Namespace Amazon.CDK.AWS.Apigatewayv2
AWS APIGatewayv2 Construct Library
Table of Contents
Amazon API Gateway is an AWS service for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring, and securing REST, HTTP, and WebSocket APIs at any scale. API developers can create APIs that access AWS or other web services, as well as data stored in the AWS Cloud. As an API Gateway API developer, you can create APIs for use in your own client applications. Read the Amazon API Gateway Developer Guide.
This module supports features under API Gateway v2
that lets users set up Websocket and HTTP APIs.
REST APIs can be created using the aws-cdk-lib/aws-apigateway
HTTP and Websocket APIs use the same CloudFormation resources under the hood. However, this module separates them into two separate constructs for a more efficient abstraction since there are a number of CloudFormation properties that specifically apply only to each type of API.
HTTP APIs enable creation of RESTful APIs that integrate with AWS Lambda functions, known as Lambda proxy integration, or to any routable HTTP endpoint, known as HTTP proxy integration.
Defining HTTP APIs
HTTP APIs have two fundamental concepts - Routes and Integrations.
Routes direct incoming API requests to backend resources. Routes consist of two parts: an HTTP method and a resource
path, such as, GET /books
. Learn more at Working with
routes. Use the ANY
to match any methods for a route that are not explicitly defined.
Integrations define how the HTTP API responds when a client reaches a specific Route. HTTP APIs support Lambda proxy integration, HTTP proxy integration and, AWS service integrations, also known as private integrations. Learn more at Configuring integrations.
Integrations are available at the aws-apigatewayv2-integrations
module and more information is available in that module.
As an early example, we have a website for a bookstore where the following code snippet configures a route GET /books
with an HTTP proxy integration. All other HTTP method calls to /books
route to a default lambda proxy for the bookstore.
using Amazon.CDK.AwsApigatewayv2Integrations;
Function bookStoreDefaultFn;
var getBooksIntegration = new HttpUrlIntegration("GetBooksIntegration", "");
var bookStoreDefaultIntegration = new HttpLambdaIntegration("BooksIntegration", bookStoreDefaultFn);
var httpApi = new HttpApi(this, "HttpApi");
httpApi.AddRoutes(new AddRoutesOptions {
Path = "/books",
Methods = new [] { HttpMethod.GET },
Integration = getBooksIntegration
httpApi.AddRoutes(new AddRoutesOptions {
Path = "/books",
Methods = new [] { HttpMethod.ANY },
Integration = bookStoreDefaultIntegration
The URL to the endpoint can be retrieved via the apiEndpoint
attribute. By default this URL is enabled for clients. Use disableExecuteApiEndpoint
to disable it.
var httpApi = new HttpApi(this, "HttpApi", new HttpApiProps {
DisableExecuteApiEndpoint = true
The defaultIntegration
option while defining HTTP APIs lets you create a default catch-all integration that is
matched when a client reaches a route that is not explicitly defined.
using Amazon.CDK.AwsApigatewayv2Integrations;
new HttpApi(this, "HttpProxyApi", new HttpApiProps {
DefaultIntegration = new HttpUrlIntegration("DefaultIntegration", "")
The routeSelectionExpression
option allows configuring the HTTP API to accept only ${request.method} ${request.path}
. Setting it to true
automatically applies this value.
new HttpApi(this, "HttpProxyApi", new HttpApiProps {
RouteSelectionExpression = true
Cross Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a browser security feature that restricts HTTP requests that are initiated from scripts running in the browser. Enabling CORS will allow requests to your API from a web application hosted in a domain different from your API domain.
When configured CORS for an HTTP API, API Gateway automatically sends a response to preflight OPTIONS
requests, even
if there isn't an OPTIONS
route configured. Note that, when this option is used, API Gateway will ignore CORS headers
returned from your backend integration. Learn more about Configuring CORS for an HTTP
The corsPreflight
option lets you specify a CORS configuration for an API.
new HttpApi(this, "HttpProxyApi", new HttpApiProps {
CorsPreflight = new CorsPreflightOptions {
AllowHeaders = new [] { "Authorization" },
AllowMethods = new [] { CorsHttpMethod.GET, CorsHttpMethod.HEAD, CorsHttpMethod.OPTIONS, CorsHttpMethod.POST },
AllowOrigins = new [] { "*" },
MaxAge = Duration.Days(10)
Publishing HTTP APIs
A Stage is a logical reference to a lifecycle state of your API (for example, dev
, prod
, beta
, or v2
). API
stages are identified by their stage name. Each stage is a named reference to a deployment of the API made available for
client applications to call.
