Class CfnConnectorProfile.ConnectorProfileConfigProperty
Defines the connector-specific configuration and credentials for the connector profile.
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.AppFlow
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public class ConnectorProfileConfigProperty : Object, CfnConnectorProfile.IConnectorProfileConfigProperty
Syntax (vb)
Public Class ConnectorProfileConfigProperty
Inherits Object
Implements CfnConnectorProfile.IConnectorProfileConfigProperty
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.AppFlow;
var connectorProfileConfigProperty = new ConnectorProfileConfigProperty {
ConnectorProfileCredentials = new ConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
Amplitude = new AmplitudeConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
ApiKey = "apiKey",
SecretKey = "secretKey"
CustomConnector = new CustomConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
AuthenticationType = "authenticationType",
// the properties below are optional
ApiKey = new ApiKeyCredentialsProperty {
ApiKey = "apiKey",
// the properties below are optional
ApiSecretKey = "apiSecretKey"
Basic = new BasicAuthCredentialsProperty {
Password = "password",
Username = "username"
Custom = new CustomAuthCredentialsProperty {
CustomAuthenticationType = "customAuthenticationType",
// the properties below are optional
CredentialsMap = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "credentialsMapKey", "credentialsMap" }
Oauth2 = new OAuth2CredentialsProperty {
AccessToken = "accessToken",
ClientId = "clientId",
ClientSecret = "clientSecret",
OAuthRequest = new ConnectorOAuthRequestProperty {
AuthCode = "authCode",
RedirectUri = "redirectUri"
RefreshToken = "refreshToken"
Datadog = new DatadogConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
ApiKey = "apiKey",
ApplicationKey = "applicationKey"
Dynatrace = new DynatraceConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
ApiToken = "apiToken"
GoogleAnalytics = new GoogleAnalyticsConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
ClientId = "clientId",
ClientSecret = "clientSecret",
// the properties below are optional
AccessToken = "accessToken",
ConnectorOAuthRequest = new ConnectorOAuthRequestProperty {
AuthCode = "authCode",
RedirectUri = "redirectUri"
RefreshToken = "refreshToken"
InforNexus = new InforNexusConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
AccessKeyId = "accessKeyId",
Datakey = "datakey",
SecretAccessKey = "secretAccessKey",
UserId = "userId"
Marketo = new MarketoConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
ClientId = "clientId",
ClientSecret = "clientSecret",
// the properties below are optional
AccessToken = "accessToken",
ConnectorOAuthRequest = new ConnectorOAuthRequestProperty {
AuthCode = "authCode",
RedirectUri = "redirectUri"
Pardot = new PardotConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
AccessToken = "accessToken",
ClientCredentialsArn = "clientCredentialsArn",
ConnectorOAuthRequest = new ConnectorOAuthRequestProperty {
AuthCode = "authCode",
RedirectUri = "redirectUri"
RefreshToken = "refreshToken"
Redshift = new RedshiftConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
Password = "password",
Username = "username"
Salesforce = new SalesforceConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
AccessToken = "accessToken",
ClientCredentialsArn = "clientCredentialsArn",
ConnectorOAuthRequest = new ConnectorOAuthRequestProperty {
AuthCode = "authCode",
RedirectUri = "redirectUri"
JwtToken = "jwtToken",
OAuth2GrantType = "oAuth2GrantType",
RefreshToken = "refreshToken"
SapoData = new SAPODataConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
BasicAuthCredentials = new BasicAuthCredentialsProperty {
Password = "password",
Username = "username"
OAuthCredentials = new OAuthCredentialsProperty {
AccessToken = "accessToken",
ClientId = "clientId",
ClientSecret = "clientSecret",
ConnectorOAuthRequest = new ConnectorOAuthRequestProperty {
AuthCode = "authCode",
RedirectUri = "redirectUri"
RefreshToken = "refreshToken"
ServiceNow = new ServiceNowConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
OAuth2Credentials = new OAuth2CredentialsProperty {
AccessToken = "accessToken",
ClientId = "clientId",
ClientSecret = "clientSecret",
OAuthRequest = new ConnectorOAuthRequestProperty {
AuthCode = "authCode",
RedirectUri = "redirectUri"
RefreshToken = "refreshToken"
Password = "password",
Username = "username"
