator",
ThousandsSeparator = new ThousandSeparatorOptionsProperty {
Symbol = "symbol",
Visibility = "visibility"
Suffix = "suffix"
PercentageDisplayFormatConfiguration = new PercentageDisplayFormatConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlacesConfiguration = new DecimalPlacesConfigurationProperty {
DecimalPlaces = 123
NegativeValueConfiguration = new NegativeValueConfigurationProperty {
DisplayMode = "displayMode"
NullValueFormatConfiguration = new NullValueFormatConfigurationProperty {
NullString = "nullString"
Prefix = "prefix",
SeparatorConfiguration = new NumericSeparatorConfigurationProperty {
DecimalSeparator = "decimalSeparator",
ThousandsSeparator = new ThousandSeparatorOptionsProperty {
Symbol = "symbol",
Visibility = "visibility"
Suffix = "suffix"
} }
Tooltip = new TooltipOptionsProperty {
FieldBasedTooltip = new FieldBasedTooltipProperty {
AggregationVisibility = "aggregationVisibility",
TooltipFields = new [] { new TooltipItemProperty {
ColumnTooltipItem = new ColumnTooltipItemProperty {
Column = new ColumnIdentifierProperty {
ColumnName = "columnName",
DataSetIdentifier = "dataSetIdentifier"
// the properties below are optional
Aggregation = new AggregationFunctionProperty {
CategoricalAggregationFunction = "categoricalAggregationFunction",
DateAggregationFunction = "dateAggregationFunction",
NumericalAggregationFunction = new NumericalAggregationFunctionProperty {
PercentileAggregation = new PercentileAggregationProperty {
PercentileValue = 123
SimpleNumericalAggregation = "simpleNumericalAggregation"
Label = "label",
Visibility = "visibility"
FieldTooltipItem = new FieldTooltipItemProperty {
FieldId = "fieldId",
// the properties below are optional
Label = "label",
Visibility = "visibility"
} },
TooltipTitleType = "tooltipTitleType"
SelectedTooltipType = "selectedTooltipType",
TooltipVisibility = "tooltipVisibility"
VisualPalette = new VisualPaletteProperty {
ChartColor = "chartColor",
ColorMap = new [] { new DataPathColorProperty {
Color = "color",
Element = new DataPathValueProperty {
FieldId = "fieldId",
FieldValue = "fieldValue"
// the properties below are optional
TimeGranularity = "timeGranularity"
} }
XAxisDisplayOptions = new AxisDisplayOptionsProperty {
AxisLineVisibility = "axisLineVisibility",
AxisOffset = "axisOffset",
DataOptions = new AxisDataOptionsProperty {
DateAxisOptions = new DateAxisOptionsProperty {
MissingDateVisibility = "missingDateVisibility"
NumericAxisOptions = new NumericAxisOptionsProperty {
Range = new AxisDisplayRangeProperty {
DataDriven = dataDriven,
MinMax = new AxisDisplayMinMaxRangeProperty {
Maximum = 123,
Minimum = 123
Scale = new AxisScaleProperty {
Linear = new AxisLinearScaleProperty {
StepCount = 123,
StepSize = 123
Logarithmic = new AxisLogarithmicScaleProperty {
Base = 123
GridLineVisibility = "gridLineVisibility",
ScrollbarOptions = new ScrollBarOptionsProperty {
Visibility = "visibility",
VisibleRange = new VisibleRangeOptionsProperty {
PercentRange = new PercentVisibleRangeProperty {
From = 123,
To = 123
TickLabelOptions = new AxisTickLabelOptionsProperty {
LabelOptions = new LabelOptionsProperty {
CustomLabel = "customLabel",
FontConfiguration = new FontConfigurationProperty {
FontColor = "fontColor",
FontDecoration = "fontDecoration",
FontSize = new FontSizeProperty {
Relative = "relative"
FontStyle = "fontStyle",
FontWeight = new FontWeightProperty {
Name = "name"
Visibility = "visibility"
RotationAngle = 123
XAxisLabelOptions = new ChartAxisLabelOptionsProperty {
AxisLabelOptions = new [] { new AxisLabelOptionsProperty {
ApplyTo = new AxisLabelReferenceOptionsProperty {
Column = new ColumnIdentifierProperty {
ColumnName = "columnName",
DataSetIdentifier = "dataSetIdentifier"
FieldId = "fieldId"
CustomLabel = "customLabel",
FontConfiguration = new FontConfigurationProperty {
FontColor = "fontColor",
FontDecoration = "fontDecoration",
FontSize = new FontSizeProperty {
Relative = "relative"
FontStyle = "fontStyle",
FontWeight = new FontWeightProperty {
Name = "name"
} },
SortIconVisibility = "sortIconVisibility",
Visibility = "visibility"
YAxisDisplayOptions = new AxisDisplayOptionsProperty {
AxisLineVisibility = "axisLineVisibility",
AxisOffset = "axisOffset",
DataOptions = new AxisDataOptionsProperty {
DateAxisOptions = new DateAxisOptionsProperty {
MissingDateVisibility = "missingDateVisibility"
NumericAxisOptions = new NumericAxisOptionsProperty {
Range = new AxisDisplayRangeProperty {
DataDriven = dataDriven,
MinMax = new AxisDisplayMinMaxRangeProperty {
Maximum = 123,
Minimum = 123
Scale = new AxisScaleProperty {
Linear = new AxisLinearScaleProperty {
StepCount = 123,
StepSize = 123
Logarithmic = new AxisLogarithmicScaleProperty {
Base = 123
GridLineVisibility = "gridLineVisibility",
ScrollbarOptions = new ScrollBarOptionsProperty {
Visibility = "visibility",
VisibleRange = new VisibleRangeOptionsProperty {
PercentRange = new PercentVisibleRangeProperty {
From = 123,
To = 123
TickLabelOptions = new AxisTickLabelOptionsProperty {
LabelOptions = new LabelOptionsProperty {
CustomLabel = "customLabel",
FontConfiguration = new FontConfigurationProperty {
FontColor = "fontColor",
FontDecoration = "fontDecoration",
FontSize = new FontSizeProperty {
Relative = "relative"
FontStyle = "fontStyle",
FontWeight = new FontWeightProperty {
Name = "name"
Visibility = "visibility"
RotationAngle = 123
Subtitle = new VisualSubtitleLabelOptionsProperty {
FormatText = new LongFormatTextProperty {
PlainText = "plainText",
RichText = "richText"
Visibility = "visibility"
Title = new VisualTitleLabelOptionsProperty {
FormatText = new ShortFormatTextProperty {
PlainText = "plainText",
RichText = "richText"
Visibility = "visibility"
Histogram |
Actions | The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual. |
Chart |
The configuration for a |
Subtitle | The subtitle that is displayed on the visual. |
Title | The title that is displayed on the visual. |
Visual |
The unique identifier of a visual. |
public HistogramVisualProperty()
The list of custom actions that are configured for a visual.
public object Actions { get; set; }
Property Value
The configuration for a HistogramVisual
public object ChartConfiguration { get; set; }
Property Value
The subtitle that is displayed on the visual.
public object Subtitle { get; set; }
Property Value
The title that is displayed on the visual.
public object Title { get; set; }
Property Value
The unique identifier of a visual.
public string VisualId { get; set; }
Property Value
This identifier must be unique within the context of a dashboard, template, or analysis. Two dashboards, analyses, or templates can have visuals with the same identifiers.