Use HttpStage
to create a Stage resource for HTTP APIs. The following code sets up a Stage, whose URL is available at
HttpApi api;
new HttpStage(this, "Stage", new HttpStageProps {
HttpApi = api,
StageName = "beta",
Description = "My Stage"
If you omit the stageName
will create a $default
stage. A $default
stage is one that is served from the base of
the API's URL - https://{api_id}.execute-api.{region}
Note that, HttpApi
will always creates a $default
stage, unless the createDefaultStage
property is unset.
Custom Domain
Custom domain names are simpler and more intuitive URLs that you can provide to your API users. Custom domain name are associated to API stages.
The code snippet below creates a custom domain and configures a default domain mapping for your API that maps the
custom domain to the $default
stage of the API.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CertificateManager;
using Amazon.CDK.AwsApigatewayv2Integrations;
Function handler;
var certArn = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:111111111111:certificate";
var domainName = "";
var dn = new DomainName(this, "DN", new DomainNameProps {
DomainName = domainName,
Certificate = Certificate.FromCertificateArn(this, "cert", certArn)
var api = new HttpApi(this, "HttpProxyProdApi", new HttpApiProps {
DefaultIntegration = new HttpLambdaIntegration("DefaultIntegration", handler),
// https://${dn.domainName}/foo goes to prodApi $default stage
DefaultDomainMapping = new DomainMappingOptions {
DomainName = dn,
MappingKey = "foo"
To migrate a domain endpoint from one type to another, you can add a new endpoint configuration via addEndpoint()
and then configure DNS records to route traffic to the new endpoint. After that, you can remove the previous endpoint configuration.
Learn more at Migrating a custom domain name
To associate a specific Stage
to a custom domain mapping -
HttpApi api;
DomainName dn;
api.AddStage("beta", new HttpStageOptions {
StageName = "beta",
AutoDeploy = true,
// https://${dn.domainName}/bar goes to the beta stage
DomainMapping = new DomainMappingOptions {
DomainName = dn,
MappingKey = "bar"
The same domain name can be associated with stages across different HttpApi
as so -
using Amazon.CDK.AwsApigatewayv2Integrations;
Function handler;
DomainName dn;
var apiDemo = new HttpApi(this, "DemoApi", new HttpApiProps {
DefaultIntegration = new HttpLambdaIntegration("DefaultIntegration", handler),
// https://${dn.domainName}/demo goes to apiDemo $default stage
DefaultDomainMapping = new DomainMappingOptions {
DomainName = dn,
MappingKey = "demo"
The mappingKey
determines the base path of the URL with the custom domain. Each custom domain is only allowed
to have one API mapping with undefined mappingKey
. If more than one API mappings are specified, mappingKey
will be required for all of them. In the sample above, the custom domain is associated
with 3 API mapping resources across different APIs and Stages.
API | Stage | URL |
api | $default | https://${domainName}/foo |
api | beta | https://${domainName}/bar |
apiDemo | $default | https://${domainName}/demo |
You can retrieve the full domain URL with mapping key using the domainUrl
property as so -
HttpApi apiDemo;
var demoDomainUrl = apiDemo.DefaultStage.DomainUrl;
Mutual TLS (mTLS)
Mutual TLS can be configured to limit access to your API based by using client certificates instead of (or as an extension of) using authorization headers.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.S3;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.CertificateManager;
Bucket bucket;
var certArn = "arn:aws:acm:us-east-1:111111111111:certificate";
var domainName = "";
new DomainName(this, "DomainName", new DomainNameProps {
DomainName = domainName,
Certificate = Certificate.FromCertificateArn(this, "cert", certArn),
Mtls = new MTLSConfig {
Bucket = bucket,
Key = "someca.pem",
Version = "version"
Instructions for configuring your trust store can be found here
Managing access to HTTP APIs
API Gateway supports multiple mechanisms for controlling and managing access to your HTTP API through authorizers.
