AWS::Rekognition Construct Library
A CloudFormation AWS::Rekognition::Collection
Properties for defining a CfnCollection
A CloudFormation AWS::Rekognition::Project
Properties for defining a CfnProject
A CloudFormation AWS::Rekognition::StreamProcessor
Identifies the bounding box around the label, face, text, or personal protective equipment.
Connected home settings to use on a streaming video.
Allows you to opt in or opt out to share data with Rekognition to improve model performance.
The input parameters used to recognize faces in a streaming video analyzed by a Amazon Rekognition stream processor.
Amazon Rekognition Video Stream Processor take as input a Kinesis video stream (Input) and a Kinesis data stream (Output).
The Kinesis video stream that provides the source of the streaming video for an Amazon Rekognition Video stream processor.
The Amazon Simple Notification Service topic to which Amazon Rekognition publishes the object detection results and completion status of a video analysis operation.
The Amazon S3 bucket location to which Amazon Rekognition publishes the detailed inference results of a video analysis operation.
Properties for defining a CfnStreamProcessor