Interface CfnBot.IConditionalSpecificationProperty
Provides a list of conditional branches.
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lex
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public interface IConditionalSpecificationProperty
Syntax (vb)
Public Interface IConditionalSpecificationProperty
Branches are evaluated in the order that they are entered in the list. The first branch with a condition that evaluates to true is executed. The last branch in the list is the default branch. The default branch should not have any condition expression. The default branch is executed if no other branch has a matching condition.
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.AWS.Lex;
SlotValueOverrideProperty slotValueOverrideProperty_;
var conditionalSpecificationProperty = new ConditionalSpecificationProperty {
ConditionalBranches = new [] { new ConditionalBranchProperty {
Condition = new ConditionProperty {
ExpressionString = "expressionString"
Name = "name",
NextStep = new DialogStateProperty {
DialogAction = new DialogActionProperty {
Type = "type",
// the properties below are optional
SlotToElicit = "slotToElicit",
SuppressNextMessage = false
Intent = new IntentOverrideProperty {
Name = "name",
Slots = new [] { new SlotValueOverrideMapProperty {
SlotName = "slotName",
SlotValueOverride = new SlotValueOverrideProperty {
Shape = "shape",
Value = new SlotValueProperty {
InterpretedValue = "interpretedValue"
Values = new [] { slotValueOverrideProperty_ }
} }
SessionAttributes = new [] { new SessionAttributeProperty {
Key = "key",
// the properties below are optional
Value = "value"
} }
// the properties below are optional
Response = new ResponseSpecificationProperty {
MessageGroupsList = new [] { new MessageGroupProperty {
Message = new MessageProperty {
CustomPayload = new CustomPayloadProperty {
Value = "value"
ImageResponseCard = new ImageResponseCardProperty {
Title = "title",
// the properties below are optional
Buttons = new [] { new ButtonProperty {
Text = "text",
Value = "value"
} },
ImageUrl = "imageUrl",
Subtitle = "subtitle"
PlainTextMessage = new PlainTextMessageProperty {
Value = "value"
SsmlMessage = new SSMLMessageProperty {
Value = "value"
// the properties below are optional
Variations = new [] { new MessageProperty {
CustomPayload = new CustomPayloadProperty {
Value = "value"
ImageResponseCard = new ImageResponseCardProperty {
Title = "title",
// the properties below are optional
Buttons = new [] { new ButtonProperty {
Text = "text",
Value = "value"
} },
ImageUrl = "imageUrl",
Subtitle = "subtitle"
PlainTextMessage = new PlainTextMessageProperty {
Value = "value"
SsmlMessage = new SSMLMessageProperty {
Value = "value"
} }
} },
// the properties below are optional
AllowInterrupt = false
} },
DefaultBranch = new DefaultConditionalBranchProperty {
NextStep = new DialogStateProperty {
DialogAction = new DialogActionProperty {
Type = "type",
// the properties below are optional
SlotToElicit = "slotToElicit",
SuppressNextMessage = false
Intent = new IntentOverrideProperty {
Name = "name",
Slots = new [] { new SlotValueOverrideMapProperty {
SlotName = "slotName",
SlotValueOverride = new SlotValueOverrideProperty {
Shape = "shape",
Value = new SlotValueProperty {
InterpretedValue = "interpretedValue"
Values = new [] { slotValueOverrideProperty_ }
} }
SessionAttributes = new [] { new SessionAttributeProperty {
Key = "key",
// the properties below are optional
Value = "value"
} }
Response = new ResponseSpecificationProperty {
MessageGroupsList = new [] { new MessageGroupProperty {
Message = new MessageProperty {
CustomPayload = new CustomPayloadProperty {
Value = "value"
ImageResponseCard = new ImageResponseCardProperty {
Title = "title",
// the properties below are optional
Buttons = new [] { new ButtonProperty {
Text = "text",
Value = "value"
} },
ImageUrl = "imageUrl",
Subtitle = "subtitle"
PlainTextMessage = new PlainTextMessageProperty {
Value = "value"
SsmlMessage = new SSMLMessageProperty {
Value = "value"
// the properties below are optional
Variations = new [] { new MessageProperty {
CustomPayload = new CustomPayloadProperty {
Value = "value"
ImageResponseCard = new ImageResponseCardProperty {
Title = "title",
// the properties below are optional
Buttons = new [] { new ButtonProperty {
Text = "text",
Value = "value"
} },
ImageUrl = "imageUrl",
Subtitle = "subtitle"
PlainTextMessage = new PlainTextMessageProperty {
Value = "value"
SsmlMessage = new SSMLMessageProperty {
Value = "value"
} }
} },
// the properties below are optional
AllowInterrupt = false
IsActive = false
Conditional |
A list of conditional branches. |
Default |
The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied. |
Is |
Determines whether a conditional branch is active. |
A list of conditional branches.
object ConditionalBranches { get; }
Property Value
A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step. The response and next step are executed when the condition is true.
The conditional branch that should be followed when the conditions for other branches are not satisfied.
object DefaultBranch { get; }
Property Value
A conditional branch is made up of a condition, a response and a next step.
Determines whether a conditional branch is active.
object IsActive { get; }
Property Value
When IsActive
is false, the conditions are not evaluated.