These authorizers can be found in the APIGatewayV2-Authorizers constructs library.
The API Gateway v2 service sends metrics around the performance of HTTP APIs to Amazon CloudWatch.
These metrics can be referred to using the metric APIs available on the HttpApi
The APIs with the metric
prefix can be used to get reference to specific metrics for this API. For example,
the method below refers to the client side errors metric for this API.
var api = new HttpApi(this, "my-api");
var clientErrorMetric = api.MetricClientError();
Please note that this will return a metric for all the stages defined in the api. It is also possible to refer to metrics for a specific Stage using
the metric
methods from the Stage
var api = new HttpApi(this, "my-api");
var stage = new HttpStage(this, "Stage", new HttpStageProps {
HttpApi = api
var clientErrorMetric = stage.MetricClientError();
VPC Link
Private integrations let HTTP APIs connect with AWS resources that are placed behind a VPC. These are usually Application
Load Balancers, Network Load Balancers or a Cloud Map service. The VpcLink
construct enables this integration.
The following code creates a VpcLink
to a private VPC.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.EC2;
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.ElasticLoadBalancingV2;
using Amazon.CDK.AwsApigatewayv2Integrations;
var vpc = new Vpc(this, "VPC");
var alb = new ApplicationLoadBalancer(this, "AppLoadBalancer", new ApplicationLoadBalancerProps { Vpc = vpc });
var vpcLink = new VpcLink(this, "VpcLink", new VpcLinkProps { Vpc = vpc });
// Creating an HTTP ALB Integration:
var albIntegration = new HttpAlbIntegration("ALBIntegration", alb.Listeners[0], new HttpAlbIntegrationProps { });
Any existing VpcLink
resource can be imported into the CDK app via the VpcLink.fromVpcLinkAttributes()
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.EC2;
Vpc vpc;
var awesomeLink = VpcLink.FromVpcLinkAttributes(this, "awesome-vpc-link", new VpcLinkAttributes {
VpcLinkId = "us-east-1_oiuR12Abd",
Vpc = vpc
Private Integration
Private integrations enable integrating an HTTP API route with private resources in a VPC, such as Application Load Balancers or Amazon ECS container-based applications. Using private integrations, resources in a VPC can be exposed for access by clients outside of the VPC.
These integrations can be found in the aws-apigatewayv2-integrations constructs library.
Generating ARN for Execute API
The arnForExecuteApi function in AWS CDK is designed to generate Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) for Execute API operations. This is particularly useful when you need to create ARNs dynamically based on different parameters like HTTP method, API path, and stage.
var api = new HttpApi(this, "my-api");
var arn = api.ArnForExecuteApi("GET", "/myApiPath", "dev");
WebSocket API
A WebSocket API in API Gateway is a collection of WebSocket routes that are integrated with backend HTTP endpoints, Lambda functions, or other AWS services. You can use API Gateway features to help you with all aspects of the API lifecycle, from creation through monitoring your production APIs. Read more
WebSocket APIs have two fundamental concepts - Routes and Integrations.
WebSocket APIs direct JSON messages to backend integrations based on configured routes. (Non-JSON messages are directed
to the configured $default
Integrations define how the WebSocket API behaves when a client reaches a specific Route. Learn more at Configuring integrations.
Integrations are available in the aws-apigatewayv2-integrations
module and more information is available in that module.
