Interface IIntegManifest
Definitions for the integration testing manifest.
Namespace: Amazon.CDK.CloudAssemblySchema
Assembly: Amazon.CDK.Lib.dll
Syntax (csharp)
public interface IIntegManifest
Syntax (vb)
Public Interface IIntegManifest
ExampleMetadata: fixture=_generated
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
using Amazon.CDK.Cloud_assembly_schema;
var integManifest = new IntegManifest {
TestCases = new Dictionary<string, TestCase> {
{ "testCasesKey", new TestCase {
Stacks = new [] { "stacks" },
// the properties below are optional
AllowDestroy = new [] { "allowDestroy" },
AssertionStack = "assertionStack",
AssertionStackName = "assertionStackName",
CdkCommandOptions = new CdkCommands {
Deploy = new DeployCommand {
Args = new DeployOptions {
All = false,
App = "app",
AssetMetadata = false,
CaBundlePath = "caBundlePath",
ChangeSetName = "changeSetName",
Ci = false,
Color = false,
Concurrency = 123,
Context = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "contextKey", "context" }
Debug = false,
Ec2Creds = false,
Exclusively = false,
Execute = false,
Force = false,
IgnoreErrors = false,
Json = false,
Lookups = false,
Notices = false,
NotificationArns = new [] { "notificationArns" },
Output = "output",
OutputsFile = "outputsFile",
Parameters = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "parametersKey", "parameters" }
PathMetadata = false,
Profile = "profile",
Proxy = "proxy",
RequireApproval = RequireApproval.NEVER,
ReuseAssets = new [] { "reuseAssets" },
RoleArn = "roleArn",
Rollback = false,
Stacks = new [] { "stacks" },
Staging = false,
Strict = false,
ToolkitStackName = "toolkitStackName",
Trace = false,
UsePreviousParameters = false,
Verbose = false,
VersionReporting = false
Enabled = false,
ExpectedMessage = "expectedMessage",
ExpectError = false
Destroy = new DestroyCommand {
Args = new DestroyOptions {
All = false,
App = "app",
AssetMetadata = false,
CaBundlePath = "caBundlePath",
Color = false,
Context = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "contextKey", "context" }
Debug = false,
Ec2Creds = false,
Exclusively = false,
Force = false,
IgnoreErrors = false,
Json = false,
Lookups = false,
Notices = false,
Output = "output",
PathMetadata = false,
Profile = "profile",
Proxy = "proxy",
RoleArn = "roleArn",
Stacks = new [] { "stacks" },
Staging = false,
Strict = false,
Trace = false,
Verbose = false,
VersionReporting = false
Enabled = false,
ExpectedMessage = "expectedMessage",
ExpectError = false
DiffAssets = false,
Hooks = new Hooks {
PostDeploy = new [] { "postDeploy" },
PostDestroy = new [] { "postDestroy" },
PreDeploy = new [] { "preDeploy" },
PreDestroy = new [] { "preDestroy" }
Regions = new [] { "regions" },
StackUpdateWorkflow = false
} }
Version = "version",
// the properties below are optional
EnableLookups = false,
SynthContext = new Dictionary<string, string> {
{ "synthContextKey", "synthContext" }
Enable |
Enable lookups for this test. |
Synth |
Additional context to use when performing a synth. |
Test |
test cases. |
Version | Version of the manifest. |
Enable lookups for this test.
virtual Nullable<bool> EnableLookups { get; }
Property Value
If lookups are enabled
then stackUpdateWorkflow
must be set to false.
Lookups should only be enabled when you are explicitely testing
Default: false
Additional context to use when performing a synth.
virtual IDictionary<string, string> SynthContext { get; }
Property Value
Any context provided here will override any default context
Default: - no additional context
test cases.
IDictionary<string, ITestCase> TestCases { get; }
Property Value
Version of the manifest.
string Version { get; }
Property Value