Singular = new SingularConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
ApiKey = "apiKey"
Slack = new SlackConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
ClientId = "clientId",
ClientSecret = "clientSecret",
// the properties below are optional
AccessToken = "accessToken",
ConnectorOAuthRequest = new ConnectorOAuthRequestProperty {
AuthCode = "authCode",
RedirectUri = "redirectUri"
Snowflake = new SnowflakeConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
Password = "password",
Username = "username"
Trendmicro = new TrendmicroConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
ApiSecretKey = "apiSecretKey"
Veeva = new VeevaConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
Password = "password",
Username = "username"
Zendesk = new ZendeskConnectorProfileCredentialsProperty {
ClientId = "clientId",
ClientSecret = "clientSecret",
// the properties below are optional
AccessToken = "accessToken",
ConnectorOAuthRequest = new ConnectorOAuthRequestProperty {
AuthCode = "authCode",
RedirectUri = "redirectUri"
ConnectorProfileProperties = new ConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
CustomConnector = new CustomConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
OAuth2Properties = new OAuth2PropertiesProperty {
OAuth2GrantType = "oAuth2GrantType",
TokenUrl = "tokenUrl",
TokenUrlCustomProperties = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "tokenUrlCustomPropertiesKey", "tokenUrlCustomProperties" }
ProfileProperties = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "profilePropertiesKey", "profileProperties" }
Datadog = new DatadogConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
InstanceUrl = "instanceUrl"
Dynatrace = new DynatraceConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
InstanceUrl = "instanceUrl"
InforNexus = new InforNexusConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
InstanceUrl = "instanceUrl"
Marketo = new MarketoConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
InstanceUrl = "instanceUrl"
Pardot = new PardotConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
BusinessUnitId = "businessUnitId",
// the properties below are optional
InstanceUrl = "instanceUrl",
IsSandboxEnvironment = false
Redshift = new RedshiftConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
BucketName = "bucketName",
RoleArn = "roleArn",
// the properties below are optional
BucketPrefix = "bucketPrefix",
ClusterIdentifier = "clusterIdentifier",
DataApiRoleArn = "dataApiRoleArn",
DatabaseName = "databaseName",
DatabaseUrl = "databaseUrl",
IsRedshiftServerless = false,
WorkgroupName = "workgroupName"
Salesforce = new SalesforceConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
InstanceUrl = "instanceUrl",
IsSandboxEnvironment = false,
UsePrivateLinkForMetadataAndAuthorization = false
SapoData = new SAPODataConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
ApplicationHostUrl = "applicationHostUrl",
ApplicationServicePath = "applicationServicePath",
ClientNumber = "clientNumber",
DisableSso = false,
LogonLanguage = "logonLanguage",
OAuthProperties = new OAuthPropertiesProperty {
AuthCodeUrl = "authCodeUrl",
OAuthScopes = new [] { "oAuthScopes" },
TokenUrl = "tokenUrl"
PortNumber = 123,
PrivateLinkServiceName = "privateLinkServiceName"
ServiceNow = new ServiceNowConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
InstanceUrl = "instanceUrl"
Slack = new SlackConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
InstanceUrl = "instanceUrl"
Snowflake = new SnowflakeConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
BucketName = "bucketName",
Stage = "stage",
Warehouse = "warehouse",
// the properties below are optional
AccountName = "accountName",
BucketPrefix = "bucketPrefix",
PrivateLinkServiceName = "privateLinkServiceName",
Region = "region"
Veeva = new VeevaConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
InstanceUrl = "instanceUrl"
Zendesk = new ZendeskConnectorProfilePropertiesProperty {
InstanceUrl = "instanceUrl"
Connector |
Connector |
The connector-specific credentials required by each connector. |
Connector |
The connector-specific properties of the profile configuration. |
public ConnectorProfileConfigProperty()
The connector-specific credentials required by each connector.
public object ConnectorProfileCredentials { get; set; }
Property Value
The connector-specific properties of the profile configuration.
public object ConnectorProfileProperties { get; set; }
Property Value