To add the default WebSocket routes supported by API Gateway ($connect
, $disconnect
and $default
), configure them as part of api props:
using Amazon.CDK.AwsApigatewayv2Integrations;
Function connectHandler;
Function disconnectHandler;
Function defaultHandler;
var webSocketApi = new WebSocketApi(this, "mywsapi", new WebSocketApiProps {
ConnectRouteOptions = new WebSocketRouteOptions { Integration = new WebSocketLambdaIntegration("ConnectIntegration", connectHandler) },
DisconnectRouteOptions = new WebSocketRouteOptions { Integration = new WebSocketLambdaIntegration("DisconnectIntegration", disconnectHandler) },
DefaultRouteOptions = new WebSocketRouteOptions { Integration = new WebSocketLambdaIntegration("DefaultIntegration", defaultHandler) }
new WebSocketStage(this, "mystage", new WebSocketStageProps {
WebSocketApi = webSocketApi,
StageName = "dev",
Description = "My Stage",
AutoDeploy = true
To retrieve a websocket URL and a callback URL:
WebSocketStage webSocketStage;
var webSocketURL = webSocketStage.Url;
// wss://${this.api.apiId}.execute-api.${s.region}.${s.urlSuffix}/${urlPath}
var callbackURL = webSocketStage.CallbackUrl;
To add any other route:
using Amazon.CDK.AwsApigatewayv2Integrations;
Function messageHandler;
var webSocketApi = new WebSocketApi(this, "mywsapi");
webSocketApi.AddRoute("sendmessage", new WebSocketRouteOptions {
Integration = new WebSocketLambdaIntegration("SendMessageIntegration", messageHandler)
To add a route that can return a result:
using Amazon.CDK.AwsApigatewayv2Integrations;
Function messageHandler;
var webSocketApi = new WebSocketApi(this, "mywsapi");
webSocketApi.AddRoute("sendmessage", new WebSocketRouteOptions {
Integration = new WebSocketLambdaIntegration("SendMessageIntegration", messageHandler),
ReturnResponse = true
To import an existing WebSocketApi:
var webSocketApi = WebSocketApi.FromWebSocketApiAttributes(this, "mywsapi", new WebSocketApiAttributes { WebSocketId = "api-1234" });
To generate an ARN for Execute API:
var api = new WebSocketApi(this, "mywsapi");
var arn = api.ArnForExecuteApi("GET", "/myApiPath", "dev");
For a detailed explanation of this function, including usage and examples, please refer to the Generating ARN for Execute API section under HTTP API.
Manage Connections Permission
Grant permission to use API Gateway Management API of a WebSocket API by calling the grantManageConnections
You can use Management API to send a callback message to a connected client, get connection information, or disconnect the client. Learn more at Use @connections commands in your backend service.
Function fn;
var webSocketApi = new WebSocketApi(this, "mywsapi");
var stage = new WebSocketStage(this, "mystage", new WebSocketStageProps {
WebSocketApi = webSocketApi,
StageName = "dev"
// per stage permission
// for all the stages permission
Managing access to WebSocket APIs
API Gateway supports multiple mechanisms for controlling and managing access to a WebSocket API through authorizers.
These authorizers can be found in the APIGatewayV2-Authorizers constructs library.
API Keys
Websocket APIs also support usage of API Keys. An API Key is a key that is used to grant access to an API. These are useful for controlling and tracking access to an API, when used together with usage plans. These together allow you to configure controls around API access such as quotas and throttling, along with per-API Key metrics on usage.
To require an API Key when accessing the Websocket API:
var webSocketApi = new WebSocketApi(this, "mywsapi", new WebSocketApiProps {
ApiKeySelectionExpression = WebSocketApiKeySelectionExpression.HEADER_X_API_KEY
AddRoutesOptions | Options for the Route with Integration resource. |
ApiMapping | Create a new API mapping for API Gateway API endpoint. |
ApiMappingAttributes | The attributes used to import existing ApiMapping. |
ApiMappingProps | Properties used to create the ApiMapping resource. |
AuthorizerPayloadVersion | Payload format version for lambda authorizers. |
BatchHttpRouteOptions | Options used when configuring multiple routes, at once. |
CfnApi | The |
CfnApi.BodyS3LocationProperty | The |
CfnApi.CorsProperty | The |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides | The |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.AccessLogSettingsProperty | The |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.IntegrationOverridesProperty | The |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.RouteOverridesProperty | The |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.RouteSettingsProperty | The |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.StageOverridesProperty | The |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverridesProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnApiMapping | The |
CfnApiMappingProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnApiProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnAuthorizer | The |
CfnAuthorizer.JWTConfigurationProperty | The |
CfnAuthorizerProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnDeployment | The |
CfnDeploymentProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnDomainName | The |
CfnDomainName.DomainNameConfigurationProperty | The |
CfnDomainName.MutualTlsAuthenticationProperty | If specified, API Gateway performs two-way authentication between the client and the server. |
CfnDomainNameProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnIntegration | The |
CfnIntegration.ResponseParameterListProperty | |
CfnIntegration.ResponseParameterMapProperty | map of response parameter lists. |
CfnIntegration.ResponseParameterProperty | Supported only for HTTP APIs. |
CfnIntegration.TlsConfigProperty | The |
CfnIntegrationProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnIntegrationResponse | The |
CfnIntegrationResponseProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnModel | The |
CfnModelProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnRoute | The |
CfnRoute.ParameterConstraintsProperty | |
CfnRouteProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnRouteResponse | The |
CfnRouteResponse.ParameterConstraintsProperty | Specifies whether the parameter is required. |
CfnRouteResponseProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnStage | The |
CfnStage.AccessLogSettingsProperty | Settings for logging access in a stage. |
CfnStage.RouteSettingsProperty | Represents a collection of route settings. |
CfnStageProps | Properties for defining a |
CfnVpcLink | The |
CfnVpcLinkProps | Properties for defining a |
ContentHandling | Integration content handling. |
CorsHttpMethod | Supported CORS HTTP methods. |
CorsPreflightOptions | Options for the CORS Configuration. |
DomainMappingOptions | Options for DomainMapping. |
DomainName | Custom domain resource for the API. |
DomainNameAttributes | custom domain name attributes. |
DomainNameProps | properties used for creating the DomainName. |
EndpointOptions | properties for creating a domain name endpoint. |
EndpointType | Endpoint type for a domain name. |
GrantInvokeOptions | Options for granting invoke access. |
HttpApi | Create a new API Gateway HTTP API endpoint. |
HttpApiAttributes | Attributes for importing an HttpApi into the CDK. |
HttpApiProps | Properties to initialize an instance of |
HttpAuthorizer | An authorizer for Http Apis. |
HttpAuthorizerAttributes | Reference to an http authorizer. |
HttpAuthorizerProps | Properties to initialize an instance of |
HttpAuthorizerType | Supported Authorizer types. |
HttpConnectionType | Supported connection types. |
HttpIntegration | The integration for an API route. |
HttpIntegrationProps | The integration properties. |
HttpIntegrationSubtype | Supported integration subtypes. |
HttpIntegrationType | Supported integration types. |
HttpMethod | Supported HTTP methods. |
HttpNoneAuthorizer | Explicitly configure no authorizers on specific HTTP API routes. |
HttpRoute | Route class that creates the Route for API Gateway HTTP API. |
HttpRouteAuthorizerBindOptions | Input to the bind() operation, that binds an authorizer to a route. |
HttpRouteAuthorizerConfig | Results of binding an authorizer to an http route. |
HttpRouteIntegration | The interface that various route integration classes will inherit. |
HttpRouteIntegrationBindOptions | Options to the HttpRouteIntegration during its bind operation. |
HttpRouteIntegrationConfig | Config returned back as a result of the bind. |
HttpRouteKey | HTTP route in APIGateway is a combination of the HTTP method and the path component. |
HttpRouteProps | Properties to initialize a new Route. |
HttpStage | Represents a stage where an instance of the API is deployed. |
HttpStageAttributes | The attributes used to import existing HttpStage. |
HttpStageOptions | The options to create a new Stage for an HTTP API. |
HttpStageProps | Properties to initialize an instance of |
IntegrationCredentials | Credentials used for AWS Service integrations. |
MappingValue | Represents a Mapping Value. |
MTLSConfig | The mTLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name. |
ParameterMapping | Represents a Parameter Mapping. |
PassthroughBehavior | Integration Passthrough Behavior. |
PayloadFormatVersion | Payload format version for lambda proxy integration. |
SecurityPolicy | The minimum version of the SSL protocol that you want API Gateway to use for HTTPS connections. |
StageAttributes | The attributes used to import existing Stage. |
StageOptions | Options required to create a new stage. |
ThrottleSettings | Container for defining throttling parameters to API stages. |
VpcLink | Define a new VPC Link Specifies an API Gateway VPC link for a HTTP API to access resources in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). |
VpcLinkAttributes | Attributes when importing a new VpcLink. |
VpcLinkProps | Properties for a VpcLink. |
WebSocketApi | Create a new API Gateway WebSocket API endpoint. |
WebSocketApiAttributes | Attributes for importing a WebSocketApi into the CDK. |
WebSocketApiKeySelectionExpression | Represents the currently available API Key Selection Expressions. |
WebSocketApiProps | Props for WebSocket API. |
WebSocketAuthorizer | An authorizer for WebSocket Apis. |
WebSocketAuthorizerAttributes | Reference to an WebSocket authorizer. |
WebSocketAuthorizerProps | Properties to initialize an instance of |
WebSocketAuthorizerType | Supported Authorizer types. |
WebSocketIntegration | The integration for an API route. |
WebSocketIntegrationProps | The integration properties. |
WebSocketIntegrationType | WebSocket Integration Types. |
WebSocketNoneAuthorizer | Explicitly configure no authorizers on specific WebSocket API routes. |
WebSocketRoute | Route class that creates the Route for API Gateway WebSocket API. |
WebSocketRouteAuthorizerBindOptions | Input to the bind() operation, that binds an authorizer to a route. |
WebSocketRouteAuthorizerConfig | Results of binding an authorizer to an WebSocket route. |
WebSocketRouteIntegration | The interface that various route integration classes will inherit. |
WebSocketRouteIntegrationBindOptions | Options to the WebSocketRouteIntegration during its bind operation. |
WebSocketRouteIntegrationConfig | Config returned back as a result of the bind. |
WebSocketRouteOptions | Options used to add route to the API. |
WebSocketRouteProps | Properties to initialize a new Route. |
WebSocketStage | Represents a stage where an instance of the API is deployed. |
WebSocketStageAttributes | The attributes used to import existing WebSocketStage. |
WebSocketStageProps | Properties to initialize an instance of |
CfnApi.IBodyS3LocationProperty | The |
CfnApi.ICorsProperty | The |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.IAccessLogSettingsProperty | The |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.IIntegrationOverridesProperty | The |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.IRouteOverridesProperty | The |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.IRouteSettingsProperty | The |
CfnApiGatewayManagedOverrides.IStageOverridesProperty | The |
CfnAuthorizer.IJWTConfigurationProperty | The |
CfnDomainName.IDomainNameConfigurationProperty | The |
CfnDomainName.IMutualTlsAuthenticationProperty | If specified, API Gateway performs two-way authentication between the client and the server. |
CfnIntegration.IResponseParameterListProperty | |
CfnIntegration.IResponseParameterMapProperty | map of response parameter lists. |
CfnIntegration.IResponseParameterProperty | Supported only for HTTP APIs. |
CfnIntegration.ITlsConfigProperty | The |
CfnRoute.IParameterConstraintsProperty | |
CfnRouteResponse.IParameterConstraintsProperty | Specifies whether the parameter is required. |
CfnStage.IAccessLogSettingsProperty | Settings for logging access in a stage. |
CfnStage.IRouteSettingsProperty | Represents a collection of route settings. |
IAddRoutesOptions | Options for the Route with Integration resource. |
IApi | Represents a API Gateway HTTP/WebSocket API. |
IApiMapping | Represents an ApiGatewayV2 ApiMapping resource. |
IApiMappingAttributes | The attributes used to import existing ApiMapping. |
IApiMappingProps | Properties used to create the ApiMapping resource. |
IAuthorizer | Represents an Authorizer. |
IBatchHttpRouteOptions | Options used when configuring multiple routes, at once. |
ICfnApiGatewayManagedOverridesProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnApiMappingProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnApiProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnAuthorizerProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnDeploymentProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnDomainNameProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnIntegrationProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnIntegrationResponseProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnModelProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnRouteProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnRouteResponseProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnStageProps | Properties for defining a |
ICfnVpcLinkProps | Properties for defining a |
ICorsPreflightOptions | Options for the CORS Configuration. |
IDomainMappingOptions | Options for DomainMapping. |
IDomainName | Represents an APIGatewayV2 DomainName. |
IDomainNameAttributes | custom domain name attributes. |
IDomainNameProps | properties used for creating the DomainName. |
IEndpointOptions | properties for creating a domain name endpoint. |
IGrantInvokeOptions | Options for granting invoke access. |
IHttpApi | Represents an HTTP API. |
IHttpApiAttributes | Attributes for importing an HttpApi into the CDK. |
IHttpApiProps | Properties to initialize an instance of |
IHttpAuthorizer | An authorizer for HTTP APIs. |
IHttpAuthorizerAttributes | Reference to an http authorizer. |
IHttpAuthorizerProps | Properties to initialize an instance of |
IHttpIntegration | Represents an Integration for an HTTP API. |
IHttpIntegrationProps | The integration properties. |
IHttpRoute | Represents a Route for an HTTP API. |
IHttpRouteAuthorizer | An authorizer that can attach to an Http Route. |
IHttpRouteAuthorizerBindOptions | Input to the bind() operation, that binds an authorizer to a route. |
IHttpRouteAuthorizerConfig | Results of binding an authorizer to an http route. |
IHttpRouteIntegrationBindOptions | Options to the HttpRouteIntegration during its bind operation. |
IHttpRouteIntegrationConfig | Config returned back as a result of the bind. |
IHttpRouteProps | Properties to initialize a new Route. |
IHttpStage | Represents the HttpStage. |
IHttpStageAttributes | The attributes used to import existing HttpStage. |
IHttpStageOptions | The options to create a new Stage for an HTTP API. |
IHttpStageProps | Properties to initialize an instance of |
IIntegration | Represents an integration to an API Route. |
IMappingValue | Represents a Mapping Value. |
IMTLSConfig | The mTLS authentication configuration for a custom domain name. |
IRoute | Represents a route. |
IStage | Represents a Stage. |
IStageAttributes | The attributes used to import existing Stage. |
IStageOptions | Options required to create a new stage. |
IThrottleSettings | Container for defining throttling parameters to API stages. |
IVpcLink | Represents an API Gateway VpcLink. |
IVpcLinkAttributes | Attributes when importing a new VpcLink. |
IVpcLinkProps | Properties for a VpcLink. |
IWebSocketApi | Represents a WebSocket API. |
IWebSocketApiAttributes | Attributes for importing a WebSocketApi into the CDK. |
IWebSocketApiProps | Props for WebSocket API. |
IWebSocketAuthorizer | An authorizer for WebSocket APIs. |
IWebSocketAuthorizerAttributes | Reference to an WebSocket authorizer. |
IWebSocketAuthorizerProps | Properties to initialize an instance of |
IWebSocketIntegration | Represents an Integration for an WebSocket API. |
IWebSocketIntegrationProps | The integration properties. |
IWebSocketRoute | Represents a Route for an WebSocket API. |
IWebSocketRouteAuthorizer | An authorizer that can attach to an WebSocket Route. |
IWebSocketRouteAuthorizerBindOptions | Input to the bind() operation, that binds an authorizer to a route. |
IWebSocketRouteAuthorizerConfig | Results of binding an authorizer to an WebSocket route. |
IWebSocketRouteIntegrationBindOptions | Options to the WebSocketRouteIntegration during its bind operation. |
IWebSocketRouteIntegrationConfig | Config returned back as a result of the bind. |
IWebSocketRouteOptions | Options used to add route to the API. |
IWebSocketRouteProps | Properties to initialize a new Route. |
IWebSocketStage | Represents the WebSocketStage. |
IWebSocketStageAttributes | The attributes used to import existing WebSocketStage. |
IWebSocketStageProps | Properties to initialize an instance of |